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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. This is pretty coverish, perhaps we should strike up a conversation in J-disc or #j-chat to address the general guidelines of acceptable cover-arrangements vs. re-arrangements. As for me, I feel like this is very close to being a straight-up cover, in a different style, obviously (after all, that's what covers are, right?) That being said, it seems that most of my compatriots in remix evaluation seem to be OK with this being considered a rearrangement and not a cover. I say it's a more of a cover, but who am I to argue? Besides, this is a phenomenal track, even if it is more conservative than I think it should be (to keep us from looking hypocritical when we NO other cover-ish songs for being that way). And heck, it's technically a remix of a remix, right? The source music was nice (albeit a bit too Autotuned IMO) but this is better, according to me. Matt, you have a SOLID voice man. Reminds me of Peter Gabriel, and I dig PG. I thought the bass was *almost* a little overpowering in the newer version, but then again, the mids and highs were kept pretty high as well, so I suppose that evened it out in the big picture. I wouldn't have minded the mix being a tad quieter simply because it sounds like we ran into some minor over-compression issues a couple times (3:32 for example) but they were by no means severe enough to break the vote. I also wouldn't have minded if the drums were mixed just a tad softer, but again, no deal-breaker there. I'm gonna roll with the approving votes here. YES
  2. dang man, not sure what to tell ya. definitely sounds like an asio4all problem, and I never really used asio4all, so I'm not sure what to tell you. post some screenshots if you can.
  3. heh, they're virtually identical save for a few plugins
  4. Yo, sorry I missed you. My window told me you gave me a shout at like 7:30am and I'm never up that early :)

  5. I don't have Logic running right now so I may be off a little, but I believe there is a properties menu of sorts in the upper left corner of the screen that you can pull down and specify the key.
  6. Andy's right, by default, the original note is always previewed on C5, but you can choose to set the default step-sequencer trigger to any note you like. If you've done this by mistake, you can reset it in the channel settings window. Click the "MISC" tab and then click the "reset" button in the lower left corner above the key display. Otherwise, I hope it's not a problem with the sample. I have actually encountered a rare problem with a few of my samples not playing the proper pitch/samplerate (I'm still not sure) when I load them into the playlist or step sequencer. I fixed the problem by editing the sample in Soundforge (or Audacity) and re-saving the wav file.
  7. I can microwave a Hot Pocket like nobody's business.
  8. I'm pretty inclined to vote YES on this, but seeing as that would just postpone a long arduous split-vote, I'm going to go against my sympathy and side with the dissenting votes. Besides, none of them (I don't think) have made any claims/requests that should be too tough of a fix. Some specific notes from me: I do wish the strings were panned more center, with perhaps a little stereo enhancing applied. I also wouldn't have minded if you applied a *bit* more reverb wetness to the mix - strings and piano (and probably snare) specifically. Seeing as this is an orchestral mix, it only seems right that it would be performed/recorded in a hall where we'd hear some of that anyway, so it couldn't hurt. I personally didn't mind the quality of the samples. They were decent enough to get the job done (although, toning down that last string note couldn't hurt). I thought the low-profile mix of the synths was actually pretty nice and have no qualms there. Rush this one back, Chris. Perhaps just PM me or one of us when you fix it up. RESUB
  9. This is a great track. Great adaptation and performance of some awesome source tunes. There is no way I can see the production as a deal-breaker here. I think it's a bit nit-picky to do so. YES
  10. Come-on guys, I see no reason to NO this. The overall texture is really nice--dark and mysterious with lots of ear candy. I like all the haunting overtones throughout. The strings sound fine. We're not requiring everyone to use QLSO nowadays are we? And I didn't mind the mix. And I didn't mind the 2nd half of the track either, I thought it moved in a nice direction overall. YES
  11. I still think her article is mostly garbage. The whole thing, to me, seems to have a very condescending vibe towards chiptunes, as well as the video game music community in general. I'm calling rubbish on her apology as well. I do not think she's sorry at all for what she did, I think she's only sorry that so many people took note and were offended and have formally complained. And why? Because I suppose that can threaten her job and her credibility. Therefore, of course she's going to write some seemingly courteous and apologetic statement. And then she tries to play it off with the whole "I'm human and I make mistakes sometimes" cop out. Sorry, taking a quote out of context alone (while lame) might be believable and possibly even forgivable with that excuse, but she completely lied. She made up something that was not true. That's blatant fraud, and no matter how grand or small the fabrication, that should be highly illegal. I know that it's not like she came out and said that Sam likes to touch small children or locks small animals in his piano when he plays, but what she said can still damage his reputation on any number of levels, and THAT is what I am so irate about. Anyway, it sucks that we can't all just be like "Hey Sam, congrats on landing a feature in Time magazine!". Nicework, Claire. Looks like this isn't the first time you've pissed people of by tackling a subject in your (I'm dubbing it so) trademark style of not-knowing-what-you're-talking-about-to-begin-with-coupled-with-a-jaded-motive. If for any reason I ever somehow land the opportunity to be written about, I hope it's not by you. http://www.rampagingchocobo.com/2009/02/open-letter-to-claire-suddath.html http://www.creatingitchy.com/2009/02/18-random-tweets-about-claire-suddath.html (Ironically, before publishing an article about wasting time on the internet, she gushed over this site): http://jargonandargot.wordpress.com/2009/02/09/claire-suddath-time-magazine/ And just for fun - http://www.time.com/time/video/player/0,32068,12154160001_1879638,00.html I gather enough from that video that I feel like I can fabricate a quote or two about her, mainly about how intelligent she may or may not sound.
