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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Bowser's Inside Story Pretty good review this week, says I. Some hearty chuckles were had.
  2. Welcome to music broadcasting While all of us certainly understand and appreciate your request, things like this are really part of the risk for the millions of other musicians on the internet. Try not to worry so much. It's unlikely it'll happen to you, but still possible. It's just part of the "risk" of putting your music out there for the masses to hear. So generally saying things like this are unnecessary because it's pretty universally understood. And hey, if someone does try to claim your music, then 1) if it's published here on OCR, we have a pretty huge community, and I guarantee that someone will find out sooner or later. We have an entire thread dedicated to tracking down music thieves. 2) just remember, though they're stealing your ideas, at least be a little flattered that they thought your work was so good that they wanted to claim it as their own *edit* Additionally, don't be afraid to use these WIP forums, so that you can get feedback and advice from other mixers and listeners here in the community. This will help you address things you may have overlooked and get the mix as polished as you can before submitting your remix for site review.
  3. The "WOOHOO"s literally had me laughing out loud! So awesome, thanks for sharing. This just made my day
  4. Check here - http://www.platinumloops.com/loops_samples.php?cat_id=84&order= There's lots of free samples to download, so hopefully they'll have something close to what you need. www.esoundz.com might not be a bad place to look either.
  5. Sorry if it seems you drew an argument, I promise you didn't I'm only trying to help by filtering out poor advice. The thing is, while it's well and good to look for real people in your area, I can think of a number of reasons it'd be just as good/better to do this online. *Online, you can easily find a niche of people who are going to fit your specifications because there are usually sites/groups/communities that lots of people with similar interests gather. *File-swapping has never before been easier, faster, or cheaper than it is now. So sending MIDI's and MP3s back and forth is practically instantaneous. *You can communicate with someone via instant message, email, or skype just as quickly as you can make a phone call or drive across town to someone's studio. *Because many people can do this from home, you can save yourself some money by avoiding costly studio fees that a local, advertised producer might charge. At any rate, like I said, give it a day or two, I'm sure you should have a good amount of replies from various people here who are capable and interested in helping you out.
  6. Yeah, that sounds about right. Did you remember to use the OCR Amazon link?
  7. Meteo, what are you talking about man? He just came to a website full of musicians and you're response is "Go find somebody in your city"? I just don't get you sometimes man, it's like you're just not thinking out any of your answer before you run to post them. My advice is be patient, James. You should at least have a few people reply who'd probably be interested in upgrading your MIDI files for a reasonable fee. In the meanwhile, it would probably help them to post what style music you're talking about and what your turnaround is, and possibly your general budget, though if you'd prefer to withhold that until a few people express their interest, that's understandable and not uncommon.
  8. Dave, I distinctly remember gushing and playing this for you at your house during VGL DC. I feel like I deserve some part of the fanboy credit here. Ziwtra's been a good friend and a fantastic musician and I've admired him on both levels for quite some time now. I remember one thing he said to me a long time ago in one of our AIM conversations that has always stuck, and I cite it every now and then (usually when I'm voting). But basically, it has to do with the fact that some people with very nice samples and plugins have such a hard time writing anything that is particularly moving, while others who might be using either freeware or limited and very basic/limited sounds are able to make you want to get up on your feet and dance around or go on a nice little mental flight into wonderland. Ziwtra is definitely the latter. He can take a rough violin sample, or a saw wave, or a piano and turn it into one of the most emotionally compelling riffs you've ever heard. This has been a favorite of mine all the way since the early WIP he let me hear. My biggest regret as far as Ziwtra goes is that he doesn't have more time than he does to make amazing music. Specifically regarding this mix, I love the virtual warm up, the instrumental palette, and the way it seamlessly weaves in and out of the 2/3 and 2/4 (or 4/4, whatever) feel of the 6/8 time signature. Absolutely splendid stuff!
  9. Nah, I don't think that has anything to do with it at all. When they're digitally selling a $200(+) product for $15, they're probably selling hundreds if not thousands of them. There's still a degree of manual confirmation there. The computer handles the transaction, but everything still gets reviewed by a human being, so there's bound to be a couple hiccups in the process here and there.
  10. Heh, well, if you do want lots of bass, I'd say get the Mackie MR5s then http://www.zzounds.com/a--925434/item--MACMR5 And yeah, they'll sound fine. Besides, remember, you can always turn up the bass on your media player (Winamp, iTunes, WMP, whatever). Plus these will allow you to turn the bass up on the b back of the monitor as well. Also, all these monitors we've pointed out to you are powered, meaning you won't need an amp. Just plug 'em into the wall and then plug 'em into your soundsource.
