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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Agreed... the flute is crap. It came straight from my YAMAHA-Keyboard cause i had no possibilities to use any SoundFonts or VST Instruments.

    But I'm working on a re-done version of it for quite a time, but i just cant find a nice sounding Flute-SoundFont. So if anybody knows a good link it's highy appreciated!



    ahaha! I knew it, I have a Yamaha keyboard (PSR-740, it was hot stuff back in the day!) and I noticed that Yamaha has been recycling their sounds and kits for quite a while. I actually recognized the drum kit preset, the high hats and the uber click are very distinct.

    Anyway, song's a little dated now, but I remember listening to this one often and enjoying it years ago, and the nostalgia of that alone makes this remix forever cherish-worthy to me. :)

  2. Haha, you betcha. I'm skipping the titles just to save time, but let me know if you need them!

    001 - "Super Buck Jazz" by Estradasphere

    002 - "Oil Ocean (WT-40 Mix)" by Planetskill

    003 - "Everything Remains Jurassic" by posu yan

    004 - "Virt's Castle of Inspiration" by Tackle

    005 - "Pipes" by Seventh Epic

    006 - "Manoria Cathedral Revamp" by Robotaki

    007 - "Frame of Mind" by SGX, Aurora, Destructo

    008 - "White Feather in the Storm" by CarboHydrom

    009 - "Still Alive" by Jonathan Coulton (the only non-remix in the bunch)

    010 - "Suco de Melancia" by Red Tailed Fox

    011 - "Pickin' Out the Fleas" by Sixto Sounds

    012 - "Quick Fix" by Dj Redlight

    013 - "Lucca" by Danimal Cannon

    014 - "Monstrous Turtles!" by Zircon

    015 - "The Passing of the Blue Crown" by Sixto Sounds, Steppo, Zircon

    016 - "Space Cowboys" by bLiNd

    017 - "Flash the Funk" by Gecko Yamori

    018 - "Consent (Make Me Dance)" by djpretzel

    019 - "Fortuna Favors the Funk" by djpretzel

    020 - "A Meal for a Whale" by SGX

    021 - "The Ballad of Sir Kibbles" by Suzumebachi

    022 - "Super Mario's Sleigh Ride" by The One Ups

    023 - "C.H.E.E.T.A.H." by PrototypeRaptor

    024 - "Tunnel" by Stemage, Chunkstyle, goat

    025 - "Evening Edition Jam" by Daknit, Bard of Tarot

    ...and I think you've already got the rest. Thanks for putting together the sweet list!

    radness dude, thanks! I'll try to keep more on top of this :)

  3. Hey look at me, updating the front page, and with links to OCR songs featured in the credits!

    I'll add more later. Or Dan, if you read this, if you could get me a list, that'd be spectacular. I stopped for now, because I didn't want to keep watching the same 30 second preview fore LA Noire like 25 more times :)

  4. Punk. :P

    Nah, people are always going to have more money than me, even douchey ones. But I do feel good knowing they have to spend it on bail rather than a TV or something fun or whatever. That's my mindset anyway.

    Seriously Gol, I meant no offense dude, don't take me too seriously.

    *edit* this was all directed at Crowbar, but you posted before I did, so it looks like I'm talking to you Kenogu. :) But I do see what you mean, and that's a fair perspective to take, I'll happily admit. Though I'm pretty sure Valve would probably spend a lot of time working out an angle that prevents that from happening. Time will tell I guess?

  5. BGC: I'm pretty sure the current conversation has swayed towards two general things:

    1) The inefficiency of systems like these that can, and usually are, abused by greifers themselves

    2) Whether any sort of "pay more" punishment would even work in the end, would that stop someone from being a jerk, or would they pay and just continue? Again, as stated by Nicole, Valve is assuming the "punishment" will make people stop. Some people have more money and stubbornness than sense or manners. Some people can't/don't learn from "punishment"

    I think its an interesting conversation. A little quick to dismiss the discussion :/

    Fair point. However, I don't think the point is to make griefing stop as much as it is to simply punish the people doing it and reward the people not doing it. No force of nature can stop someone from being a dick if that's what they're set on. However, I would feel a lot better knowing that they're paying twice as much for the game than I did just so they can annoy others.

    Putting people in jail doesn't mean they're suddenly better people, or are going to stop committing crimes when they get out, but I'm glad they're in there because they sure don't deserve to walk around with the same liberties that non-criminals do. Same principle applies here.

    *edit* Also, yes, you are a griefer. You strike me with lightning in minecraft all the time :lol: (I keed I keed)

  6. so I explain my worry to you and not only do you completely toss it out the window, you laugh at me

    that'll learn me to try to respond to you in any kind of serious fashion :whatevaa:

    My bad, I must have overlooked that. Let me rewind a bit.

    I have never seen a reputation system that wasn't completely fucking broken; I really don't like the idea of having a pay-grade system tied to that. If you can show me that one of these systems can work, that would ease my worry significantly.

    Again, I guess I don't get what your worry is. I really don't know what else to say here. Your concern has been noted, I just don't get what your major fear is. Why would it be so bad to try out a system that makes decent folks pay less and douchebags pay more?

    Of less importance is the fact that I utterly despise meta-games and this would turn all of steam into one big meta-game.

    How so?

    I mean no offense, but I'm not going to lie, I do find it laughable that people would get so indignant at the idea of punishing people who's primary function is to inflict misery on others. Sorry if that includes you, but whatcanyado?

