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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. The guitar line throughout is well thought out and well executed. i was glad there was no attempt at any sort of "cop out" electric lead. the choice of effects on the guitar was great. not much i can say except i thoroughly enjoy this piece. recommended.
  2. great stuff here! the beginning it very very Halo-ish, which i dig, seeing as i thoroughly the music of marty m. as stated priorly, arrangement is wonderful. parts of this gave me bumps. such as the predominant melody cenetered around the 3:00 area. nice leads throughout - as in, nice choice of instrumentation. the sampling is quite well enough. and i enjoyed the ending. well done, unknown. song = recommended.
  3. yes I do. In fact, I need to go out and buy her one of those sheer body chemise thingies, and one of those sexy face-veils that arabic women wear, light up some candles and let her dance. Man. This mix is more and more captivating the further I let it repeat.
  4. Excellent remix. I've really come to love the mixes that are posted here that cover a less-covered genre. To be honest, I'm really not sure exactly what category this fits in... But regardless, it's extremely enjoyable. IMO, most people can pull off the electronica bit. This, however, takes something else, and Israfel seems to have what it took. This is fantastic. Excellent work. I love the female "Ahhhhhhhh". The percussion is interesting and does a marvelous job in helping set the tone of the piece. I could go on for a while, but I'll condense by simply saying I thoroughly enjoyed this, and I'd recommend it to anyone. p.s. I'll be sure to put this on next time my girl is over here.
  5. (actually, Z-man remixed the 1st overworld theme, and I remixed a boss battle theme. There are 3 main boss battle themes, and I did the 2nd one.) But I appreciate your comments, bro
  6. I believe he was actually referring to the fact that my first remix was for the game Final Fantasy Adventure, which at the time had only one previous mix by Ziwtra. His mix is exceptionally awesome, and mine, in comparison, was only so-so (I think so, anyway). I was still fairly new to FL Studio at the time I arranged Begin the End of the Beginning (still am, in comparison to most people ) but I do think that "Anthem..." is a decent step up the scale of mixing capability. Hopefully, I'll continue to make progress. I'm learning new things all the time, not just about FL, but about audio in general. I take no offense at all if someone says that I mixed a song from a game that someone else has mixed from, and my mix seems inferior to whatever degree to the other. I don't think there is a veteran mixer on this site who sounds exactly the same as their first mix did. That's what this is all about. Learning and improving. I listen to "Begin the End..." now, and I can pick out 50 things right off hand that I would have done different if I had known how. But, again, that was my first one, and I'm happy to feel like I'm improving. I thank everyone for all the kind comments in regard to my mix(es), and I'll do my best to keep raising the bar in quality!
  7. none taken. there's got to be a starting point for everyone, and "Begin the End..." just happened to be mine. (and z-man is an exceptional mixer who puts out a tough act to follow regardless)
  8. This makes me want to run around and give everyone a hug... .... .... .... .... ....ok, not really, but I love the vibe here. It's a great piece. You somehow managed to throw in a slew of windchimes without overdoing it, so kudos on that. Man I can't get over how happy this is making me feel. As awkward as it is to say that. I dig the ending. Nice work
  9. the beginning of this has a very "Symphony of the Night" feel to it. (not saying that's bad... I love the SoN soundtrack.) Just the first minute or so. There seems to be a lot of great piano-oriented mixes getting submitted and accepted these days. I've always enjoyed hearing the piano backed up by modern instrumentation and synthesis. The drums have a great groove to them, and the piano is well sequenced/recorded. Lots of change in the dynamics.. makes it more realistic and puts more feeling into it. Nice stuff
  10. the sound fx cut off rather abruptly at :22... wish they'd tarried a little longer. i like the choir. i love the feel of the piano verses the countermelodies. interesting and enjoyable contrast. i love 2:25 - the synth thingy with the piano counter. well, i sound like someone in the WIP forum All in all, great stuff Darkesword.
  11. Z-man strikes again. I've enjoyed this as another favorite since I downloaded it from the WIP forum. I was always particularly fond of how he seemed to layer(?) the bass synth to get the different sounds at (seemingly) different velocities. Whatever it is you did, Z-man, it's great. The strings are as you put it once "la la awesome" towards the end. The high hat break starting around 3:07 is cool as hell. This mix makes me picture something important... I'm not sure what... Just something powerful. I'm sure it's no secret by now, and I find no shame in saying how much I look up to Ziwtra as a remixer. I'll admit I've taken bits and pieces of his style and tried to integrate them into my own (in a non rip-off sense I hope) for the fact that there is so much excellence going on in his work. There always seems to be an abundance of raw emotion spoken through the melodies and movements in most of his arrangements, and it is no different this time.
  12. this is cool as hell. makes me wish i was slightly good at ddr so i could dance steps to it. the EQ is indeed very treble-ish. but that doesn't really take away from anything. i just needed to tweak my EQ on my speakers a fraction. great work nonetheless,
  13. i like it. i agree with prot when he says this would be more impressive live. it really would be an incredible thing to be recorded so. otherwise, great arrangement, and this is an enjoyable piano tune. nice job!
  14. EXCELLENT job with the samples/whatever you used. extremely realistic. phenominal. wonderfully cinematic. i love the chimes at 3:20ish. in fact, the whole transition there is fantastic. now, if only you could have thrown some pitch-bending in your KI remix
  15. wow. I downloaded this when it was in the WIP forum. This is a different mix from the last one you put up in there, is it not? The mixing/mastering is much better. The drums are toned down, the bass is cranked up a little (good thing). I've had this burned on a CD and I'd been digging it on my way to work many a-times over the last couple months. Ah, so that's a guitar, is it? I always thought it was some sort of funktified cross between a tenor sax and a synth bass. Whatever it is, I highly enjoy it. This is also shorter than the one I downloaded. Oh well. I appreciate your humility, as it is apparant that the standards you set make it obvious that you aren't going to waste you time creating something that wasn't some sort of challenge, nor submit something unless it is close to the very best you could possibly do. That shows integrity, especially as a musician. I think that's about as high a compliment as someone could receive. Great work
  16. Great great stuff. Excellent production. Lot's of talent shown here. You definitely know how to use that software, free or no. Another one of my favorites.
  17. Hands down, one of the best remixes on the site. Excellent structure, mixing, notation, and especially energy. This is the kind of music that makes me happy to be alive
  18. it was in super metroid first. great remix! love the variation throughout! *applause* :offtopic: you can hear this on "relics of the chozo" if you haven't already DL'd it. give it a listen!
  19. one of the best game music remixes i've ever heard. this song is great as a stand alone, or part of a soundtrack. great piano samples/soundfonts. nice mixing. very "metroidish". very fitting of the game. Great job, mr. B!
  20. i think this is great. if anyone has actually checked out the source tune, it's very umm, different. I think the remixer did an excellent job of adapting it quite well. anyone who says otherwise, probably hasn't taken a good listen to the original. I'd like to hear some of the negative reviewers take a better stab at it
  21. does anyone know where you can find the source music to this game? I tried the link liontamer posted, but apparantly it's a corrupt file, as my MA can't read it.
  22. indeed. makes me feel like i'm drifting through the stars... or the rain. either way, this song has a very soothing vibe. i do wish the opening lead had been extended/repeated, as i find myself "rewinding" the song over and over again to listen to it. Great work!
  23. I'm all for it By then, hopefully I'll have mastered a couple of the techniques my mix showes I could improve upon Seriously, though. This game has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard. And I'm not talking about Sword of Mana. I'm talking about the original FFA. It definitely should warrent a "project".
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