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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. OMG he is srsly liek, SO HAWT. RAWR.
  2. actually, this seems like the best game plan, IMO. it's pretty much what we've done at all the other meetups (that I've attended) and it works out nicely. So, something along the lines of: -Food -Concert -Food -Hang out (video games, cards, collab, whatever) -Sleep Obviously, as details unfold and we see exactly what everyone's availability is, we can get more specific.
  3. I'm actually not much of a bar-goer either. Besides, I'd rather be goofing around and getting to know more fellow OCR people better than everyone just pubbing and getting tipsy (or smashed). dP, I nominate you to fill the role of "find us a good hang out spot guy".
  4. how's this one? www.biggiantcircles.com/DAW_chart.jpg
  5. it's definitely between "coactive" and "horse c*** in tiny mouth". gonna be a close one........
  6. /me holds breath for SGX. I got to 921 when the voting cut off. wish i could have finished, but at least i made a dent
  7. i'm rooting for the 4 of you. best luck. get your votez in, people! this is the best kind of support a community can provide! give the kind of support you would want if it was your song up there on the charts!
  8. Awesome work, guys and gals. This is the last day of the month, which means if you have not yet donated, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. If you have a spare dollar, donate it to OCR! Support the cause! We're all here because we love this place! (and if you don't love this place, why are you here?)
  9. $48 assuming we don't get any sort of group rate. i'll call and check on that tomorrow if i remember
  10. rofl, i'm too exhausted to tell if you're ragging on me or not. jackass. <3
  11. Sorry, all this keeping up with names and posts can get confusing sometimes. Who is a definite and who is a maybe at this point? Please respond using one word or the other and I'll fix the list tonight.
  12. well, if this many people are interested, i'm all for getting a hotel. we can all bunk up and split the costs. went ahead and put you down as a definite, greg. sinewav, very very very soon is more just a general way of me saying "aight people. if nobody else says anything, i'm gonna go ahead and buy 2 tickets and that'll be that." but now it looks like we have some serious interest we're going to do this exactly as we did for DC. i'm going to go ahead and formally set the date to buy tickets on May 19th, which is 2 months before the concert. I'd set it for the 18th, but that's a sunday, and their ticket office might be closed by then. So here in the next couple days, I'm going to post some paypal info, and anyone who is going to go will need to pay me BEFORE I buy the tickets. I realize that this requires trust, possibly in a person you've never met, but we did it for the DC show without problems, and I can assure you all I'm not going to take your money and run. I'm going to update the 1st post tomorrow, so check it periodically for major updates etc.
  13. cool. tix are going to be bought very very very soon. speak now or sit by yaselves.
  14. Guys, we are doing GREAT. Also, thanks to all the anonymous contributers out there. There are a few people who HAVE contributed but NOT mentioned it here in the thread. Your humility is commendable, and we definitely appreciate your donations also. However, don't be humble! I would still like to keep tabs on who is contributing--and in the very near future I'll tell you all why. So please, at the very least, just let me know if you've thrown anything towards the site!
  15. As I am probably the only person on this forum who owns a Cheerios shirt, I endorse this product and/or event.
  16. not to sound argumentative, but you make it sound like they're some evil entity who has just murdered your parents and raped your sister. i agree that dongles are an inconvenience, but as i stated, they are a SLIGHT one at best, and a VERY MINOR one at worst. the general public is absolutely NOT to be trusted. thieves look and generally act just like regular people. do you get mad when a cashier asks to see your ID if you pay with a card? does that mean she is intentionally sticking it to you the customer because you cannot be trusted? also, i currently have a USB hub, because i currently have my interface, mouse and keyboard, 2 external HD's, my axiom 61, camera, printer, iLok, and Dongle hooked up. with the exception of the mouse and keyboard, none of the other things are *necessary* to use my computer. i didn't pitch a fit for any of the other items--why does a dongle make any difference? that's just how it is, bro. what benefit do you the customer from that additional purchase? when you buy something and batteries aren't included, what benefit do you get? well, you get to use the product. do you expect compensation when you go buy those batteries? and bear in mind, they didn't sell any of it to you. they licenced it. it reminds you each time you install it, they explicitly state that you do not OWN their product. at any rate, again, you're free to do and think as you please, and i'm not really that concerned about trying to *convert* you or anything, but i thought i'd at least provide the counterpoints to your concerns. it's alwasy good to hear both sides of every story, regardless of the outcome. cheers.
  17. stupid may sound a bit harsh if one is easily offended, but i believe the politically correct way of saying it would be that it's simply not practical to boycott a plugin just because of that. otherwise, (and don't take this personally--i'm not calling YOU stupid) i agree that it is a pretty weaksauce reason. but wuteva. to each their own. that's what makes the world go 'round.
  18. stupid may sound a bit harsh if one is easily offended, but i believe the politically correct way of saying it would be that it's simply not practical to boycott a plugin just because of that. otherwise, (and don't take this personally--i'm not calling YOU stupid) i agree that it is a pretty weaksauce reason. but wuteva. to each their own. that's what makes the world go 'round.
  19. Yes. That is totally the point of Kore It just gives you more to tweak right off the bat, as well as a super tweakable interface. Also, The BX "deluxe" series just came out, and they're (as far as I can tell) exactly the same with the exception that they're all black on black, and have a 1.5" tweeter vs a 1".
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