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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. shit, andy. i'm sure we can work up some sort of birfday magic between the rest of us. i'm happy to hear this discussion rolling, and i'll also update the 1st thread to provide reference to all the possible OCR attendees. I'm all for the block buy, and the sale price seems to be a good enough perk to validate this. this is a 7 hour drive for me, folks, and going by the meetup we just had in baltimore, the drive was totally worth it. even for a 36-ish hour stay. so if you're a state or two away, don't let that stop you i would hope and expect that at least most of the people who made it to bmore would plan on going
  2. FINAL UPDATE 6/27 FAQ When/where is the concert? Fri, June 29th, 2007 Washington, DC Kennedy Center at 8:00 PM, featuring the National Symphony Orchestra. There IS a concert on Saturday, but there it is not part of our meetup. Those who are going are choosing to do so on their own. How much is it? Doesn't matter. Tickets are sold out for both shows now. Those who have tickets are on board, and those who don't are out of luck. So where are we sitting? View the seating chart in this post. We're going to be close to the area I've boxed in red. Who else is going? See list below What's on the agenda/itinerary other than the concert? This is what the group is going to be doing. Friday FIRST MEETING POINT -12:00 pm - Meet up at Washington Monument (see map). IMPORTANT There is a slight change in plans. DJP informed me that Tommy Tallarico has invited us to hang out at the center after their rehearsal, which will be going on from 11am - 1pm. So. AFTER WE MEET AT THE MONUMENT, WE WILL PROBABLY BE HEADING DIRECTLY TO THE KENNEDY CENTER Yes, this inhibits us from being able to spend a lot, or possibly any time sightseeing and touring the city, but personally, the monuments aren't going anywhere. I'd much rather spend time with Tommy and the performers, etc. Now then. Dinner is still pretty well scheduled for the same, and for all intents and purposes, will still be considered the second meeting point. Those who plan on arriving late and meeting there should PM me though, in case that changes. I'll give you necessary contact info, so you can stay in the loop. SECOND MEETING POINT (for latecomers)-5:00 pm - Dinner at Bertucci's. I estimate to be done with dinner by 6:30 at the latest. -6:30 pm - travel to the Kennedy Center, which fortunately is very close to the monuments to begin with. We should get there plenty early. -8:00 pm - Concert. Our b0x0rs will be r0x0red. DJP's rough estimate of concert etc is an hour and a half. -10:00 pm (or whenever the concert is over) All I can officially (and finally) say, is we need to be flexible. Depending on the circumstances we need to be prepared to roll in any direction. So let's try to remain flexible. Saturday Saturday, there's a change as well. I'm going to leave the original plan listed below in italics, but here's the new update. I still think it's a cool idea to have the shindig at the park, but it's probably going to be more of a "let's see how everyone feels" sort of thing. Since we'll be missing touring around the city, some people may want to do that. I suppose we'll just take a consensus the night before, or the morning of. If we DO in fact go to Burke Lake, then here are the original plans. -Early (8am - 9am or so)- wake up, breakfast, get ready, etc. By 10 am or so, everyone should just about be ready so we can travel to the park -11:00 am - Arrive at Burke Lake park (click here for specs) for food, fun, games, frisbee, maybe swimming, boat rentals, etc. We'll probably chill there until around 4:00 pm or so. If we pull this off, then those who attend and plan on eating should plan on being willing and able to contribute a few dollars (probably $5 - 10) to cover the cost of food, parking, and any other expenses the group will incur. We'll make sure to keep it even, and if any is left over, we'll distribute it back. But this keeps things fair, and prevents one person from getting screwed with the *big* bill. FINAL This is the end of the official itinerary. After the park, or perhaps I should say Saturday afternoon, there is no official plan. People who need to leave are welcome to leave. People who want to stay are welcome to stay. Some people will be attending the Saturday concert. Some will not. I (BGC) am personally staying until Sunday morning. For those who are doing the same, I'm sure we'll think of something fun to do in the meanwhile. I just want to make it clear that there is no OFFICIAL plan for the collective group after Saturday afternoon. I live far away. Travel is expensive. Do I have to pay for a hotel stay, too? Jose and Bahamut were good enough to grab a hotel room and I believe they are sharing with Darkesword, Kroze, and Q-Pa. If anyone decides to come last minute, you are responsible for finding your own lodging. I won't be attending VGL. Can I still come hang out? Absolutely. You are more than welcome to come to just the meetup. The reverse holds true, also. If you can catch VGL, but perhaps can't swing the extra time for the meetup, we won't hold it against you. We're happy to have any and everyone who can be there attend, no matter how briefly. What if I bought a ticket with the group, but then I can't go? If worse comes to worse, we'll be happy to scalp the tickets for the show. You might take a bit of a loss, but we'll do everything we can to get you reimbursed. Why not go to the Saturday concert as well/instead? Planning one night has been enough (unofficial) responsibility for BGC. Plus, it was a money thang for most folks. I'm not