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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. We'll be driving a Toyota Camry, it's in great shape and pretty low mileage. However, if it turns out that more than 4-5 people end up carpooling with us, then I might try to convince my mom to lend me her van, which can seat 7. I proposed the idea of sephfire and his wife trekking to Knoxville and riding with us to save gas, and if they do, I'd most likely ask you to just drive here to Knoxville, and we'd all ride up from there. A bit out of your way, I know, but we'd all collectively save quite a bit on gas. *edit* wait, are you talking about for the ride back?
  2. man, if you could find yourself a 4 hour ride down here to knoxville (and back up appropriately) I'm sure we could work something out.
  3. i'm on the phone with larry right now. we're hammering out the details now.
  4. Actually, either Larry or Dave will be making the purchase, so you'll essentially be donating your money to them. Larry's going to the ticket office today to inquire, and if people actually are ready to pay now, we need to grab those rows.
  5. Seeing as those two rows could potentially go very quickly, let me ask: Who's ready to pay now? I know Taucer, Escariot, myself, Larry, and bahamut for certain are. Who else?
  6. well that's retarded. larry? you gonna jump their asses? aight, so i called and spoke to a live person. he gave me the direct # for "group sales" which i'll call tomorrow since i'm off. otherwise, i inquired about which seats are still available, and how many people (rougly) we were looking to seat, and here's the deal. I think we better hurry and jump on this shiz, b/c these look like great seats. also, i know the letters don't match up perfectly, but the red box is where he explained that rows Q and R are actually at on this diagram. dragon avenger, jose, pixie, zircon, sephfire, as of now, what's your projected status looking like? *edit* why the heck is this image not popping up?
  7. tomorrow, bahamut is going to call and find out the bottom dollar price, whether it be through a group rate, or somehow a big student discount. after he finds out, he'll let us know, and then we're going to set the deadline I just mentioned, (Sunday, May 14th) for everyone to send him their money. He is then going to purchase the tickets first thing Monday the 15th. As long as everyone who wants in on the group rate and/or group seating has their money to him by then, everything should be cool. By the way, for all you guys/gals that have said "maybe, we're toying with the idea" or "i'm __% sure I might be able to go"--what's your current status? any updates? i'd be thrilled if some of you 25-50%'s could go ahead and say yea for sure...
  8. well shit man, then do it. larry can't combat all the caucasians by himself.
  9. dont get me wrong, people don't have to explicitly attend VGL to attend the meetup, but the concert is basically going to be the whole rally point of this meetup. we still need to hammer out the details as to whether we're actually meeting up on friday, or saturday, or both. i'll probably get with larry and figure out all the logistics there. you thinking about going???
  10. K, just as a quick heads up, and we'll be able to make this *official* by this monday, but you all need to start getting your money ready to send (probably to bahamut--again, officially we'll know by monday) by sunday, may 14th. Once this deadline is set, anyone who fails to send the money by that time will not be included in the group buy. You can still go, but you'll be on your own as far as getting your ticket and the "OCR group" seating goes. So start adjusting your budgets accordingly, if you haven't already. That's at least 2 weeks, which should give everyone plenty of time to get paid/plan/etc.
  11. bah, let's try not to get into preference debates in someone's song review thread. as for the song, i remember it didn't seem quite as impressive as the first time i listened to it, but it's still quite well done, and otherwise pretty spit and polish. not too shabby! (although, i'm not too sure i'd be that proud of a song that makes doug want to have sexual friction with your leg...)
  12. absolutely. i wouldn't have it any other way. i'll probably fire you a PM either really late tonight or early tomorrow, and we'll talk more about it, as long as you'd be cool with it otherwise.
  13. We need someone to be the designated buyer. Any volunteers? Should be someone who's all set up to accept paypal donations. Anyone qualify?
  14. i appreciate your enthusiasm, but you flatter too much! you, sir, are a true maestro.
  15. i know the interest has probably waned, but how's the video compilations coming along on this?
  16. BUMP guys, let's hurry up and get everyone's input. Are we all in favor of the orch. Premium seating? (Not prime--the super close seats. The mid range ones, rather).
  17. For real. Maybe someone could hook us up with a promo code? Also, Escariot said there's the possibility of getting a *student* discount. At any rate, if I'm going through the trouble of making the trek, I've decided I'd prefer decent seats for $10-20 more. Since the *Prime Orchestra* and the *Premium Orchestra* seats are the same price ($43) I say we just go for one of those. I tend to favor the Premium, because it's a little farther back, so we'd have a broader view. Thoughts? Click below, and scroll down. If you mouse-over the section, it'll show you the view of the stage you'll have. Cool stuff. http://www.kennedy-center.org/seatselection/price_zone.jsp
  18. dave, i don't suppose he could even just do a mid-show "shoutout" (and possibly a 30 second promotion) for OCR? that would be THE SHIT.
  19. Alright, so this was just inspired by me being bored and searching through the members list and looking at various figures and statistics. So here's the deal. For those who care to (and are creative enough), post some random fact about OCR. I'm curious to see the collective knowledge we have about this place. Plus, it might be a cool way for some people to find info they may have missed out on somehow otherwise RULES: ***You can post as many or as few facts as you like. ***Try to keep it broadly pertaining to OCR as a whole. I.E. Don't post some stupid crap like "I have posted in 49 threads that got locked, lollerz". ***Please type your fact in BOLD to distinguish it from any other comments you may feel like making. ***If you want to comment on other facts, that's fine, but please at least quote the fact you're referring to, so the thread stays generally on track. OR feel free to comment, and then contribute a fact of your own ***Try to provide credible info, that can actually be looked up or verified by someone else if possible. (Not that I'm requiring verification--I just don't want stuff like "well, at one point in time I think that...") ***If your comment refers to a specific point in time, please note it. Otherwise, it is probably going to be assumed your fact is current as of the time of your post. Ok then, I'll get this ball rolling: *As of today (April 24, 2007) there are 256 registered members with the letters (title) DJ in their name. *Also, as of today, there are 1647 registered members who have never posted in the forums. On the contrary, there are 19 members with over 10,000 posts. Two have over 20,000, and one has over 25,000.
  20. I think we should go ahead and plan on the show for Friday, and the "meetup" portion for saturday. don't get me wrong, i'd love to hit it up twice in a row, but with respect for funding, reality, and any other related factors, i think it would make more sense to go officially as the group to one show. I vote friday. thoughts?
  21. a bit of an overstatement, i think i participated in FLMC3, but other than that, i haven't really participated much i probably would be inclined to participate more, but it's a time issue lately.
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