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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I would just like to say that I would never associate with any of you in real life. Except JJT. He's in a band.
  2. I suppose not. But remember again, this is more of a thread to see if anyone can offer/speculate WHY Apple makes these decisions, and what the intended benefit is. It's not an Apple-hate thread.
  3. This is one of the top "win" things I'll read today. I audibly chuckled Yeah, Pro53 gets awesome-er-er everytime I play around with it. Also, I agree with everything Brandon said about Kontakt 4. And though I've already got QL Symphonic Choirs, I thought the choirs sounded really nice in the demos. I also agree the solo strings demo was a little meh, but I think maybe it was just too dry. I'm sure a nice scoop of 'verb will help Also, I think NI is pretty well dominating the "Browser" and "Sound-morphing" categories of the music plugin industry at the moment. What I wouldn't give if Omnisphere took after Kore in both those regards.
  4. So, I finally checked their site after seeing an ad on TV. I currently have Sprint, and my contract is over. Considering I'm paying like $80 (after fees) for the most basic possible "family plan" (which I don't think is even offered any longer) plus an extra $5 for texting (for my phone only, not the wifey's), it seems like these guys are just an all around better choice. http://plans.boostmobile.com/planhub.aspx They have a $50-gets-you-everything plan (calls, texts, online) or a $1/day plan which is just calls and texts, basically. Either seems like a better deal than what I'm currently getting, or even what other phone companies are offering. Plus, there's no contracts, and their big catch phrase is "NO HIDDEN FEES". So does anyone have any experience with these guys? It seems to me like since they are so much cheaper, that there should be some catch involved, despite their claims. Thoughts? (Maybe this is an off-topic or help/newbies thread. If so, let there be moderation!)
  5. ahahaha, brilliant. Someone needs to make an OCR-tan version for the FL Dance pluging Ah, I didn't even see that. If I'd known there was a youtubez, I'd have posted it already. Will update the OP. *EDIT* Oops, Larry beat me to it
  6. And subsequently Jill as well, for a really stellar job with the FL9 demo song! For those who don't know, the Image-Line software team asked Andy to create a demo song for the newest version of FL Studio (version 9). I'm sure the primary obstacle for Andy was that instead of using his usual go-to plugins, he needed to use as many of Image-Line's products as he could in order to help pimp their products. Well, he did a bang up job learning and using them, because the song (which prominently also features Jill singing) came out fantastic. I'll let Andy decide if he wants to post a link or not for those of you who either don't have the newest version of FL Studio, or bought an older boxed version. Kudos again, bud! LT EDIT: Watch the demo video! http://bit.ly/WMzYa
  7. *UPDATE* If you're interested in buing Komplete 6, remember to use this link and buy it from zzounds. Not only is it less than going through Native Instruments, (I just ordered the upgrade for $149 instead of $169), but OCR gets a small commission for using the affiliate link. I know there's sort of the "Komplete 5 is cheap, zomg!" thread left over in Community, but it's pretty well run its course. So: Komplete 6. Let's talk about it. I'll start. http://www.native-instruments.com/#/en/products/producer/komplete-6/ Pros: -Kontakt 4 looks awesome. (expanded library, and now ATTRIBUTES-oriented browser. FINALLY!) -new version of Absynth -new version of Guitar Rig -very appealing upgrade price if you own any of the Komplete series from 2 - 5. (Especially if you own one of the older series like 2 or 3). $169 US -Cons: -owners of Komplete 5 already own 4 of the plugins. (Battery 3, Massive, FM8, and Reaktor 5). I *sort of* feel like K5 owners should get a slightly better upgrade price. But it's still a good deal, so I'm not really going to fuss about it. -no Akoustic Piano, Elektric Piano, Pro53, or B4II love it seems -uh, that's all I can think of for now. There's a good chance I'll be picking this up shortly after it's available (Oct 1). I'm probably most excited about Kontakt 4 than anything. I've never really cared for it's browser, and I'm thrilled that they're finally adding attribute searching. I never use Absynth by itself much, but I use its presets in Kore constantly, and it's got some really spiffy pads, soudscape, and soft, ambient textures (amongst many other types of sounds, but those are probably my favs). So I'm excited to see the new Absynth 5 in action. Plus, it looks like all the K6 sounds are going to be pre-configured to be instantly tweakable in Kore, so that's also a plus. I don't really play enough guitar to be REALLY excited about Guitar Rig 4, but hey, I'm always happy to see newer versions, so I can't complain. Besides, real guitar isn't the ONLY thing you can use Guitar Rig for, so it'll be fun to check out what new things it can do. As for the remaining plugins, I don't really care that they're 64 bit now, simply because the synths don't use that much RAM to begin with, plus, so far I've had to downgrade FM8 and Massive back to the 32-bit versions any because the 64-bit ones don't behave properly in FL. Hopefully that'll get fixed soon though. Anyway. Feel free to discuss if this interests you.
