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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. So GameSpy sucks a big bucket of balls. A buddy of mine told me about Game Ranger. Anybody else heard of this/have this? My nick is BigGiantCircles (obviously) on there. Seems like that might be a better way to stay connected and play together.
  2. The whole point is that the voice of Duke Nukem is going to be at MAG. (unless you're talking about Garian posting right after me...)
  3. Bwahahaha, so aweseom! http://magfest.org/node/237 :nicework::nicework:
  4. OIC now... Anyway, this is totally not my kind of game... ...but I bought it anyway I figured it's not a bad thing to step outside the comfort zone every now and then. Yes, it was a total impulse buy for me too
  5. Newer version, louder drums etc. http://www.vertexguy.com/dod/cpk_SF2_Frets_of_Fury.mp3 I'm a solid YES on this revised version.
  6. Yeah, definitely a valid gripe. Which is why I'm so happy about the tweaks to the AI director, how a pipebomb or boomer attack or panic event won't completely clear out a level of all horde. In general, rushing seems MUCH harder for anyone to pull off, let alone an entire team.
  7. Well, no, I wasn't saying that if you like Campaign mode more than vs that you're not really in favor of L4D2. I'm simply saying that the people who AREN'T in favor of L4D2 seem to be folks that prefer campaign mode.
  8. I'm currently playing as a Soldier, and I like him. /shrug Originally started my game with the Hunter, but the game glitched out on me when I got to Zed's house, and the little robot dude wouldn't knock on the door, so I restarted with the Soldier. Haven't tried the other two classes yet. So anyway, I'm currently like level 17 or so. What's everybody's GameSpy ID's so I can go ahead and add you guys already? So far I've got Garianse Doulifee
  9. Right, although what I was getting at specifically is that the people who aren't all that in favor of L4D2 seem to favor campaign mode in L4D1 as opposed to versus. I mean, that's fine. Personally, I guess the campaigns got old after a while once you started being able to predict where the AI would spawn, and what tactics they use. And it got pretty easy to beat. For instance, crouching behind a doorway waiting for a hunter to peak through so you can melee it/shoot it in the face. Because the AI isn't smart enough to tell that hunter he has a pathetic chance of doing any real damage to you or the team by attacking that way. In versus, it's all about predicting the ambush, and successfully defending/thwarting it. Or, if you're playing infected, working as a team or picking that critical place in the map where the survivors are going to be most vulnerable to you. That's why the new infected and items are so exciting to me. Just being able to play through the new maps and make mental notes like "hmm, that's a good place for a charger to eff up the survivors..." etc etc etc.
  10. Yeah, lame for sure. Eh, what can ya do. "Sole Signal" is cool BRB I gotta go change the link on mah site. Crap, and I had those alphabetized too. Dang it.
  11. If that were the case, I would expect they would increase the actual damage of the goo to keep people from just hopping to avoid damage. Besides, I initially had that same thought, but then decided that the whole point of the spitter was to basically cause a temporary "DO NOT OCCUPY THIS SPACE OR YOU WILL TAKE DAMAGE" area specifically to break up corner/closet campers and scatter tight packs. Another general thing I've noticed, and I'm curious to hear you guys speculate on this, but most of the people who are not hyped about L4D2 or prefer L4D1 are usually the people who prefer campaign/single player to versus. I really don't think I know of anyone who's really into versus mode who is NOT excited about L4D2. I of course speculate that many of these new additions were implemented specifically after getting feedback about certain issues in versus. Stuff like the corner camping, or lack of range damage infected, or not being able to revive dead survivors. Or the whole concept of separating a survivor (or more) from the group in general.
  12. I haven't heard anyone say that, are you talking about people in game? (I have heard someone say the spitter is basically the same as the boomer, but that's something else altogether.)
  13. Hate to be the glaring noob here, but I'm new to GameSpy, and I'm so used to Steam, this doesn't seem very intuitive so far. How exactly do I add people? I'm biggiantcircles, btw.
  14. Ah, I don't have a GSID set up yet. I'll get to that in a bit when I have some time and let you guys know.
  15. Dang, when did this thread become a PC vs. XBox debate? I see nothing wrong with consoles, though they're not all that practical to me because: 1)I don't even own an HDTV at this point. 2)I already require a fairly up-to-date computer for making music, so I'm not going out of my way to spend extra money on one just to play games. 3)The fact that even though the console itself is $200-300, By the time I've bought my XBL subscription, extra controllers and other accessories, not to mention paying a little more (in most cases) for the game I want to play, I probably will have spent close to $500 already. Well over, if I were to go buy a TV just so I could enjoy my XBox at higher res. That being said, I wouldn't mind owning an XBox at some point. I think there are some really cool games on XBL, and Halo kind of sucks on PC. Etc. Etc. Etc. Can we go back to arguing why L4D2 is/isn't any better than L4D1 now?
  16. Aight, so I've finally had some time to actually play this the past couple days, and I am quite satisfied so far! I'm leveling up kind of slow, because I'm kind of OCD about games like this, and I have to do every single stupid quest and go explore every single corner of the map before I move on... But anyway. So someone tell me if I'm completely wrong here, but I kind of feel like (in no particular order) Halo, Half-Life, COD, Cell Damage, Bioshock, and (insert generic RPG game here) had an orgy, and this is the love-child. I mean, not that it bothers me, because those are all good games, but I'm just saying, it's weird, because there are times I swear I'm playing a different game Sooo, when do I get to actually play co-op with some of you guys?
  17. Once again, I'm simply trying to go in order. I'm almost to this one, but I'm trying to knock out these older ones first.
  18. very true, but at the same time, which is more frustrating, a 10 year old kid who's acting like an obnoxious 10 year old, or a grown man who's acting like an obnoxious 10 year old who suddenly realized they know every trendy obscene word in the language and make it a point to use all of them twice every time they speak words. It's like trying to decide if you'd rather fall into a fire or a vat of boiling acid. Naturally, in the end, I think I'd go with the one that involves less 10 year olds, but it's still so sad to think of the grown people acting the way they do.
  19. Pretty much, yeah. Don't get me wrong, I could hear subtle references here and there, but you need to make the connection much much more prominent than just a very watered down melodic reference (the lead square mostly) and some chords every so often. And what's with that vocal clip(?) at 3:24? Man, take that crap outta there, lol. Anyway, I did hear the connections, but they just need to dominate the mix and not be like a very very subtle undertone/cameo in a 6 minute mix. Production and groovewise, this mix is sick man, sounds great! REPAIR AND RESUB
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