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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Well, other than wanting to take a song that's been posted for free distribution, and then wanting to revoke it so it can be sold for profit, is there any other reason Dave hasn't covered that would truly justify wanting to take down a mix? Not to sound like a kiss-ass, I think Dave pretty well covered his reasons for not counting those as valid reasons, and he explained his reasoning really well. that part, i can't really answer for you, but i will say i hope not.
  2. you're probably right i appreciate your comments--for what it's worth, i suppose it helps put things in perspective for me, too. good to know there actually *are* mature people out there
  3. right, i mean, i get that; i summed it up with right, and fair enough, but i guess what i'm so puzzled by is how people tend to jump the gun and automatically "head for the hills" instead of just simply approaching the matter in a mature fashion. i'm all for moving the site forward. i just don't understand what makes people so worried that they feel the need to start throwing out all these scenarios (most of them unlikely or otherwise far-fetched) and spouting "A pox on thee, OCR-demon!" i'm no lawyer myself, and wouldn't say i have any impressive knowledge of the subject, but from a common-folk-common-sense perspective, it's frustrating to comprehend the *real* motivation for people to panic, as it seems.
  4. cool man. too bad you're not riding with us, though. that would have been a blast. but i'm just glad you'll be attending for sure.
  5. right, and that's cool. offering advice/comment on how something is worded aight. i was just speaking of people who tend to draw up all these crazy "what if" instances, which (to me) is like asking "what if a grizzly bear was to come charging into my room as i type? what then, huh???" sure, i suppose it'd be good to know what to do in that exact situation IF it ever happened, but really, who's going to worry about that?
  6. what is all the fuss about? i'm still not certain why people love to draw up all these highly improbably "what if...?" scenerios? let's keep this simple. OCR is not about ripping off anyone's music. it's always been dedicated to paying homage to great music that has been heretofore under-appreciated. we're just trying to move things forward. get the site more recognition, and therefore remixers, and therefore original composers, games, etc. so what's the deal? why the fuss? honestly. i sincerely don't understand the paranoia.
  7. Effectively dark sonic atmosphere. Thought the SFX were used pretty well around 2:12. Processed well enough that they didn't take the track down to a explicitly lo-fi feel. Obviously, Lee knows what he's doing, and he knows (hopefully) what is acceptable here at OCR, both circa 2001 and the present. There is, however a distinct lack of two important factors that this mix needs, and the blatant (and probably intentional) omission of such not only pisses me off, but just shows poor taste. Those elements are: 1. The Terra theme 2. Homer Simpson Sorry, Lee, you give me no choice but to bust out the NO OVERRIDE and by that, of course, i mean YES
  8. wow, now this is cool. i wasn't crazy about the execution of the transition at 2:20, but all in all, in my own opinion, this is an excellent example of reinterpreting a track in your own style. great stuff. that's all i can say. YES
  9. Jon said it. I know we can't all have multi-thousand-dollar sample libraries and plugins, but you've got to overcome that obstacle in the meanwhile. glib-vote ftw. NO
  10. Haha, damn, the whole chill-to-funk movement really caught me off guard at 1:02. Props to you, the remixer who can pull that off in a pleasing way. I don't mind the over-quantization, especially since adequate attention has been paid to the dynamics of individual notes and sequences. This is a pretty fun track to listen to. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tapping my toe. Seems there's another changeup in style around 2:23, adding yet more diversity and unpredictability. Despite the rigidness in the piano rhythm, this track still puts off the feel of good improve. Yeah, this is good stuff. There's no reason why this shouldn't be on the front page. Kudos, Double D. YES
  11. Indeed, cool ideas going on, but this feels more like a sketch draft than a final product. It's way too dry. I immediately recognized the opening loop as one from the FL "Drumloops" folder - DL_Modring, specifically. Let me offer advice that while I won't ever directly tell someone to completely avoid those loops (I've used them on occasion) it's a good idea to use them as a last resort. The portamento saw lead was really boring. Definitely could have used a cooler lead. This track really has some potential, but you need to get a feel for some tactful complexity. As it is, I can tell you've got the hang of certain techniques in FL, but you've got to select your instrumental palette a little better. And try to keep the ball rolling for a little longer than 2:20. Not a bad sub in terms of potential, but this has got to evolve into something a little with a little more grandeur and put off a little more "WOW" to the listener first. Keep it up Billy. Play around with this one a little longer. Tweak what you've got, and expand on it something fierce. Then, feel free to bring this on back and give it another shot on the panel here. NO
