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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Pfft, if it's work related, just do what you did for B-more and call in Wing, did you ever grab your ticket?
  2. didn't get mine yet either oh well, just more to look forward to for the weekend (hopefully)
  3. yessir. i'm pretty sure you'll be staying with dave, so no fretting over lodging.
  4. Just out of curiosity, what WERE you expecting? If you find stuff like this boring, then what does it take to thrill you? maybe electronica just ain't your thing, and if not, that's completely fine--but then why bother to listen? anyway, i'm not throwing a fit or anything, i'm just curious.
  5. probably the most blatant sub violation i've ever heard. it's a dang midi rip with some n00bish loops laid on top. it's amazing how some people are so uninspired. and by that, of coures, i mean, great job, great mix, lots of fun stuff (and nice technique for all us FL users to gawk at). a pleasure to listen to!
  6. as the event approaches, and with the *CHANCE* that a certain someone (who kicks loads of ass) who I shall leave unnamed for the time being might make an appearance, I might go ahead and plan on attending the saturday show as well side note, can i get a mod to change the title to something like "VGL DC meetup - all info in 1st post) so people won't have to post stuff like "hey, i don't want to read __ # of pages. what's the deal?"
  7. guys and gals, if y'all hurry up and purchase the last of the tix, we can go ahead and see about reserving an additional row (row S, perhaps) so we'd still sit together. but y'all need to hurry up and grab what we have reserved now.
  8. manhunt would sell better if they made chuck norris the final boss. ...that is until people realized that there's no way to beat the game...
  9. RFB, you got your tix yet? better hurry, bro, dey iz goin' fast, yo. w00t.
  10. I do not mind giving you a ride if you need one. I'll be driving anyway, and I have plenty of time. Me so horny. Me love you long time.
  11. i don't care to pick you up. i've already got the time off schedules at work. and i'm about 99% sure at this point that dave's pad is a valid option. i'll PM you for sure a little later on.
  12. Title pwns. Aight, let's see. Uh, delete the first 40 seconds, first of all. It's pointless and just not that good to listen to. At :41 when the bass drum kicks in, there's too much reverb, but despite the poor mastering the ensuing groove is pretty cool. Overall, you can't just set a track on cruise control. that's exactly what you've done here. you have roughly 6-7 minutes of a track that just loops itself, then ends abruptly like it just smacked into a wall. you've got to make it flow. make it interesting. put some variation into it. and for heaven's sake, make sure the ending isn't flubbed. cool groove track, but nothing to write home about at this point. keep at it. NO
  13. i vaguely remember the prior versions. so brain cleaner instead of suicidekai, eh? interesting combinations in both cases. i think if i recall correctly that the level of deviation from the original tune was marginal. since it was a different version, and i don't remember fully anyway, i guess it doesn't really matter. i think this is pretty good stuff. not the most epically phenomenal track i've ever heard, or will ever hear, but arguably pretty solid. can someone verify whether or not there's an encoding glitch at :18? that's kind of bothering me other than said gripe, i think the level of arrangement is strong enough to abide by OCR standards. new ideas and textures have been introduced and integrated fairly seamlessly over the foundation of "foregone destruction". i really dig :46. for some reason, parts of this remind me of one of the killer instinct tracks, but i can't think of which one at the moment... at any rate, production leaves no ill-taste in my ears that i can speak of. therefore, i can confidently say that i think this could sit well enough by our other UT track (which completely blows, by the way--dunno how that crap ever made it on here) comfortably enough. gonna check on the encoding issue, but as far as i'm concerned, glad you persisted in your resubbing and welcome aboard. YES
  14. hmm. intro was pretty cheesy. although, i can say it was because of execution, and not because of the idea. mainly bad voice acting. like, were you going for the "WE'RE IN A #%#$ing WARZONE!!! WE NEED MORE AMMO!!!" type feel, or the "hey guys, we're playing a LAN game. here comes the bad guys" type thing. because it sounds like the latter. at any rate. other than that, guitar performance isn't too bad. mixing early on is pretty weak, and the drums suffer the most, it seems. sound's like they're being played from the other room. at least until about 2:20 or so. 2:33 was pretty badass. definitely good shoot-anything-that-moves kind of music 4:15 is a refreshing change of pace, and adds diversity and flow to the track, IMO. haha, more voice acting at 6:15. K, here's the deal. Fairly tough call, as for the most part, this is a pretty solid sub. But I just don't think it's quite ready to go up in it's present form. I'd consider shortening the first part of the track. that was my least favorite part of the song. and definitely rework the EQ. and as for the voice acting, if you're going to have that in there, then try to make it a little more intense. don't just slap some distortion on it and say the lines [acting coach]You gotta FEEL the words. BECOME the soldiers. be ONE with the game...[/acting coach] not that i know much about acting. but i can tell what sounds fakey and what-not. your within arm's length at this point. just a couple more tweaks ought to do it. tweak and resubmit. NO
  15. sounds like slayer. score. beginning riff is very pretty. song lacks resolution. can't let stuff like this slide by, bro. you've got to put the work into it. you can't just plug in the notes into your piano roll and expect them to form or carry a song. in this case, this sounds like an abandoned intro. way too mechanical. you're already fighting an uphill battle by using a guitar synth that is not too highly looked upon by anyone seeking realism. you've gotta compensate for that in other ways. what other ways? it's not my job to tell you that. you gotta learn and feel them out yourself. that's what being an artist is all about. keep at it. try to go the extra mile. then, step back, and try to go another extra mile. don't be too eager to show off a piano roll pattern. NO
  16. i don't agree with larry hating on the source, but nobody's perfect. to compensate this flaw, he is in fact quite super in the ways of moderation. right off the bat, this needs some work. the pace is just... really... really... ... ... really... ... ... i mean... ...really... ... ... ... ... ... ...really ... ...plodding. i suppose i'm being somewhat of a jerk to type it out that way, but seriously, i'm 4 minutes into the track and i'm just really tired of waiting to see when the track's going to open up. there's absolutely no bottom end to speak of, and the sound textures are paper thin and dry as over-cooked flatbread. the random snare hits are way out of place early on, and later one, the harp kind of dominates the playing field. keep at it Alvin, we all start somewhere. just keep practicing, and learning new techniques. the piece lacks emotion at this point, and you just need to figure out how to really integrate that into your writing. your works will improve vastly when that happens. good luck in future projects. NO
  17. haha, excellent. now then. I have not only completed the Bombing Mission, but I have finally completed the Title Theme. Not only that, but I have successfully fused the two together into one awesomely superistical radness. To celebrate not only this amazing feat, but also my amazing word usage and correct grammer, I demand a 2nd gif. And a shrubbery. You all have 24 hours.
  18. After dragging out the process for some 5 or so months, I have actually completed the bombing mission. Title theme is maybe 75-80% at this point, and then all I have to do is fuse the two together seamlessly into one awesome (and pretty dang long) track. VotL + 1. w00t.
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