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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. If you are using Vista 64 or Win 7 64, you can use up to 4 GB without having to tweak any settings and simply using the FL (extended memory).exe file. Otherwise, you're stuck at 2 GB.
  2. Why not? If the record company owns the song, then it IS their music. Just because the writer is dead does not mean suddenly the product does not belong to them. If the guy who builds your house dies, do you suddenly have to move out because it doesn't belong to you anymore? Are we going to stop selling [insert commonly used item here] when the guy who invented them *edit* The core problem with your argument is that it is ENTIRELY SUBJECTIVE. Let me fix this for you.
  3. I don't see why you're worried in the first place. Record Labels are losing grip on things anyway, now that people can self-produce and distribute through other things like iTunes and CD Baby, etc. Yes, I agree that music is usually better when it's not manufactured to a brainwashed demographic (read up on Payola sometime), but you also have to be careful with the whole premise that making and selling music for X amount over X amount of time is something that YOU have the right to decide, because you don't. If you can't tell already, you're "Music is not a need and therefore blah blah blah" perspective already bit you in the arse.
  4. Skryp, I thought you already had Trilogy, or am I remembering that wrong? If not, my bad, but if you do, it's only $100 to upgrade.
  5. No, we get what you're saying, we just think it's a little too *idealist* or something. (Not very well founded, either, after reading more).
  6. (Re: EdgeCrusher) Exactly. What people who've played the first game a LOT have noticed, is that Valve has addressed pretty much every possible exploit in the first game and addressed them. -Cornerstacking/closet-camping. The smoker was pretty much the only hope of breaking this up, and it wasn't much hope at all 99% of the time. Now, you've got the spitter which FORCES them out of the closet/corner they're in. -Tight groups. These were pretty hard to deal with in the first game. Now we've got the charger which can split them up like billiard balls and the jockey who can literally direct one away from the group or into a hazard (fire, acid, ledge, around the corner from the other survivors.) -Zombies everywhere. I HATED the fact that rushing became a viable tactic in the first game. And the fact that the AI director wasn't smart enough to spawn zombies outside a certain area on triggered events was just silly. That was quite obviously an oversight that Valve did NOT intend. Now, there's plenty of horde to keep people from triggering an event and then just rushing their way through a short level untouched because the AI director is spawning zombies behind them. -Uncommon infected. It's a nice touch to have common horde who can prove just as annoying/challenging as the special. Ever had a riot cop curb-stomping you while you're down and your buddies can't make it to you to revive you? Man, that's a bitch right there. -Melee being unbalanced. Originally, the melee in the first game was a force to be reckoned with. Obviously they toned this down once people figure out the weapon-switch exploit (which I miss, haha) and then they went further when a single zombie would stop you dead in your tracks. Not to mention that common infected would take 5-6 blows to die. Now one hit, one (or several!) kills. Seems fair. -Inventory choices. You now have to make a decision on what you're going to carry to have better personal odds, as well as what will be more beneficial to your group. Instead of just pistols and auto-shotties, now you have to decide if it's wiser to carry dual pistols, a magnum, or a melee weapon. Is a molotov going to be more useful than a bile-bomb? Should you keep your medkit, or trade it in for the defib? Pills last longer, but maybe being fast is more important than having more health. -Finales/triggered events. I suppose this ties into the "infected everywhere" thing. As Vivi just commented on, it seems pretty weak that people figured out they could just trigger the event and then just wait it out for a few minutes in a corner and then not have to worry about zombies for most of the rest of the level. That is especially no fun in versus. Anyway, addressing one final thing I forgot about, it brings me back to a point I made a long time ago. And that is that I don't seem to recall anybody complaining about say, Halo 2, Metroid Prime, or any other number of sequel games being a full-priced when they were released and added essentially only these things as well. *EDIT* No no no, we know you're not trolling. And as it's been said, it's fine to not like the game (or any number of aspects about it) or even complain about the price. I think what we were all rallying about was that NJ's comments are just so far off-base about a number of things.
