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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I've heard a few of these since the WIP stage, and I gotta say Andy, I think this CD is going to be an excellent showcase of your talent. Here's to hoping it'll land in the "right" hands I could say something great about each track I've heard, but I'll just simply say that it's all excellent stuff! especially Nitronic... lol
  2. well, my only problem with that is that whoever preorders the tickets needs to have the money first. that seems the only fair way to do it, that way there's not a chance of them getting shafted if they front the money themselves, and someone bails. i think we seem to have enough people that we should go ahead and set a date to buy the tickets next week or so. or rather, set a date for everyone to send money to the DTB (designated ticket buyer).
  3. http://leah.johnsandford.org/images/ocrlogo02.png hahahaha, very nice
  4. One of the best mixes on OCR. Without a doubt. Both excellent and inspiring. On a seperate note, the lyrics really make me want to play this game, because they seem to have so much in common with one of MY favorites, which is of course Final Fantasy Adventure. Brandon, if you still stop by, I hope you are proud of this piece. You certainly have earned your props.
  5. Do we actually have any volunteers for setting up the paypal account and handling the purchasing? If not, I suppose I will.
  6. Made a lot more sense after reading the dude's "rant" n'shiz. Anyway, back to the main topic of this thread: In case anyone has missed what's going on, The Wingless just increased the diameter of his testicles. His rise to wealth and fame is almost complete. Soon, he must appoint an apprentice, and teach him the ways of bearing the burden of a cumbersome wang. Fanboys, commence shameless and insincere flattery!!!! <3 Wingless. His moosiks pwn.
  7. Zirc and pixie, I'm going to go ahead and optimistically keep you guys included in the list, just as a possible reference. Someone trade pokemon so DA will come for sure! Not only will it be cooler/more fun with more people, but CHEAPER! Gyaaah! *EDIT* nevermind, someone else already put y'all there
  8. Nice work! And kudos! Awesome video. How do they explain MC's voice then?
  9. I sincerely hope I'm not going to come across as a complete jerk, but I'm just going to level with you 100% This is probably one of the most annoying tracks I've ever heard. I don't mean that as an insult, I'm just being frank. Had I been watching a strobe light while listening to this, I'm quite certain I would have a near-seizure. I honestly lack the capacity to listen to this more than 3 times on loop. I give you honest props on attempting to tackle the source. But it's as Larry said in that you're mixing an ugly track to begin with, and so far the remix isn't too much easier on my ears. I'm going to try to justify my vote with something that seems a little less biased now, as well as I can. The instrumentation is too thin and quirky. The overall hyperactivity of the notations were extremely distracting from... pretty much everything. Textures were really thin; coupled with the spaztic vibe, it just wasn't a very pleasing listening experience. NO
  10. Haha, if anybody can listen to this and not grin, then that person has no soul. And I pity them. For the first bit of the song, despite the perky fun-ness that was going on all over the place, I thought there was a little too little deviation from the original melody, but that concern was smoothed out soon enough. This is packed with Nintendo fun for the entire family. I'll say again, there's no plausible excuse for anyone to not smile, and maybe tap a toe or two to this. If a real Nintendo theme park ever does actually come into existence, I hope this will be looped all over the place there. Really creative, and most of all fun take on a well known tune. YESSIR The only thing that could have made this better would have been some tasteful "hoo hoo's"
  11. haha, I used to love to pound out this theme on the piano back at my parents' house back in the day. Waay back in the day. Anyway. Pretty amateur work all across the board here. Good attempt, Larry's right in that we do gotta walk before we run, and I think you still could learn a lot in the ways of FL. There's nothing wrong with using preset loops, but you have to put some work in too. You can't just paste them in there, and be done with it--that's just being lazy. You've gotta slice the hell out of it, layer it with other beats/loops, and process it. Add your own touches. Don't just settle for "what's there". You'll be way better off, and way more skillful in the long run. (This is seriously good advice to take to heart). Same thing applies to the instruments and synths. Process the hell out of them. Don't just click in the notes in the piano roll--throw some crazy FX in there. You gotta get that CPU moniter up to 97%, bro! (I really hope to see the previous line quoted in someone's signature) At any rate, I'd suggest that you make and take some opportunities to collaborate with some more avid FL users. You'll learn a lot to see how "other people" do things. And you can apply the tricks you learn from them to make your own tracks better and more creative. Good luck with your future projects. NO