  12. This is a tough call. I waited forever to vote on this, because each time I would sit down and say "OK, I'm FINALLY going to actually vote on this..." I would feel a different way. I was hot and cold and hot again and cold again with this one. It seems every other time I listen to this, I'm feeling the opposite of how I did the listen before. I swear, my brain has nearly imploded. As cop-out-ish as this is, ultimately I had to turn to my fellow J's votes to see what the presented arguments for and against were. Ultimately, while I agree almost 50/50 with both sides, at present, it's more of a 50.01% FOR and 49.99% AGAINST This is a unique approach, and successfully reinterpreting any track into a different time signature usually takes a fair amount of effort. Despite the lack of prominent source melody, I can gather well enough that the mix originated from the original "People of the Far North", so that's cool. I didn't have really any major quirks as far as the production goes. There were times when the dissonance seemed accidental instead of intentional, but it's brief enough that even if it were, Palpable could easily enough say that it was intentional and I'd believe him, so it doesn't really matter. This is such a close call, and it's made by a razor's breadth. BORDERLINE YES
  13. Pretty tight. Definitely a great adaptation into 4/4. Tweek knows I dig the track
  14. well, the add-on seats are still directly connected to the rest of the group seats. so you'll be sitting right behind the rest of the group.
  15. that was my interpretation. not necessarily a "who's your daddy???" type thing, but more of a "think before you throw your tantrum" thing.
  16. i don't mind one bit. the only problem is, it's almost equally as far from knoxville to raleigh, so i don't know that i'd be really practical... according to mapquest, here's raleigh to asheville: Total Est. Time: 4 hours, 2 minutes Total Est. Distance: 251.17 miles if you could get a ride that far, then that should work. but then again, that's not much farther than your trip up 95 straight to DC, right? like i said, if you'd be willing to spend the extra time and go a little out of your way, you could take grayhound, at least to asheville. it'd be a blast to ride up with you man.
  17. if all else fails, you may want to check into some bus tickets. they're not all that expensive, and they're cheaper if you buy online in advance. i'd hate for you to not be able to go, bro. this is going to be the meetup of all meetups, so if you do have to spend a little extra $, then at least you know it'll be worth it
  18. I believe we may actually set a record for "most OCR staff to attend a meetup". Can we reinstate Wingless as a Judge temporarily just so we can beat the "most J's in one place at one time" record? (which I think as of current is 5)
  19. Well, I was doing some comparisons this morning of distances and exploring options and such, and it might be better for us to meetup in bristol. it's a straight shot up 26 for you, and a straight shot up 40-81 for me. and it would save one of ua at least 115 miles, and cut out an unnecessary leg of the triangle as well. pic: thoughts? also, is tauce riding with you/us? if so, i'm going to try to secure the van. if not, we'll probably take the camry. GT, what say you?
  20. funny you should ask this. the wife and i were at best buy the other day browsing them. we're pretty much in the same boat. i have no idea what qualities to look for. so i eagerly await the response of someone who knows anything about them also.
  21. not bad, but it's still got some ground to cover yet. main thing is it's just way too repetive as far as the original music goes. you've used the melody pretty much verbatim. granted, you've changed each segment so it's not exactly just looped over and over, but you still need to deviate just a little. if you're shooting to get this on OCR, remember to make sure you're not just submitting a "cover" of the track. *EDIT* damn VB. this was the most recent post in the WIP forum, so i responded without actually paying attention to the fact that it's a non-OCR mix. at any rate, i still think it's a bit repetitive and coverish for my own taste. also, back in the day i had this song in stepmania, which is another reason i jumped the gun thinking this was an OCRWIP.
  22. i love you. i luve ur mom. hope you and ur mom celebrate your special days in a special way. but not as special as larry celebrates ur mom. p.s. ur mom
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