  7. Since when has anyone ever known NJ to NOT complain about something when he had the ability? I disagree with virtually everything that he said. How is a charger different than a hunter? Spitter/boomer? Weapons feel the same? I almost feel like he's just trolling for lulz with statements like those. As M-L said, that's fine if you don't want to shell out full price for the game, but sounds more like you're just determined to find SOMETHING wrong with the game. Your gripes make no sense to me. -Boomer blinds survivors and attracts the horde, usually leads to corner stacking. -Spitter does range damage and specifically breaks up corner damage. Also can spit on downed survivors making them more difficult to pick up until the acid has gone. Acid can be used to obstruct exits/bottlenecks. -Hunter pounces and pins a survivor. Easy target after that. -Chargers can send you flying away from your group and then run away, leaving you open to be picked off by another infected, or fend for yourself while the rest of your group has to fight to come give you aide. I've seen the AI charger do this dozens of times already. -the witch now WALKS AROUND so sometimes you can't just go around her like you could in the first game. -Bile bomb does not deal any damage over time by itself. Sometimes, it's a good tool to simply draw the infected away from you. It lasts longer than the pipe bomb, so it'd good for places like the maze where you have to run to shut off the alarm. Also, if you don't pick off the infected while they're attacking the bile mist, they are going to come back at you with a vengeance once it's worn off. I also watched a horde obstruct and kill a tank on expert, so it's definitely not the same as a molotov/pipe bomb. -The adrenaline is also completely new. Makes you run faster than you do at full health, makes you revive downed survivors twice as fast. -The tier 1 weapons are pretty much the same, but the tier 2 are COMPLETELY different. Did you even USE the tier 2 weapons? The new sniper rifle? The combat rifle? The AK47? Also, we didn't even get to see the GL or the chainsaw in the demo. -Did you even try the magnum? It does the damage of a shotgun with the range and accuracy of a pistol. Melee weapons aren't good if you just run into a crowd of zombies, but they're pretty awesome if you're in a corner or closet or guarding one side of a doorway. I suppose the only thing I can remotely understand is the thing about common infected being everywhere. But heck, that makes it more challenging. The whole point of the game is that the human race has been reduced to zombies. Not, "survivors vs. one special infected every 20-30 seconds". And I'm sure the other campaigns will be more tense. This level was during daylight. Things always feel more tense when it's dark, and we haven't even seen the finales yet. By all means, don't feel obligated to shell out $50-60 for it. But then again, I got it for $34, and I consider that VERY reasonable. Also, I'm sure in a few months Steam will have it's old faithful 1/2 off weekend and you can buy it then. You're free to not like the game as much as you want but gravy your complaints are inaccurate. Here's a list of my own complaints/longings that are based on the first game. I liked the old characters better. I think the music was better - that's a big reason it seemed so tense. Now it's just a bunch of obnoxious, uh, creole(?) noise and while it does feel frantic, it doesn't really feel scary.
  8. Class, the above is a demonstration of someone who did NOT understand sarcasm. Any questions? TOMATO FACE TIME :tomatoface::tomatoface:
  9. As long as you got to zzounds site through the affiliate link, yes, it should have worked. It redirects to their main site, and I don't believe it gives you a confirmation of any kind, but it tracks the link that directed you here, and that's how they give OCR the credit. Also, thanks for helping out! Apogee makes great stuff, nice choice!
  10. Don't have any experience with the Xiosynth personally, so I can't say much there, but between the Micron and the Korg, I'd easily go for the Micron. Korg really took a step backwards on that one, IMO. Trust me, the tiny keys get pretty annoying after a minute, plus the whole thing just feels really cheaply built. The Korg R3 on the other hand, much cooler. Great analog sounds, full sized keys, and just all around a step up.
  11. I'm just saying it sounds obvious to me is all Also, I'm on a poop diet
  12. I'm not. I'm just going to let everybody think I did it.
  13. Groovy. In that case yeah, it sounds awesome. Ending is still kind of bleh, but wuteva. Really cool track otherwise! So you're a solid YES now?
