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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Pixel art is very time consuming. Hopefully they will finish in time *_*.

    When it comes to art w/ as much detail as that, yeah haha, I would have definitely started looking a teensy bit sooner.

    Yes yes, I know, rub it in why dont ya :P

  2. Man, I'm late to the party (party probably isn't the best word). Dan, really sorry to hear that crap. People/companies can really lose sight of doing "the right thing" often times when it comes to money, and it makes me sad. You and the EC team are great folks and you deserve better. Keep doing what you're doing, and I'm 100% positive things will turn out great for you guys. EC is really something special, and you guys deserve all the credit.

  3. Very much looking forward to it. But I do hope they expand on it well, and not basically make it seem like just a longer DLC.

    New characters, new abilities, new guns, new terrain, new plot and twists, new monsters, new NPC's, any and/or all of those are things I would hope to see.

  4. Well, if it came from Mojang, ya never know :P Maybe they didn't have everything running in the dev version.

    Anyway, C418 actually played one of the Enderman sfx earlier today and it didn't sound like that at all. But this is much more creepy.

  5. So I dug this thread up just to say, I think the Left 4 Dead series is pretty much... well, dead now. I really don't see any hope of it's solid resurrection either. I reinstalled it recently b/c of the Dead Air port, and NOBODY IS PLAYING IT, literally. I have NEVER seen a lobby, or in-progress game for it. All I see are mainly Dead Center and No Mercy. And while those were pretty awesome back when they were new, I just don't get why that's still teh ONLY maps 98% of the people still playing L4D2 (which isn't many) play.

    It makes me sad. The series had so much potential for official expansion, and I even would have happily payed for new DLC, but then when they release new content, people bitch about it and then don't play it ever, and continue to run the game into the ground.

    L4D/L4D2, I salute you and thank you for some good times, but it looks like it's the perma-uninstall for you, I'm afraid.

    /plays Taps

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