sure I have reliable transportation. What do I do? Unfortunately, there are a few people in this situation. All I can say is, hopefully, you'll figure out something. We sincerely hope you'll find a way to attend. What about getting around DC itself? At this point, I belive we should have enough cars to transport everyone. Let's remain optimistic. DEFINITE ATTENDANTS (tickets purchased) First 25 Bahamut + friend [2] BGC + wife [2] Darkesword [1] DJP [5] DJSammyG [1] DragonAvenger (with brother) [2] Escariot (with girlfriend) [2] Geoffrey Taucer [1] Jose the Bronx rican [1] Kroze [1] Liontamer [2] Moguta [1] Pixietricks [1] RealFolkBlues [1] The Pezman [1] The Wingless [in spirit only - we'll miss the physical presence of your sexy man bod] Zircon [1] 26 - 27 RealFolkBlues' Friend [1] Q-Pa [1] POSSIBLY DROPPING BY (in or near the area) Dr. Rod Ziwtra Seating chart:
  3. Liontamer brought this date to my attention. I am considering making the trek to this, and I'd love to see many of the people I just saw this past weekend. Anyone else considering this? If so, we should coordinate details early so we can get good seats, preferably in the same section, and make sure we all go on the correct/same day. Tickets go on sale April 11th. Thoughts? (if nothing else, I can always make the shorter trek to Louisville and see it with Souliarc)
  4. wow, lot more out there than i initially thought maybe i should start a list or something
  5. http://wgaw.ytmnd.com/ that is correct, sir. specifically, on beat 3 of the 1st measure of the 2nd part of the solo. very very brief. good ear, bro. (reference point for those who care. and i don't recommend actually watching the video. just the audio.)
  6. also, we should get a higher res version of this one so we can see people better
  7. did anyone happen to notice i was attacking it's weak point for massive damage? when we gonna get da videos up?
  8. man, i drove the farthest and didn't even win a prize... you guys suck... i guess that's why you chumps got owned at apples to apples by teh BGC. no seriously, though, i had a great time. totally worth the drive. won't be a common occurrence, but definitely a lot of fun. despite my posterior being a little sore after the drive back, i have no regrets about going. the ice capella groove was tight, the food was awesome, and playing/watching people play the wii was a blast. thanks to jill for hosting, and hopefully she'll get the pics/videos up soon
  9. Once again I find myself kind of in the middle on another one of your mixes, David. I still love the original Chronometrical, and listen to it from time to time. This mix lives up to the expectations I had as far as having some hauntingly beautiful vibes, so that was good to hear. I guess I'm probably more inclined to agree with pretty much everything Larry had to say, for the most part. Primarily, I think there are a few things that could have been executed a little better to really push this one from "well, it's ALMOST there" to "yeah, this is DEFINITELY there." The beginning was indeed very pretty. I felt when the piano does show up at 1:25, it was a little too loud and invasive... The low strings that chime in around 1:49 or so don't really fit as well as I think they should. I think a sample with a less legato attack would have sat a little better with the piano. When the melody does kick in at 2:25, I was a little disappointed in the strings. The string part writing in Chronometrical was absolutely stunningly beautiful. Don't know how to put this, but they were really really dull under the piano. I think they really could have been spruced up with a little more movement and not sat so lazily on each bar. I did like the oboe that kicked in right after that section. I actually really liked from 3:20 on, where it's just the chimes and piano. To sum it up as shortly as I can, there's a lot of good ideas in the track. Overall, the setup you've got in terms of instrumentation is fairly solid. I think it could have used a little more melodic and countermelodic content. I would have liked for the main melody to make a little bit more lasting appearance as well. Main thing that would boost this tracks EXP and bump it to the next level would be to give those low strings something to do. So close, and I genuinely hate it that I feel the need to vote this way, but I hate to try to rationalize a YES when I feel like this isn't as good as it could or should be. So I hope you don't get discouraged and just realize that your tracks still have some unrealized potential on top of a really solid foundation. Keep at it, bro. Seriously. NO (resubmit)
  10. Well, I do use the "Stereo enhancer" FX in FL Studio on individual instruements from time to time, usually if I want to bring that particular instrument more into the foreground. But otherwise, I just sort of "mix by ear." If it sounds uneven, I'll tweak it. Or sometimes, I will actually watch the stereo monitor while it's playing in winamp. Otherwise, I just mainly pan, tweak, and repeat.
  11. haha, my desired effect indeed. My past remixes bear witness of this, but I like doing things to keep a mix from being too "predictable" I suppose. Sometimes, they don't *seem* to work out so hot, like the tempo change in Bionic Electronica, or the piano part in Begin the End of the Beginning, but I'd rather do something "different" than keep a track on steady autopilot. It's just a tendency of mine. Also, from my site, a bit more explanation on the mix. . It should also be noted that this mix was created in 3 days--the fastest project I've ever completed from start to finish. Go me I'll give mad props to anyone who can point out exactly where the Power Rangers theme is.