  8. ^ Pretty much, yeah. I love the sound template you've got here, I'm an easy sucker for ethnic instrumentation. But man, this doesn't sound like Corneria at all. Even the *progression* really only occurs if you know to look for it because otherwise, I wouldn't have known what this was supposed to be a remix of, or that it wasn't simply an entirely original piece. That's cool if you want to be liberal, but if you plan on submitting it here, make sure that the original Corneria theme is identifiable and dominant are the words you're likely to hear from us J's. Cool start, now quit being so subtle!
  9. "COWORKERS" O-HO, sir. Indeed, I see what you did there. *WINK WINK* No but seriously, if there are going to be a bunch of gymnasts there, I expect to see some live, improv tumbling to our inevitable jamtasticness.
  10. I guess that dates me a little. As I recall (prior to stuff like Steam) I had to play the game with the disc in the drive. The audio was on the disc and triggered at the appropriate times.
  11. Fair enough, but why did they get rid of half the keys? Who benefits from that?
  12. Well I think I've made that pretty clear, don't you? But seriously, you can't deny that the mouse is less practical than virtually every other mouse that exists, can you?
  13. Ahaha, he beat me to it! Yeah dude, seriously, just tell 'em about it before hand and invite them over. If they're too lame to realize "Hey, he's having a house-warming party, and there's going to be lots of out-of-state friends coming over, and most of them are musical" and they aren't down with it then screw them. They sound like the kind of people I wouldn't respect enough to worry whether they like me or not. Seriously though, I don't see us getting that loud/rowdy, and they'd have to be the utmost of d-bags to not be ok with us jamming at a welcome party on a weekend. Also, I've got a cabasa!
  14. Lots of this. Yep. Also, I think I disagree with the mouse-ball for all the reasons Roz stated. Plus, I just find it easier to wheel-click and then move in any direction like in Windows.
  15. Just for today, I'll let you have my children. Have a good 'un Doug! You're a funny guy! You deserve a fun b-day! (also happy b-day to the other dudes too!)
  16. This is precisely why I didn't look back when I discovered FL after using Midisoft studio for years (notation software). Piano roll > notation.
  17. Well I do. Or rather, I did, my extra mouse recently went bad, so for the time being I'm back to using the mighty mouse on this computer. I guess really the discussion is more than anything an excuse for me to see if there is anyone who can provide a compelling case that the Mighty Mouse is not completely retarded and poorly thought out in a huge way. Same goes for their new keyboard (which I actually don't have, but I remember seeing it for the first time and being totally dumbfounded).
  18. This is inevitably going to turn into a PC vs Mac thread, and that's not my intention. But I do mean to talk about this thing objectively. I have the old one, not the wireless. So anyway, this gadget absolutely SUCKS. It's not intuitive or ergonomic, the wheel shoots the cursor all over the dang place, and I find the wheel click atrocious. For whatever reason, the right click (mouse 2) button ignores me half the time. AND WHAT THE EFF is the deal with the 2" cable? I suppose while I'm at it, I may as well continue to question Apple's decisions on the direction of their keyboards as well. For one thing, I can't stand the feel of these "cutting edge" razor-thin, flat keys. I like to be able to feel my fingers pressing the keys. And who's idea was it to get rid of the number pad (and half the other keys) in the newer keyboards? Also, their newer iMacs seem to only have firewire 800 ports, so you'd have to buy new cables to use all your FW gear. Apple has some nifty things, sure, and I'm not here to argue about whether or not their computers themselves are any better or worse than PC's, but seriously, how can they possibly think that this crap is practical? I'm glad they like to make everything shiny and small and either round or flat[/sarcasm], but these are terrible decisions, and they frustrate me.
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