Eh, I'm not gonna lie, this is some of the worst overcompression I've heard in a submission in a good while At times, it about blew my ears off, even when I had a pretty nice listening level already set, and it was working great on all the other music I've been listening up to this point. Geez, you've gotta get that under control. I'm fighting the urge to start some big giant rant about the damn music loudness war, but I'm not going to (aside from that remark anyway.) I certainly don't intend to sound harsh, but I'm going to be pretty direct this review. The mixing and mastering is absolutely slaughtering the overall quality. There are more than a couple parts that are entirely too loud, the mix sounds like I'm listening to it either through a metal tube, or in the next room, or down a long hallway, depending on the moment of the song. The drums are completely buried the entire time, and when they are heard, they're too muffled and spacey. For the chip sounds, they're so loud and dry that they contrast kind of unpleasantly with the more organic textures, which are generally much wetter.
The arrangement sounds like it's pretty cool, and the performance as well. But the mixing is just so horribly amateur that I just can't bring myself to give the mix a go. Sorry fellas, clean this up, get the volume under control, and bring it back. I absolutely dig the concept, but you've got to make sure you polish it up before shipping it to the consumers.