  14. Dang, look at me actually one of the LAST to vote on this. Nice work, dudes. That's kind of a tall order for a COND vote, isn't it? Seems like more of a NO, RESUB kind of vote. I don't mind the reverb at all. I did think the FM8 volume was a little loud, and it probably seems worse just because it's such a hard, dry preset, but I didn't mind it personally enough to require a fix. I do agree that the ending is pretty... weak. It just sort of stops, kind of like you just got tired of working on it But whatever, I think it's a great arrangement with solid enough production, and it has a nice vibe to it. I'm a bit puzzled by the HOLD vote though... I thought it was really easily identifiable and had Gerudo Valley written all over it. YES
  15. I would like to report myself. It seems I stole a bunch of muzik. http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/artist/Big_Giant_Circles/61935 Not sure who made that list, but I'm at least a little bit certain that I didn't write all those.
  16. You know, since this thing has 3 solid Y's at the moment, I'm gonna go ahead and just change to a regular YES as well. Young is arguably my favorite remixer anyway. Oshi- that makes me biased doesn't it... I do think the bass is a little too aggressive (volume wise) but the sequencing is undeniably and reliably stellar.
  17. or somebody who really loves Omnisphere! Holy crap, you can actually integrate presets into Omnisphere as well. It's also got the same arpeggiator as Omni if you don't have it. Dang, it looks like fun!
  18. Well, we all got together in J-chat and talked about it today, and it seems I'm the only one who has a real issue with the volume. I'm pretty convinced that it does clip a bit, but I think the more appropriate term would have been "over-compression" which while technically not clipping, still affects the quality. This track is limited to the far end of extreme, and IMO it makes the kick and certain high frequencies sound not good. The mix has a good chance of being passed anyway though, so I'm sure it's not a big deal. I suppose after discussing it with 4 other judges, I'm apparently being nit-picky with the volume, so I suppose I'll just change my vote to a plain YES. Aside from that, how does anyone have the gall to cuss out OA of all people? Way to be a chump and throw a nice fit over nothing, Simon. Nice. Work. Brah.
  19. wait, is he serious? I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not.
  20. Man, I sure hope not. If so, I'm gonna have to start pimpslapping some fools.
  21. Just ordered my upgrade (free because I purchased Trilogy in 2009!!). As with anything by Spectrasonics, I'm super excited for this. I'm currently watching the "Features Overview" video, and man, this thing looks HOT. 10x bigger than Trilogy, which is already great, and it now makes use of the new Steam engine. Awesome. Anyone else getting this/excited for this? http://www.spectrasonics.net/instruments/trilian.php
  22. I dunno man, I think this is pretty stellar so far. Excellent groove up to 1:00, then a very welcome breakdown for a bit. Then it comes back and gets to the 1:30 section for another breakdown, doing the kind of call-and-answer thing, so that's definitely not too repetitive. Then the drums drop back in at 1:44, and the progression is changed, and the track grooves out until about 2:14, I don't think that's too repetitve. Then lots of changeups in the next 15 seconds. Anyway, this is definitely a groove track, but it's got really GREAT energy, and it's awesome considering the source it's derived from. Production isn't flawless, but it's not bad either. Nothing there that warrants rejection, IMO. I don't think we should expect cilrag (is that intentionally "garlic" spelled backwards?) to have to incorporate another melody from somewhere just to justify his choice of source. I think y'all should consider revisiting this one. IMO, this is a YES, but see below.
  23. Get out. Only Dave is allowed to say stuff as terrible as that. I'm gonna make this short and sweet. I personally thought his remix was super awesome and cool. No really, I highly dig it! It just needs to be a little shorter. I didn't mind the fakey droplets, they sort of added to the nostalgia, I suppose. But I think you could manage to cut out about 2 minutes and still have a really stellar mix. Really solid work for a first submission! Please resub this or I will find you and harass you until you do. If you'd like to tweak it, then PM one of us three and we'll make sure to fast-track it back here to the panel so we're all pretty eager to hear a revised version. RESUB
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