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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Dude, post who spent how much! I want to see my name in motherfucking LIGHTS!
  2. what are the dimensions you're looking for?
  3. Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. Why did I donate money to a site with threads like this, weaving their dank latticework of shit through the alabaster halls of the internet? I hope all the bad things that happen in life, happen to you, and you alone
  4. There will be, but only I will be able to wear it
  5. http://www.thewingless.com/ocrtan.htm V.3 Updates In no particular order! ------- Additions Dashing - Complete -could probably due with some minor tweaks, but the limiter works pretty well and emulates X dashing well. Jumping - In progress -Very rudimentary but gets the job done. There is no limiter on it yet, so you can do "Cheetah Man" style jumping right now. Pellet hit detection - Complete -Hits enemy, plays the correct explosion animation, and successfully removes itself Parallax experiment - Complete -A proof of concept. When Tan gets near the arena boundaries, the arena scrolls and parallaxes slightly. A small but pretty cool effect. Coop, slave away on it! ------------------------ Tweaks -The shooting animation is now the previous charge animation. In other words, she shoots from her guitar. (I am aware of the origin point of the pellets not aligning) -The charge animation is Spuzz's new strumming animation (she returns to her idle pretty badly afterwards, still working on that) ====================
  6. sweeet. Any chance you could start work on a jump anim next? I need it in my mouth.
  7. McVaffe. Your music is thick and beautiful like an African American. I love you --john
  8. Sooo I'm fucking better than you for hearing aboutt this at the Midway team meeting. That's what. E*peen + 5
  9. LOL. I've known about this going on like 10 months or so now. Mad rofflz
  10. Holy shit, are you ever the key demographic
  11. http://www.thewingless.com/ocrtan.htm click the giant purple question mark in the lower left for button prompts and excuse my programmer art. updatezz Dashing - In progress -works fine. Just needs to have a little more polish when the dash cooldown ends. Also working on a double tap feature because double-tapping is surprisingly hard Tier one Chargebeam - In progress -works fine. Some minor tweaks needed here and there. I like the charge stuff independent of the main weapon simple because of coding and it allows more freedom for our two-tier charge beam ----- Critiques Coop: I think we need to lower the background fence a tad (or raise it). It's right with Tan's line of fire so it creates alot of noise. Chumblez: Can you make a png of your pre and post dash pose? It still has a white background on it.
  12. Epic Lulz I can see this and Coops working together Coops can be the initial guitar spawn and the Level 1 charged shot. You keep holding down the button and it automatically goes into a Level 2 shot. So everybody wins...particularly me since I MAKE THE RULES ::lightning::
  13. ...go replay any megaman and return to me with that question.
  14. Hoookay. Here's the checklist as far as the engine's concerned. Running. Done Idling. Done. Dashing. In progress - Dashing works, but I need to fine tune the limiter on it so you can't Dash ad infinitum nor can you bust out another Dash immediately Shooting. Done. Jumping. Incomplete Charged shot. Incomplete Hitting something. Incomplete Getting hit. Incomplete
  15. shoot that idea down like it's an American infidel. I can just cut frames here and there or do what the original X did where a charge of X seconds yields a small blast, Y seconds a larger blast.
  16. Swf Me You Skinny, Loveable Man
  17. Sorry I didn't get back sooner 30 FPS is the absolute minimum, otherwise this thing will play like being under leagues of salt water. Edit: coop you ain't got no Imageready? I CERTAINLY would no encourage you to STEAL AFTER EFFECTS either. It's wrong and immoral and you're better than that. ...Plus it takes awhile to learn :/
  18. Coop, your skills are impressive... but you are not a Wingless yet! hapbirf
  19. Ask Bladiator. He'll set your goofy ass straight
  20. That's because, and Bladiator will back me up on this... The OCR guild was groin-kickingly awful to be in
  21. Yes, god forbid somebody gets laid because of a song I made. FACT: every time somebody gets to second base from a Final Fantasy Remix, Nuobu [sic] gets his wings.
  22. A waltz is NOT knockin' boots music!
  23. First the the shoes are a few pixels off and now the head on the guitar? Really guys? Really??
  24. I've been out of the thread simply to think of a way to articulate my thoughts (Besides, I'm making legitimate games in the interim too). And I've decided into simple bullet points! Succinct! -I like money. No money = not a lot of effort on my part -But alot people are putting in tremendous efforts, so I feel bad for just walking away, which would be the smart thing to do! -Communal input is great! Communal decision making will ensure this never gets done and is groin-grabbingly bad -As such, once they're nice and finalized, our wonderful sprite makers should make the sprite package available to everyone and they can make whatever they would like! You want full levels and 12 boss battles? You got it mister! You want a OCR-tan RPG? Shit-yeah son! Everything you'll need will be zipped and rared up the ying-yang -As for what I would like, i.e., what I have the energy and interest to do, is one boss. That's it. Just one. -In all likelihood, something without the judges like the Queue-man or The Midi Ripper. Something inherently tongue-in-cheek OCR that encompasses us without singling out any of person as some kind of bizzare antagonistic figurehead. -It's got a quick intro, a competent action component, and a quick outro. That's it. -Again, if you despise the idea or if you've got the most chill iced-out Ender Wiggan idea of them all, by all means, feel free to plunge in and make an engine of your own! -Because the cruel, soul-crushing reality is, he who programs, controls all things on heaven and earth. Which in this case, may not be a terrible idea. ---- Wingless, thy priesthood remains righteous! MANOS!
  25. Oh design by committee, how I've missed your clammy embrace
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