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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Where is this timeline you speak of? I'd be interested to take a peak. Also, stop raining on my fantasy! :lol:

    Did anyone else think that Cave Johnson was like a funny version of Atlas? In fact, Aperature Science was basically like a funny version of Rapture from Bioshock.

  2. You could've just made the spoilers white text. :P

    Nothing wrong with scrolling. ToMAYto ToMAHto. The both get the job done.

    Speaking of which, I enjoyed co-op's puzzles much more than single player. There's probably several reasons for this, some of which are certainly subjective, but having 4 portals to work with in distinct pairs is really unique. The very last puzzle requires a particular logical leap that's used nowhere else in the game as far as I know.

    You know what would have been awesome? Linked portal guns. Like, Mouse 1 for P1 ties into Mouse 1 for P2. Mouse 2 for P1 ties into Mouse 2.

    That would enable them to release a whole new series of puzzles right there. :)

    On an unrelated note, does anyone know why the Pneumatic Diversity Vents weren't included in the final product? The trailer featuring them was hilarious. All I can think of is that its only real application seemed to be clearing a room full of turrets.

    I don't think I ever saw this preview until you mentioned that.

    Link -

    Now I'm disappointed that they weren't in there.

    On a different subject, there's a particular test (I forget where, maybe half way through) where you start out by walking past a vent that has an unreachable turret in front of it, and what appears to be some sort of secret room behind it. Is that something we are supposed to be able to get to?

  3. Man, the puzzles were so cleverly designed. I can't believe how well they expanded on the already awesome puzzles from Portal 1. Who's with me when I say that they were so cleverly conceived, that it made me feel like a freaking genius every time I solved one, especially there towards the end? :)

    Concerning the ending:


    So how awesome would it have been to get to the surface say, right in the middle of White Forest only to see Gordon Freeman drive by or something? I mean, we already know HL and Portal are linked. And the fact that the Aperature has gone to pot IMO maybe could be a great tie in to the resonance cascade and subsequent Combine invasion.

    At the very least, i was slightly disappointed that you get released into a golden field on a beautiful day. It seems like the camera should have at least panned around to show some sort of apocalyptic ominous clouds of doom or burning forest/cities/whatever off in the distance.

    Anyway, I loved the credits for both single player and co-op. I especially loved the choir of turrets. That was particularly brilliant. I also loved the cowboy-ish corrupt core that you installed on Wheatley. I feel bad that he's in space now. It wasn't his fault he turned baddie... :(

  4. As a consumer, I used to always prefer the physical CD. However, a few years ago I started migrating my library to digital and I've noticed my physical library hasn't grown much since then.

    CD's are definitely cool, and there are some artists I always buy a physical copy of, like Dream Theater and a few others. It's nice to have the CD, look through the booklet inserts and enjoy the art, etc.

    But for the majority of my music now, I stick with digital because I don't have to worry about clutter in my room and it's noticeably cheaper.

    Pretty much everything here is something I agree with. That being said, I still haven't really bought CD's in a while b/c I 1)am lazy and don't like having to rip them, and 2) realized that I really don't actually end up caring all that much about what's in the booklet.

  5. Digital copies via distribution networks like iTunes/Amazon are compressed.

    It doesn't matter if you think that you're downloading your mp3s at a great bitrate, it won't rival a CD.

    You know, I never really get tired of saying that the people out there who claim to be audiophiles, are really just more snobby than justifiably particular about their audio.

    Few few few people can tell the difference between a 320 kbps mp3 and red-tape audio. Especially not on the typical stereo speakers/iPod earbuds/cheap headphones/car CD players that 99% of them are listening on. It's one thing to say someone can hear the difference between CD and 64 or 128 kpbs, but 320, I'm telling you, a majority of people (probably myself included) cannot.

    This rant brought to you by the number 7 and the letter S.

  6. Bestselling =/= the good ones. There are good ones that aren't on this list.

    Well, those are the games that the Wii is known by and large for. I'm sure there are decent games on it, but to me it just looks like they're catering to a different crowd.

    Again, they're selling tons and tons of stuff, so I'm not sure it could be said that they "dropped the ball" or anything, I just don't think they're shooting to please people like me lately.

  7. I wonder if this new console will affect the suicide rate of the employees who manufacture it...

    On subject, I've just never been particularly impressed by the Wii's games. I dunno, what are say, the top 10 best selling games on the Wii anyway? I bet I have mild interest at best on any of them. Actually, let's see if that's true:


    Yeah, I'm pretty apathetic about all the games on there. If there was a scale of 1 - 5 that looked like the following, I'd probably be sitting right around a 3 for most of them.