  7. Again, I'm amused at how many people are somehow put-off, offended, scared, shocked, whatever the applicable emotion is at the notion of punishing griefers.

    All of you get a big fat LOL. Because the best way to deal with a problem is to just ignore it, and respect it's right to continue to be a problem, riteguys? :nicework::<:tomatoface::lol:

    I honestly don't care if this actually becomes a real thing so much, but I do maintain that I applaud Valve for even having the balls to discuss a system like this. The "AAAAAAAAAARGHH VALVE YOU SO STUPID FUUUUUUUUUU" reactions are puzzling, but entertaining. You all talk like it would seriously disrupt your lives. Anyway, carry on.

  8. Somewhat unrelated, but you know, I'm not sure there's any one game that can boast the "worst community ever" award. Gamers are just prone to be selfish, whiny, impatient, demanding dicks. That's sort of a fact that reaches across a lot more games than just DotA or Halo or L4D.

    I still don't see how anybody has answered any of my 4 possible ideas why this idea is being so scorned by a few. Please specify?

  9. I'm not sure I understand those who are staunchly opposed to this notion. Help me understand. 1. Are you somehow worried that you yourself might be unjustly caused to pay more for games/features? Or 2. are you really that concerned about defending Johnny McGriefer's "right" to not have to pay more for a game? Or maybe 3. you're a griefer yourself and don't want to get any flak for it? Or 4. is there some other reason?

    Because if 1. I wouldn't worry about it, I doubt that will happen.

    If 2. Why are you bothering to do favors to people who will do none for you?

    If 3. You are a douchebag and your opinion is invalid.

    If 4. Please elaborate.

    Yeah but then it punishes bad but not necessarily dickish players. The ones stuck on the trounced teams.

    Not necessarily. If people are legitimately unplayable bad as teammates, they'll probably either learn to start playing with friends or stick to single player. But I do see your point, and if a system like this were put in place, I'm sure Valve would probably spend a lot of time working out whatever it is that analyzes the player's effect on others, good or bad.

  10. I play L4D2 now and then. Do you know how often one team will ragequit because the other team outclasses them completely? And the better players will lose voicechat because of it? How does that make any sense?

    I think the focus would be a way to tell if people on your own team are leaving. Ragequitting because you are getting soundly trounced by another team is pretty common. I'm pretty sure it would be easy enough for them to detect obvious differences between other teams quitting because a team is obliterating them vs someone's own teammates leaving because they are a jackass.

    And if it's pattern based, it would probably be easy to tell if driving your teammates away it's a consistent occurrence.

  11. I'm not entirely sure that I believe this in the first place

    I deal with a lot of assholes offline

    I agree with Travis's sentiment though. People can and will be assholes whether public or anonymous, but in public, there are factors that tend to hinder people from being douchebags just for the hell of it, or for fun. It will still happen, sure, but the moment people are able to hide behind hundreds/thousands of miles of electrical signals and don't have to worry so much about getting arrested or having their asses kicked or being publicly shamed, they're going to put on their douche-hats without any need to think twice about it.

    Even if this idea gets tried out and turns out to be a horrible failure, I will forever FOREVER applaud Valve for having the balls to not tolerate blatant inconsideration and rudeness from the trash of the gaming community and trying to actually do something about it.

  12. I can't say that the idea in effect will be a good idea, but as an idea, I think it's great.

    Seriously, charge $100 for the obnoxious 14 year olds who are abusing chat to actually have access to voice chat? Who wouldn't want to see that?

    Offering a feedback system for individual players is intuitive and innovative. There's kinks to work out, and implementing it would be experimental so that a good system could be set in place to keep things fair and prevent abuse, but I'm actually pretty thrilled to hear that an idea like this is even being discussed. And by Valve, no less. Pretty much every single thing Valve has thought up or put out there has benefit the industry.

  13. Oh but yeah, there's no difference (that I know of) between the academic version and the full version. And if you can buy the academic version and get lifetime free updates for less than you could get the digital version, then yeah, just do that.

    And you are forgiven for ruining the economy and watching Jersey Shore.

  14. Don't get the boxed copy. I bought the boxed copy and I wish to death I'd just got the digital one.

    1) You get LIFETIME FREE UPDATES with the digital version. And FL updates almost every year, usually with vast improvements and new features. You have to pay an extra $30 I think to add-on the lifetime updates if you buy it boxed. So it's well worth it for that reason alone.

    2) The full version of FL is available to anyone at anytime. All you have to do is download whatever the newest demo version is, and then download your registry key from Image-Line. It's really simple.

    3) You don't have to worry about keeping up with a physical disc that's going to be obsolete in a year or two anyway, or worry about it getting scratched, broken, lost, whatever.

    4) In exchange for the lifetime free updates, the boxed version gives you the Samplefusion Generic Sample CD I think. It's pretty "meh". I'd rather have got the lifetime free updates.

    5) Like those above have said, if you ever reinstall, it's typically easier to just either download it each time, or at least copy the install file on a thumbdrive rather than use the CD.

    6) The physical version is for squares.

    7) Physical copies make your teeth turn green.

    8) If you buy the physical version it means that you watch Jersey Shore.

    9) Buying the physical copies ruins the global economy and kills kittens, and you just don't want that on your conscience.

    10) I like cheese.

    11) 10 is irrelevant.

    Hope these tips help.

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