  12. Really the only thing that would raise the potential NO OVERRIDE red flag are the direct samples, as far as I can tell. I wouldn't even go so far as to say the song relies too heavily on them, it's just that there's not much to this mix. It is a "bob your head to the chill vibe" type thing, and that's cool, but there's really no development in terms of the music. It's like listening to the same 4 bars on loop for 3+minutes. Glad you guys (Priceless Productions) like the site, and we hope y'all stick around, but we're really try to steer away from using in-game music clips, and we also try to look for a little more direction in the tracks we post here. The song should generally have at least SOME kind of progressive objective (which is going to be hard using the source you did anyway, seeing as it's really just a 7 second loop). This is just a little too repetitive to meet the criteria. Keep up the music, though, and hope ya'll continue on with the OCR love NO (override confirmed)
  13. Whoops, I've been meaning to vote on this one for a long while now, but I somehow lost track of that intention. Overall, decent performance, and aight production. There are some quirks glaring straight at me I would like to touch up on. Expanding on what Zircon pointed out first--the rhythm guitar: some cringe-invoking moments were produced from :33 until about :49 or so. Your power chords aren't meshing too well with your lead. I also wasn't a huge fan of the synthwork. The pulse attack bothered me, and it otherwise came across as really generic and mechanical and didn't compliment the other instruments that well. I really dug the section at 2:31, what with the Dire-Straights-Mark-Knopfler-Sultans-of-Swing-esque vibe. Very cool. The lead performance was pretty decent; you seemed to bend sharp a few more times and to slightly greater degree than I can overlook. That can be fixed pretty easily in FL, or any program that has some sort of pitch automation. All in all, I think if you fixed the power chords, reworked the synth a little, and applied some minor pitch correction, I'd have no problems voting green here. If 100% is a YES, I'd say you're probably in the 80% range, as far as I'm concerned. Won't take a whole lot to bump this one up to go. NO (tweak, resubmit)
  14. Nice performance, production, implementation of pokemon source, etc. The OST reminds me a little of FF Legend II. Cool Stuff. I have little to add. GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL err, YES
  15. Dang. This rocks. The stutter drums are amazing. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but this is awesome stuff. Strings opening are cool. Pretty mellow interpretation--seems this mix basically picked up the Schala chord progression and ran with it off into a hybrid-ambient-trance-onica sunset. Really beautiful. Again for emphasis, the stutter drums are awesome. I also love the TLC given to the stereo spectrum. Nice work, fellows. ABSOFREAKINLUTELY
  16. time fore some GLIBTASTIC GOODNESS from BGC: Production/arrangement etc was coo. Only thing I didn't like was when the ethnic drums dropped out alltogether and your kit drums were still fading in, I don't think that worked out as smoothly as it could have / should have. Other than that, great performance, good track YES
  17. Well, just when I think there cannot possibly be any further progress with the freaking ice cap theme, I am proven wrong. Thankfully Really pretty solid stuff here. I've had this one on my speakers for the past week and a half. Here's the bottom line. This is definitely good stuff. Beautiful intro, I love the strings (sounds like mixologic to me) and the mellow dance kick. I like the slower tempo. Overall, this is pretty simplistic. Initially, I had some gripes here and there--mainly either production issues, or somecrap to do with instrumentation in various places. I wasn't a huge fan of the transition at 1:52, but I can live with it. I really enjoyed the slower take on the theme for the first half of the track, but I also dug the energy and vibe of the 2nd. There's plenty of fun things going on across the board to justify a YES at this point. Particular highlights were the introductory strings with bass and kick and piano followed by the pre-main melody riff from :40-:47. Strings at 1:04, though the tiniest bit awkward in the beginning added some nice funk to the chill vibe. Short attack strings at 1:20 added some good diversity to the playing field, too. 2:20 was pretty adrenaline-pumping, what with the drums, electrosynth, and string leads. Finally, I really enjoyed the choir pad at 3:14 and the 3-2 suspension/resolutions*. So there you have it--that's the scoop from the BGC corner tonight. YES *(I'm a tad rusty on my music theory)
  18. I'm talking with a couple people about the actual logistics of this group purchase. If no one else has opted, I'm going to set up a paypal account, and then we're going to set a deadline for the very very near future to collect money for the tickets. Hopefully this will be within the next couple weeks at the very latest. So be ready to pay sooner than later. At least, if you want to sit with the rest of the meetup folks.