  12. Some good advice (even before I became a judge) is this. Even if you're really super sure (or other people tell you that THEY'RE really super sure) that your track is *ready*, it never hurts to hold off for a good week or so. There's ALWAYS going to be something that's going to catch your attention later on that you'll wish you'd done differently. Anyway, that being said, I'll try to give you a more thorough review on your WIP a little later, but I will say that this is most impressive if it's been constructed in just a few hours. Great foundation you've got here. I think your track has tons of potential, even sounding as cool as it already does. Also, expanding on more of what Leah was saying, I find in FL Studio, poorly assigned/managed reverb is what eats up my CPU the quickest. Don't know if it's the same in cubase or not, but never hurts to check.
  13. actually i saw that sephfire was on his website, and that was actually the inspiration for this thread.
  14. So I know I'm not the only one. Are you? Have you ever been? Any marriages in the works? So how 'bout it? *NOTE* Seeing as this is not the PP&R forum, please keep this thread free from comments like "Nah, I don't believe in marriage" or any other debate-type religious or political comments. This is just more of an FYI/fun type of thread. Also, if for whatever reason you are on the list(s) below and do not wish to be, please let me know and I'm happy to remove your name. I'm not trying to violate anyone's privacy and I'm generally just going by what information I either know already or is generally available to community as common knowledge. FOR CERTAIN djpretzel (in celebratory OCR colors) Ailsean Alpine Flame amarriedmegaphone Antonio Pizza Ashamee & nekofrog BardicKnowledge BGC BiteBishop bladiator bLiNd & JaDE ARaN HaRuNo bobsideways Calpis CHIPP damage Citris conyeezy CotMM Dale North DJ Carbunk1e Disco Dan DoctorDevice EdgeCrusher Eulogic Fray Ghetto Lee Lewis Goat Halebopp & Pongball herograw Jago Jam Stunna James George JoeCam Joshua Morse Kaijin Kanthos Kawaiininjakat & Primoris kupernikus Kureejii Lea Legion303 Mathphile Bill Mazedude Mechafone Neo Samus Nienna Norg Nutritious oO0Phoenix0OoOA Pixietricks & zircon prophetik Reaif Sengin Sephfire SirChadlyOC Sole Signal Spunodi Toadofsky Tweek Virt Wandering Budoka Xaleph ENGAGED AkumuHau Blackwinged Saron Blue Magic G_D Salluz STEVO'S BEARD & VILECAT Vivi22
  15. So yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make the trek. If anyone lives along I-40 / I-81 and would like to carpool, I wouldn't mind the extra gas money MAP
  16. dang, this would have been prime for recapitated... props for pursuing a style that i haven't yet hear for ice cap, but it's pretty obnoxious at this point. not sure how to sugar-coat it, so i apologize if i seem insulting. p.s. slayer ftw
  17. unfortunately, no. i wore my shirt recently up at busch gardens williamsburg back in october, but i'm pretty sure no one noticed.
  18. Woah, let me just clarify something really quick. By "make it more interpretive" I was by no means suggesting the only way to get this passed, or make it better would be to lay some PH4T T3CHNO BE4TZ!!!11! or anything of the like. Nor am I suggesting you "mutilate" the theme. Basically, the whole scheme of what we look for and showcase here at OCR is a person's ability to display creative insight with a particular song. That is, take the overall theme, the mood, the mental vibe that is created when you hear the tune, and pick it up and run with it. We like for you to do this for a couple reasons. -It is a better display of your talents as a musician. Almsot anyone who's ever touched music software here can take a theme and produce an "upgrade" version--either by ripping a MIDI file and tweaking that, or doing what you did, and just listening to the original source tune(s) and writing the parts exactly as you hear them, and using better instruments than, say, the SNES sound chip was capable of. -It helps you develop and strengthen your own abilities as a musician to understand and apply music theory and technique. -It gives you more credit than you'd otherwise get. If you do a mere upgrade version, like previously mentioned, again, you're going to score very little credit when someone else listens. If you put more into your arrangement and rearrangement, it kind of puts a virtual ID tag on it. Like "Yeah, here's a cool version of the Super Metroid theme" vs. "Hey, check out the version of the Super Metroid theme that this guy Sam Dillard did". At least, that's how I always look at video game mixes, and I'm sure there are others who feel the same. By all means, keep the mix you have. Heck, I enjoy it. Dafydd obviously does I'm telling you, though, hunt down a couple of the orchestral mixes that are hosted here and compare them to their respective source tunes. You'll hear what I'm talking about. I'd post more, but you'll have to do more hunting on your own. Here's a couple good examples, one also from Super Metroid http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01039/ http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01274/ By the way, since you're pretty new here, make sure you download and install Chipamp (on the front page) for winamp, and then you can download and listen to additional source tunes without too much effort.
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