    1 - you will NEVER play this game

    2 - you probably won't play this game

    3 - you don't care if you ever play it or not

    4 - you have some interest to play this game

    5 - you will DEFINITELY play this game at some point

    So I don't put a particularly great deal of faith in Nintendo's ability to wow me with their consoles lately. But that's just me. Apparently they're appealing to a lot of other people so whatever, good for them, I'll just stick to Steam for now for my games.

  8. *UPDATE*




    Original Post

    Hi, Everybody! In a slight break of protocol, we are officially kicking off our annual Support OCR Month! Normally we dedicate all of April to this event, but since we're getting a late start, we're going to carry this over into May this year. It’s been an eventful year for everybody, both inside and outside OCR, but especially inside of it. We now go live, to the mixpost by David “djpretzel” Lloyd, our reporter in the field (and also site founder).

    Just a quick note... at this point we've actually posted MORE than one album per month in 2011. We've posted more mixes so far this year than at the same point in 2010, which was our biggest year since 2004. Nevertheless, we've gotten fewer donations to the site so far this year than in any prior. Part of that is hopefully due to the down economy, but please consider helping out & chipping in... we should be kicking off our annual site fundraiser soon, but there's no reason to wait; while some artists are selling licensed - and unlicensed - VGM arrangement albums, OC ReMix remains a haven for FREE, amazing fan mixes that pay homage to fantastic tunes, and The Sound of Speed is yet another example.

    You heard the man, more music than ever is flowing out of the site, reaching more and more fans, and yet our stream of supporters has dwindled to the smallest it’s seen since I kicked off our first fundraiser back in 2008. In addition to churning out tons of music releases and ReMix posts, DJP and many of the OCR staff members have been continuing their hard work on various back-end tasks pertaining to the site that aren’t necessarily outwardly visible, but constitute a ton of work. Meanwhile, the site continues to incur standard operating costs (which are kind of a lot), not to mention things like physical album prints and merchandise to stock our store with. Per my usual tendency to post statistics, this site has 33,700+ registered members, which is a small percentage of the ~170,000 unique hits per month from those as well as unregistered members. And that’s not counting our thriving social network hits across Twitter, Facebook, Last.fm and YouTube. We’re getting a lot of hits, and it’s awesome. We want to keep it that way. We want to keep providing great hosting of great content available to music and video game lovers all over the globe.

    Last year I didn’t actually set a goal to reach, but this year I’m upping the ante to match our 2009 goal (which was not only met but EXCEEDED) back to $5,000.

    Donate via PayPal HERE.

    The economy is recovering, late filers (like myself) are being blessed with tax returns (thanks to the Making Work Pay credit, woohoo!) and once again, we’re releasing more great music than ever! We’ve released several amazing projects in the past year, and have a ton more on deck for the near future, we’re attending more and more conferences and conventions to spread the word on video game music appreciation, and we always have plenty of new and exciting things in the works. Help us continue to keep the site not only alive, but thriving! We’ve had several donations in the past from generous individuals in amounts as high as $500, which is amazing, but considering the sheer quantity of visitors we have, if everybody just chips in $5-10, we’ll hit our $5k goal in no time. :)

    And as always, if you’re just prefer not to make a donation, that’s cool too. Remember, we have our Amazon and Zzounds.com affiliation links, PLUS OC ReMix shirts & hoodies available from our store. No amount is too large or too small, and every amount earns not only our deepest appreciation, but the assurance that you’re helping this community continue to grow!


    Big Giant Circles & The OCR Staff

    1luvu.gif(known) CONTRIBUTORS1luvu.gif(If I happen to overlook anyone, let me know!)

    Shawn Wrenn 1luvu.gif

    Jedi_Trooper 1luvu.gif

    Several anonymous donors (you know who you are!) :)





    SubNormal J3








    Hylian Lemon





    DjMystix (x2!)














    Majin GeoDooD

    Dominik Roos

    Nicholas Crouse

    Ryan O'Connor

    Kiyo Dante

    Brad Joseph

    Christopher Montour

    George Eric Oliver

    Martin Pelletier

    Michael Shaggy Wacht









    Sag Ee Mana








    The Prophetik of Mephisto :)








    Unstable Hamster


    The Damned





    Strider Kyoden





    Detuned Logic






    Zak Higgins

    Gogo Pain

    Peter Barnikel

    Karl George







  9. During thunderstorms, mobs spawn everywhere, including your completely enclosed home built entirely out of glowstone.

    Where is this glowhouse you speak of?

    Also, to lighten the mood and distract everyone, here's a bunch of lions yelling "HEY!"

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