  19. I usually approach TaQ mixes cautiously, b/c remixing a TaQ mix is almost like remixing a BT mix. The original piece is already going to be pretty badass, so a remix (at least one in the same genre) is going to have a pretty mighty standard to live up to. Now then, on to the remix. K, having listened to the source, you have a very very very very small amount of actual content that IMO can be remixed accordingly to meet OCR qualifications. Nothing against your track, I dig it, I really do (a little short, IMO) but you've basically got a little bass riff that can be heard around :16 or so in Schlagwerk, and another riff that can be heard a little later via the more electrosynth instruments. Both are extremely short, and TaQ doesn't really rely on either to carry the source, but rather act as a filler to add some more density to the overall track so it's not just a beat-only track. As far as your track goes, it definitely should have been a little louder (yeah, I know I can just turn up the volume, but I hate having to do that, because then my speakers blow up when the next track kicks in). I always hold remixers accountable and responsible for taking care of things like that. Definitely could have used some tasteful compression on top of an overall master V boost. Matt, your track rocks, but regretfully, I'm going to have to agree more with LT and less with Malc in that I don't really think it'd pay much to resubmit this here. Some tracks just weren't made to be remixed, and this might be one of them. At least not as a stand-alone OCReMix as I see it. Perhaps a TaQ Beatmania medley or something--you could use it as a cameo. But as I mentioned, there's a couple few-second-at-best riffs on loop, alongside TaQ's trademark badass beats in the source to work with. You've got a cool track, but there's really no real (re)interpretation as I see it. The style is pretty much the same, and even though you've got a cool track here, how far can one really go with maybe 8-10 seconds of "melody" to rearrange? Throw this one up on myspace or something so other's can here it, but it's just not going to fit real well with what we're looking for here. At any rate, don't sweat the NO, the music is still cool, and I'd love to hear your take on something with more melodic content/structure, so feel free to come on back with another submission or two down the road. NO
  20. there needs to me more enthusiasm about this :-\ c'mon people, the early buyers get the better seats and yeah, we need to figure out who's doing the actual "buying" b/c we need to make sure we get them money BEFORE they buy the tickets. it's the only fair/right way to do this. any volunteers? preferrably someone who can just take money via paypal is my vote.
  21. bump tickets went on sale today. can i get a mod to edit the title of thread to include the dates?
  22. listen now, you hunky junkpile of sexy arial-propulsion-deprived meat pizza. First of all, my obesity is no trifling matter. Second, I <3's OCR like no other. I was just simply stating that (with the exception of your surprisingly realistic and probably pretty accurate predictions) that it was unlikely that anyone would say anything meaningful. Rather, I was expecting a fleet of comments akin to some we've already seen, such as "meh, who cares--OCR sucks" all the way to "well, perhaps DJP will probably sell it on eBay". I also see that day as being far enough away that it's not really worth worrying about for now. That, madams and sirs, is my $0.02. Now excuse me, for I have a date with a treadmill and some bicycle shorts.
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