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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Cindy's been around for a while. She originally did a midi-upgrade release of FF7 not long after VotL and a bunch of people here on these forums gave her a hard time about it, which I didn't agree with. She's a great voice actor, and I've actually spoken to her many times on AIM in the past, but I can never get a clear answer from her regarding things like what software she uses etc (which always makes me wonder). Her remixes do usually sound like MIDI upgrades, which isn't a big deal, but I do know she's prone to claim credit on things that aren't hers. She asked me once to remix a theme from an anime series which I eventually went ahead and did as just a friendly gesture. (She wasn't really too gracious about it either, which was definitely off-putting). Regardless, shortly after sending her the link, I stumbled across a post she'd made on a forum (I forget which) showing off the track as hers, and soaking up any compliments it received. I posted the track officially to my youtube account, and immediately after I noticed that the link in said forum post was taken down, and I think she closed down her account there. Maybe it was coincidence, and she felt bad so she took it down, but then again, maybe since the video had an official link she just didn't want to get caught. (My hunch tells me it was the latter).

    I didn't bother "going after her" or anything, because honestly it's just not worth my time. I haven't spoken to her regularly in a while, I try to just be nice to her because I think maybe she just craves attention, but I can definitely agree with Enetirnel that she can be prone to rudeness, and it's pretty obvious that she's been known to outright lie. Having spoken to her a bit in the past, I have a hard time feeling outwardly angry at her, because who knows what it is that makes her do the things she does. But as far as I know she hasn't made any money off anyone else's work, she's not misleading huge crowds of people, and again, in the end, I just honestly don't care enough to make the Internet Justice worth my time, seeing as she does follow the "get caught (or whatever), close up shop, wait a while, make new account, rinse and repeat" routine.

    I've told her she should really just focus on voice-acting, as I really do believe she has a solid knack for that, but yeah, unfortunately, she does have a record of claiming work that isn't her own, so that's really going to inhibit her ability to achieve true success until she outgrows that as well as her tendency to be rude/snappy/indignant with people.


    I feel bad for Cindy, she's definitely not really trustworthy, and is prone to rudeness, but I feel bad for her and just try to be nice to her, and I just don't feel like there's much point in calling her out on any plagiarism cases that pop up with her. I hope she outgrows it, because when she's not throwing fits about denying credit-theft, she's a reasonably nice person and a good voice actor.

  2. Can you post a couple examples of the kinds of samples you feel uncomfortable using? Surely you're not opposed to using something like a piano VST, I think we can all agree that would be silly.

    I have a feeling you're referring more to things like a sample of a synth pad that you didn't create, or relying on a synth's arpeggiator instead of writing the notes out yourself? And probably loops as well?

  3. Now, if you want a great interface with great drivers (since money is no object) would be anything from RME (especially the ones that come with RME's virtual mixer) are worth serious consideration!

    Respectfully, when I did lots of work at Scripps, they "upgraded" their interface from a MOTU MKii 828 to a RME Fireface, and I was not impressed. The software control panel was clunky and not very intuitive, things like phantom power were controlled through the software, and for whatever reason, the latency was terrible. I could run the MOTU at a 128 sample buffer (about 3ms) and the Fireface didn't seem to co-operate under 1024 without popping and crackling all the time. Not to mention, the Fireface cost about twice as much at the time they picked it up.

    Sorry Dan, we're not seeing completely eye-to-eye here :)

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