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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. DigitalFrontCoversmall-BGCImposterNostalgia.png

    Step 1) Watch this awesome video that José the Bronx Rican put together:

    Step 2) Click one of the following and listen to it:



    Step 3) Go to http://impostornostalgia.com where you can buy the album from bandcamp (digital of physical), iTunes, Amazon, or CD Baby and or tell your friends!

    Notable Notes that are Noteworthy:

    -20 tracks total (including 3 bonus tracks)

    -Over 75 minutes of retro-inspired goodness

    -It's only $4!

    -A total disgrace to authentic chiptune artists everywhere

    -11 total special guests, featuring collaborations by

    • Chris Geehan (of Hyperduck Soundworks)
    • C418 (of Minecraft OST fame)
    • Souleye (the mind behind the brilliant VVVVVV OST)
    • Pongball (you might know her as OC ReMixer Halebopp's wife)
    • zircon (I have no idea who this guys is. sum n00b.) :)
    • Alex Brandon (from Deus Ex and Unreal Tourney. Nuff said.)

    and featuring remixes by

    • Mick Gordon (OC ReMixer N-JekteD, writes music for Need for Speed)
    • flashygoodness (wrote the OST for Tower of Heaven)
    • Surasshu (recent Tree of Knowledge soundtrack)
    • Josh Whelchel (OC ReMixer and Songs for the Cure mastermind)

    -Possible cameo shoutouts to classic video games (look for them!)

    -awesome artwork by Blake "Protodome" Troise



    -chocolate and peanut butter




    -the Milky Way

    -paper clips

    -I think I might be rambling. But the point is, I think it's got a little of something for everyone, especially if you like video game music, indie games, classic games, modern electronic music, and a number of other things.

    This is my first album release and I really hope you like it! Thanks so much for all your support!

    Love, BGC


    Original Sound Version - "We’ve given the album a listen, and immediately fell in love..."

    ThaSauce - "album of epic proportions... worth every penny!"

    Game Music 4 All - "This album has been long in the making, and it certainly shows in the quality of the work."

    WingDamage - "Seriously. It’s really good."

    NerdAppropriate - "Did we mention the album is pretty damn incredible? ... You will not be disappointed."

    New awesome fanart Wallpaper by Keyamoon (the guy who did the theme for my website). It's so good I included it in the digital album on bandcamp:)


  2. Well, PAX is pretty much "over" unless you're going to afterparties and such, I'm back home in South Seattle. I spent most of my week with the wonderful TrueStar, and I'm having a hard time typing and using my mouse back at home because I was getting used to her tiny netbook. Hung out with lots of cool people - ran into Dale North out of nowhere and it was really cool to talk with him for a bit. Also went out for dinner with Norg and his family earlier in the week, Kyra is so cute! She's already talking and is quite the chatterbox. Enjoyed getting to know the Metroid Metal guys better [Danimal <33333] and having TrueStar on my radio show IN PERSON last Wednesday! I hope you all listened to that, by the way!

    Yes to all this, though I am a bit disturbed in Stevo's lack of mentioning that his beard and my chin had DIRECT CONTACT at least twice.

    For those of you on Facebook, I took a good number of pictures which you can see on my profile, and I've got the privacy settings to friends of friends, so more people from OCR can view it. I'd make it public, but wouldn't that mean that ANYONE could comment on it? I need to take a closer look at FB's privacy settings.

  3. Or maybe people got sick of waiting through a '30-second' advert that freezes to buffer every 2 seconds while the "Your content will be displayed in..." counter refuses to go down during these periods.

    Every. Single. Time.

    That's kind of how I feel about all the Legend of Zelda games and their @$#@%#@#$@#$ing unskippable cutscenes.



    Anyway, hurrah Yahtzee, still fresh and funny to me, I don't mind the ads so much personally. His reviews usually entertain me enough that it's a fair trade.

  4. I too would like to see it happen, but the lawyers that are pushing the "Sue Mojang for their infringement!" issue are probably not gamers and would not be inclined to settle the matter in such a way.

    Still though, we can all hope.

    Didn't Notch and Bethesda's Todd Howard recently sit down and cordially chat with each other before this mess started?

  5. Props to you. And amazing mix to boot. That track's one of my faves.

    I remember feeling pretty cool when

    , despite the bad production quality. Getting that kind of notice definitely makes the effort worth it. :)

    Thats rad he gave you kudos. That said, holy crap your mix was loud. I recommend some volume reduction for future renders. :)

  6. Hotness. I love the Tallon Overworld theme. Andy's stuff is always excellent. It's funny, b/c often people tend to become identifiable through their music (as in, you hear a song and immediately know who wrote it due to the style or other small details contained within) and while that's sometimes true with Andy, what's more interesting is that I feel like I can often identify his music more by the quality and style of the production itself. That's a pretty cool talent/ability he has (on top of being a great composer/remixer in general) :)

  7. Same with Braid in a way, but that was bogged down with utter doldrums level-design and easy puzzles.

    Easy? Haha, no way, that game was mad complicated. At least, if you did all the stuff properly, which I didn't b/c it was just too time-consuming to me. If you didn't solve the game properly, I suppose I can see how one would call it easy, though I still don't entirely agree with that.

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