  12. Foreals. I mean, to each their own, that's fine if you liked Salvation. For me, it was stupid. It didn't catch the spirit of the Terminator series at all (Hell, even T3 managed to do that on some level). I think perhaps the scenery was the only comparable thing in Salvation and D9.
  13. Geez, that's awful. I thought the setup was vital to building sympathy/empathy with the characters, as well as helping you feel invested in/engulfed by the movie in general. If those people walked out on a movie like District 9, I think I'd hate to see the kinds of movies they might consider worth staying for.
  14. So you're saying you don't appreciate the variety? You know, you COULD have just said "Hey, there are TOO LITTLE remixes of [other themes], and I hope to hear more of 'Maridia Rocky Underwater' or 'Crateria'.
  15. That's some pretty ambitious/spastic guitar work. I hope the guitar-playing dudes are up to it
  16. Oh man, I'm glad you said this Will. I was thinking the same thing. SPOILERS: I thought because of this it was awesome in a lot of the same sense that made Cloverfield awesome to me, in that if this were *real*, then we wouldn't be given every detail and explanation. And it leaves far more open to imagination and speculation. And speaking of which, I really like what you've presented on that front--makes a lot of sense to me! Also, yeah, I thought it had several Half-life-ish moments in it. Namely the gravity gun shooting a pig. If ONLY they had used a toilet somewhere in there as well Plus, his battle-outfit in general sort of reminded me of DOG. I think Cerrax's post was a really effective and fair review from all standpoints. For me, I think I'm leaning a bit more on the fanboy-side of the fence. I thought it was a refreshing and unique story. Or perhaps maybe the execution was, seeing as I didn't think the visual fx were over the top (except for all the gratuitous shots of people getting blown apart/evaporated/disintegrated Aight, so the verdict, is: this has probably been my favorite movie of 2009 so far. . --I think they *might* have got a little too enthusiastic about showing that. And I really liked that the movie had a bunch of no-name actors. I was so happy that I didn't have to see Johnny Depp or Nicolas Cage, etc at some point. Not that I don't like them, but it seems much more realistic to have a bunch of people you don't really know of.
  17. Except I don't think Asio4All goes higher than 2048 samples, which is somewhere around a 47ms delay.
  18. Hey, cool, glad you like it. Now dig up the "OCR cribs" thread and post some pictures
  19. would have been more impressive if you were blindfolded but seriously though, that was a really cool idea, and lots of fun to watch!
  20. Yeah. Logic 7 was $1000, but then they released Logic Studio (which included Logic 8, Main Stage, and Soundtrack) for $500--pretty amazing deal! Cubase 4 was also $800, but then they released Cubase 5 at $500. It's really amazing how cheap this stuff is now. Seems like the business model for music software has changed in definite favor of the home artist. Pros on the other hand, are taking a pretty huge hit for this. Probably regretting the thousands upon thousands of dollars they invested in a bunch of hardware that has been replaced by an easier and more flexible software program.
  21. hahaha, I nominate Brandon for president of the Workshop forum. That's one of the greatest posts I've ever read (although, most DAWs are sitting at $500 now--Live, Cubase, Logic, & Sonar--so I suppose the only thing that makes Logic for the wealthy elite is the fact that the computers that run them cost 3x more than the PC's that run the others.)
  22. I'm inclined to disagree with that. I've heard (from pros that use it daily) that it's phenomenal for audio editing and recording, but that for sequencing/composing blows. So for people like me and zircon (and lots of others, I'm sure), it would be about as useful as a wet toaster. Also, this should pretty well sum up the discussion: Zircon: FL is the best! Hy Bound: Live is the best! Harmony: Sonar is the best! OverCoat: ReNoise is the best! Analoq: Logic is the best! Tweek: ProTools is the best! Snappleman: You guys are all morons, Cubase is the best! ?: Acid is the best! ?: Digital Performer is the best! ?: Energy XT is the best! Epitaph: Reaper is the best! ?: Reason is the best! Random Idiot: Garageband is the best! Me: Microsoft Sound Recorder is the best! Help me fill in the blanks, guys!
  23. Naw, for absolute beginners wanting to record audio for say, a band, I'd recommend something like Sony Acid Music Studio. It's got the integrated "Show Me How" interactive tutorials--it's the next best thing to having someone right here pointing to the buttons you need to click on screen to learn the basic functions. It also comes with a healthy amount of loops. Plus, at ~$69 US, it's one of the cheapest options there is. Otherwise, yeah, FL is good, but it's pretty unique. My problem is that since I learned on FL, everything else seems backwards when I suppose in actuality FL is the black sheep as far as linear recording and sequencing goes. But with FL9, it looks like they're starting to bridge the gap a bit, while still keeping FL unique (and familiar to those who already know it).
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