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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Oh man, I totally missed that post. Well dang, that's quite an amazing deal you tracked down, congrats on effectively merging thriftiness and quality! And "pro or no", haha. What a cool motto to abide by
  2. Does anyone else see (spoiler)Oswald's head just inside the Gate?
  3. I agree. As I've said, we do not/should not require absolute perfection in production, only quality. Joey's a newcomer, he's only going to get better anyway. And even though the drums are a little quiet, it's not like this is a bad mix. We definitely have been spoiled by some of the big talent that congregates and submits here.
  4. Ah, so you bought the Profire, then? Welcome to the family How's it working out for you so far?
  5. That may actually be better, simply because if the twins happen to come during the meetup, we'd be taking off to go see them.
  6. To be fair, let's figure out our total numbers first, and then we'll do a "team captain" sort of thing. Right now it looks like we'll need to buy 3 of them (assuming we can get one more). Since Bahamut has already bought one, I say he gets to pick the 3 people who are going to get in on his. We should figure out who wants to buy the other two as well, and then they can choose who's on their "team" so to speak.
  7. Brendan and Michelle, you are both exceptionally sexy and cool. Have an awesome birthday. Coop, do the honors, please.
  8. Groovy. Added. Are you going to do a first come, first serve thing with yours? Or are we going to actually organize the groups?
  9. cool. Well, Wes has already bought one, but here's the full list: INTERESTED 10 SirChadlyOC Bahamut Bahamut's friend Caster13 EdgeCrusher BigGiantCircles BGC's friend BardicKnowledge Linkspast Garian Darkesword seems now we need 3 more.
  10. Yo mang. You find out if you're good for the L4D2 4-pack buy?

  11. I should imagine so, I mean, it's the same source engine. I'll go ahead and add you to the list.
  12. Aight, so since no one else is, here's the 4-pack info so far: INTERESTED SirChadlyOC Bahamut Caster13 EdgeCrusher BigGiantCircles BGC's friend BardicKnowledge Linkspast Garian So we need at least 1 more here, assuming Bardic is indeed in. Anyone?
  13. We may want to leave your car somewhere else, though, because I just had a window smashed out and I'm not sure I'd want you to leave your car here. Unless it's got an active alarm and a deterrent like a blinking light or something. I suppose we could always leave it at my folks house, they live in a nicer area about 10 miles away.

  14. sounds like a good idea, but I think Amanda'll probably go, so we'll have to take my car.
  15. So is the food thing like, bring your own food, or more of a potluck-type thing? If it's the latter, should we start a list so we don't end up with like 11 cakes and a bunch of beer?
  16. Hmm, it just seems like such a waste of money considering that $100 more will get you the entire Komplete bundle.
  17. congrats on your resub man, it's rawkin.

  18. One thing I noticed Chris is doing from the start that scores points is automating dynamics on his parts. Even with less than super-epic-quality strings, it adds a substantial amount of emotive power to the track. Right around 2:00 is just epic. I'm gonna be looping this one. Awesome work! My vote is the best, mayne. $5 says DJP quotes it in the writeup. YESSIR
  19. Oh my. Not much else to say. Sorry mang. It was fun to watch as a mashup, though, nice work on that Otherwise, definitely a backing track. I appreciate it for what it is, but not quite enough merit to stand on it's own. NO
  20. Short sweet vote here. I was put off by the excessive vocal clips and the sloppy execution of the strings especially. The Ryu theme was obvious and clear when it was going on, but it did meander into the Liberal territory. Ken's theme is a pretty well-known theme, and I didn't seem to hear it in there at all. Not a bad mix, though, good effort for sure. I'll echo Larry in that you show some promise. I don't have much else to add aside from what my fellow J's have already said. NO
  21. Dang Larry, you should have bumped this. I just now noticed he replied back and you edited the OP. Anyway, subbed 6 months ago, and sat in limbo since panel'd, I'm gonna go ahead and start the paperwork on this one, so to speak. Pretty swell orchestral writing, very cinematic and movie-worthy for sure, but not any obvious and dominant connections to either source tune. Maybe brief cameos at best I thought. Cool track, some great composing (if not the strongest sample usage), and it's very Zelda-ish indeed. Has some very serenely beautiful and mysterious vibes that I particularly enjoyed. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, this is mostly an original piece. At any rate, thanks for the submission, Benjamin, I'd love to hear you submit another remix (that's maybe not quite so much of an original piece) in the future! NO
  22. Absolutely not. "It's supposed to sound like that" is not ever an excuse for sloppiness. No dice there, what an unfortunate deal breaker. It seems we're getting a lot more tracks that use direct sampling, or that go for the whole starts-out-source-then-crossfades-to-remix or whatever, I'm not sure how I feel about it, to be honest. Sometimes I think it could be cool, other times a bit gimmicky. I dunno. Anyway, yeah, the mix is very nostalgic and very TMNT-ish, really brought back the days I used to play these games. But honestly, whether it's electro or death-metal, we expect you to be reasonable with your production. That's why music playing devices have volume control on them. We can listen to it loud without all the clipping and distortion that way. I'm only coming across as harsh, because I like the track and I'm disappointed in the poor judgment call there. NO fix it and resubmit. (this is what I call a "brick")
  23. Man, I swear, I have such a hard time thinking that any remix of this song is not a joke ever since ReCapitated. Anyway, this is definitely entry-level quality, the entire song kind of reminds me of oldschool MIDI soundtracks. It reminds me of like, the very very first stuff I ever made in Fruity Loops, before I really even had a clue how to use it. Don't be discouraged, Luke, we all start somewhere, and you can only get better the more you use it. Layering drum patterns, and applying FX creatively is something that will help you in future projects. And it sounds like you're using a simple sample for your bass. Try out a nice synth, any of Image Line's if you've got 'em, if not, try Synth 1, it's free and has some pretty decent presets to get you started. And then learn to experiment with automating different parameters to keep the energy alive. Also, try to create a better ending on future tracks. Can't just let it stop like that, it's like smacking into a brick wall. At the very least, create an automation clip for your master volume and do a fadeout. Keep at it. NO
  24. Like I said, I'll do it, and I should know by tonight if I have another +1
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