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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. MOTU Symphonic Instrument is probably the best option if space (and to a lesser extent, cost) is an issue. Which (space) is kind of a silly issue to have these days since HDDs are as cheap as they are now. But anyway, MSI sounds decent, but it's by no means the best. QLSO is generally a better way to go. I actually have stability issues with FL and MSI, I usually have to run it through Kore 2.

    Also, re: drivers, it's not just *old* hardware that has issues with Win7x64. Both M-Audio and Tascam still have terrible drivers for their new equipment. And over the past couple years, I've read lots of horror stories (too lazy to dig them up) about other companies/products that still have crash issues. Even though Win7 has been out for a while, and 64-bit is like standard now.

  2. REGARDLESS of who's at fault. The high road doesn't care who's at fault, and that's why it's the high road.

    All parties, I have prepared a short speech.

    "I, [insert your name here] am sorry and am ready to put any hostilities behind me."

    Now swear fealty to BGC and you're done! *note* this part is optional

  3. Well, as an OCR staff member who currently does play on the OCR server among other places, and as someone who is not partial to one side or the other, I'll just go ahead and say that I encourage those of you who are currently in the fiery center of the dispute simply take the high road and move on with no grudges REGARDLESS of whether or not you are or are not at fault for any wrongdoings that you did or had done to you in the past. Learning to apologize and move on even if you don't have anything to apologize for is a respectable part of life, and many successful people have learned to do it and move on.



  4. Can some one post a brief explanation as to what had happen since my absence? I've actually not been on much on account of updating the client and figured I would be locked out and pretty much screwed. Been doing stuff on my own random map, trying out building ideas and seeing how they would translate over to the multiplayer server.

    Is the server killed and all the effort I've made gone or what?

    I'll retread back on the thread but a brief explanation would still be nice.

    Edit: Never mind I was worried the whole thing would be something that would go on for ten pages long.


    I have since looted and pillaged your abode. And I put my feet on your couch.

  5. Three questions (suggestions):

    1) Does this plus whatever trickle of donations are made over the rest of the year completely cover costs, or are the Big Bosses paying a significant amount of money on top of months of their time? (If so, raise the goal or do 2-3 smaller drives?)

    Yes and no. The site is technically covered with this fundraiser, but even though he's too nice to say anything about it, DJP has actually paid a LOT of money out of his own pocket due to site expenses/taxes over the years. It's my personal goal that we can raise enough money to 1)cover the site's absolute critical operating costs 2)make enough money to have a nice reserve for the site to tap into for additional things like producing physical albums/promotions, restocking inventory, etc and 3)reimburse DJP for all the money he's paid himself in addition to the countless hours over years that he's put into programming and posting music here.

    2) Why is the only front-page mention of the fundraiser an easily missed or un-bumped forum post? (No Announcement even, since the post was moved to a different forum.)

    Well it is a sticky, I'm not sure why there wasn't an official Announcement this year. But apparently we're doing well enough that I suppose it's not really a big issue, seeing as we've raised money faster than any other year so far ;)

    3) Will you continue promoting the fundraiser in mix posts for a month since the official start date, regardless of when the goal is reached? (You totally should.)

    I would say yes. Just because we hit a goal doesn't mean we shouldn't keep going before the timer runs out :)

  6. Portal 2 was a good game.


    Without SDK it is not worth 50 admission. With being able to beat the game in under 6 hours, and no real reason to replay, it is just not worth the praise it is getting.

    I wouldn't say that. While the replay value of puzzle/solution games might not be super high by default, I think it did a good job of presenting not only some cool story telling but also plenty of cool details and dialogue bits and easter eggs that will make the game worth revisiting at least a time or two down the road. Maybe not immediately, but isn't that at least par for the course for most good games?

    haha, excellent find!

  7. The hotel room is a sort of stasis chamber.

    Hence why it tells you the number of days you were in suspended animation when you wake up... and the second time it wakes you up, it says something like 99999 days.

    I guess so, but it does seem odd that you'd be in a room at all, when people are clearly in stasis tubes as shown at the end of the co-op game.

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