  11. Well, if you're making music on them, the key thing to look for in a set of monitors is not necessarily which sound the best, but rather the most accurate (flattest). Most stereos have pre-EQ'd speakers which boost frequencies to make the music sound better, but you don't want this if you're mixing music on them. KRK is decent as Shaggy mentioned, but I'm also pretty partial to M-Audio. If you compare the RP5's side-by-side with the BX5a's, you'll probably notice that the KRK's are quieter and have a bit more bass in them, which is why I like the M-Audios a little better. Both of these are going to run you $300 per pair. Links: M-Audio BX5a's KRK RP5 G2s *EDIT* Conyeezy is generally right that Mackies are pretty solid, especially their upper end monitors like the HRX28MKII series. However, while they boast more output than the KRKs, their entry level monitors (the MR5s which are comparable to the RP5s and BX5s) also seem to have the same problem in that they have a crap load of bass, which can lead to you under-mixing your low end. I would recommend going to a Guitar Center and asking to listen to some music on all three of these, and you should be able to hear the differences pretty clearly. Just make sure they're all set to a flat EQ, and the volumes are the same level on them all. As always, whatever you end up buying, please consider using our affiliate link (below) and buying from Zzounds.com. They should already have the lowest price as anyone else, and if not, they'll meet & beat anyone's pricing. Plus, no tax & free shipping (except in NJ). And you're helping OCR pay for hosting at the same time, at no extra cost to you! http://www.zzounds.com/a--925434/
  12. So did this turn out OK for everyone? I had to make a couple calls, but I got my codes, anybody still not received theirs?
  13. So you're buying them solely for listening? Or are you wanting to make music on them as well?
  14. Well, you did. So you can just leave. We don't need troublemakers like you tearing apart our community. Haha, no but seriously, I think regardless of which side anyone's on in the debate, I think Most will agree that Absynth is a pretty good plugin to have. Now, did you buy the full Absynth 4/5? or did you get one of the soundpacks? Also, since you're new to this, I think just playing around with different knobs/buttons in the presets will be a fun thing for you. Just make mental notes of which knobs affect the sound in what ways, and voila, you're learning to use a synth
  15. So it's been a while since Andy posted this. I think sometime over the next couple weeks, I'm going to do an overhaul of his OP and try to get it a little more up-to-date for everyone.
  16. Yes anyone is here. Welcome (back?) to the workshop forum. A couple things, if you haven't already, please check out the Guides and Tutorials forum. Since you seem to admire Zircon, he's actually already given some great advice that is likely to address the questions you just posted for him. Spcecifically: How do I start remixing? A gear guide for multiple budgets and Zircon's Remixing Tips Compendium And now for some advice to get the most out of the workshop forum. In no particular order: Be as specific as possible. No one can guess what you want, you have to tell us. You mentioned Slayer, but you didn't mention what style of music you might like to take a stab at. You haven't told us if you have a budget for acquiring new software/gear. How would Andy (zircon) or anyone have any idea where to steer you based on what you provided? Sometimes "less is more", but not here Be patient. Sometimes it takes more than a day to get a good answer to your question. Also, as you take your first steps at remixing and then listen to stuff that other people are putting out, it's easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated. We all started out somewhere, and most of our very first work from early on was pretty crappy, even Zircon's Be optimistic. Kind of ties into being patient, I suppose. Nothing turns off a mentor like hearing their advice be squandered by anyone who feels like getting dramatic just because things aren't always as simple as they'd like them to be. Now then, specifically, what kind of music do you want to make? What kinds of instruments are you looking for? What's your budget? Only guessing here, but if you've been tinkering with Slayer, I take it you're looking for an electric guitar of some kind? (A decent one, that is, because Slayer generally sucks if you're going for realism).
  17. Meteo, please stop posting just for the sake of saying something, especially if it's completely not useful to anyone in any way. Back to the thread, I would personally be happy to hear any and all of those themes played live.
  18. Very slick remix! I saw this posted on Youtube before Larry announced the "exlusive", and wondered how I had missed it on the panel... So congrats on the DP and a rad song!
  19. Alright, I think we've about met as close to the middle as we're going to. Let's call this a wrap, shall we? Also for the record, although I can sound heated, I suppose I just like to point out my feelings emphatically at times. No insult was intended from my part. Anyway, I'm going to leave this open in case the OP has any more questions, but let's leave the debate where it lies. If anyone wants to continue, that's fine, but let's make a separate thread for it. Everybody cool with that?
  20. I suppose it was only a matter of time.
  21. This thread has turned ridiculous. I have never had a problem with free synths. There's nothing wrong with using them, just like there is NOTHING wrong with using commercial ones and/or presets either. As I stated, DIY is fine. But so is the other route. Pretending that DIY is always just as good if not better is ignorant and naive. Creating your own custom sounds from scratch can be wonderful and effective and rewarding, but it's not for everyone. If you're a DIY'er, it's fine if you want to offer advice, but the moment you cross the line of "Well, you don't need this product because there's a free one that I think works just as good" or "Using presets is something that only lazy and/or uncreative people do", then I invite you to shut up and go back to your own little world of doing things how you want to. I have't attacked anyone here, I've only made it clear that while there's nothing wrong with using free plugins, there is ALSO nothing wrong with buying plugins.
  22. Aight, that's 6 YES's. Even if 'Illi votes No, we're not going to drag this one out to death needlessly waiting for Dave to chime in when he doesn't need to Congrats, Colin!
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