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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. All due respect, but if you can't figure out FL, then you sure as hell better not try sonar or cubase. Also, you can't expect to be a master after toying around with a demo program a couple days. One of the best ways to learn the program is to start out slow, and not worry about making a "mix". Besides, you can't save your work in the demo anyway, so there'd be no point. And if you did somehow make an incredible song, you'd be screwed because you couldn't save your project file. I recommend just opening up the "Cool Stuff" folder and browsing through the demo songs. Make sure both your step sequencer window AND the playlist windows are open. Step sequencer is on the left where you can click in the notes. Playlist is typically on the right - where you can draw in the gray blocks. The point of FL is to create patterns OR loops which you then use to construct your song. You can make a pattern as long as you want to, or as short as one measure. Loops are great, because you end up repeating certain things quite a lot, especially in electronic music, and FL makes it easy to reuse melodic and rhythmic patterns. Just play around with it, and expect to start out slow. If you're frustrated after like, a couple days, then I politely suggest you might not have the patience to be an effective composer/arranger/remixer.
  2. Dang man. Do you have any family/friends that would be down with lending you a car for a couple days?
  3. Ziron is a noob. He doesn't even have a single mix posted here.
  4. honestly, not to sound like a wet blanket of sorts, the jam thing loses it's novelty faster than you'd think. besides. after talking to audix, i'm going to be more interested in some classic goldeneye action. w00t. i mean, i'm not trying to discourage people from bringing jam session gear, i just mean that it's not that big a deal if you don't.
  5. I'm going to have to side with Andy and Shariq on this one. I really have nothing else to add/offer. Sorry for the glib vote, but between the two of them, those are exactly my feelings and concerns. Cool concept for a piece - it's definitely fitting of a Perfect Dark remix, but cool concept alone doesn't earn the green light by it's lonesome. The execution needs to back it up. More expression in the legato/sustained strings, and un-rigid-ify the beats. Speeding the track up maybe even 5 bpm could even help a bit. NO And now we're at 3Y/3N. 6 months and it may as well be at zero votes...
  6. thanks guys. again, if you like mine, then check out Darkesword's MP2 mix if you haven't already. Also, "Reserve Tanks: [wuteva]" needs no explanation. It's a tribute album for Jordan, because he's into metroid. I'm pretty sure he'll get it
  7. guys, I strongly recommend wearing OCR shirts for the actual concert. That's what distinguishes us as a group.
  8. Very cool stuff. Love the intro guitars. This mix also has a really great energy to it, and it's very nostalgic indeed. Echoing my colleagues' concerns about the arrangement, it's a great cover song for sure, but it doesn't go much beyond that. I'd recommend taking some liberties and really adding your own expansions on the theme--maybe put a rockin' solo in there somewhere at the very least. Aside from the arrangement being a little too close-to-center, the production leaves some work to be done. You've got a lot of sound here, and unfortunately that requires rather painful and tedious attention to mixing and mastering it. It sounded like the drums were done really well, but unfortunately you can't properly hear them much of the time when they get pushed back behind the guitars and bass. They snare and toms particularly need to be EQ'd with a bit more high-mid and high end. I'd also recommend a bit of stereo separation on your backing guitars. That might help to sort things out and give each instrument a little more definition. All in all, this is a great first sub. I really like what you've got so far. It just needs a bit more polish and a little more personal expansion on the original theme. Good stuff - I hope you resub this one! RESUBMIT
  9. quite so. brinstar red is catchy and awesome. also, tada - www.biggiantcircles.com/Super_Metroid_In_Your_Prime.mp3
  10. ditto. Plus, like I said, mine already had some trance vibe going on, so dusting it off, finishing it, and polishing it off in such a style for ME personally kind of feels appropriate to call my mix a tribute, just like ANSO said.
  11. Coincidently, I had started a Metroid mix a long time ago that was semi-trance-ish. At least, it has some trance elements in it. I don't really consider it all that good, but I finished it tonight. It's rendering, and it's taking it's sweet time, but I'll post is soon. It's of Brinstar Red area mostly, with a little bit of title screen music and a Metroid Prime title cameo. It was actually pretty heavily inspired by DS's Torvus Clockwork mix when I first heard it like 2 or however many years ago.
  12. you could have very easily figured this out by reading the first post it stands for "Video Games Live". www.videogameslive.com
  13. no OCR shirt? no problem! I'll have them to sell. Plus, it'll be cheaper if you buy from me there directly than it will be to buy from the site because there will be no shipping charge. Plus, if we are allowed to sell them alongside official VGL merch, we're going to have to raise the price fairly substantially to break even since we're splitting profits between not only VGL, but also the Kennedy Center.
  14. Got one of these games already covered, though it's not one of the sources you've posted. Not gonna say which, though. You should know soon enough. Just keep an ear out
  15. After reading the home, about us, and FAQ, I'm still a little unclear as to what exactly it is. I don't mean to sound ignorant--I just woke up so maybe I'm just missing the obvious. What exactly does it do for the people who sign up? Besides getting the thumbs up logo put on your album, I mean.
  16. suck it up, man. drink some red bull. eat lots and lots of sugar. VGL doesn't happen all the time. you can always sleep later. I think at the DC meetup, I collectively got about 10 hours sleep over 3 days.
  17. I pretty well despise Apple computers. I could rant for a good bit about things that are just so flat out piss-poorly thought out that it honestly makes me wonder if they even have a QA team in place. I may post about it later, but I've been up for the past 20 hours, and I don't have the energy. But I promise, I've got reasons. I'm not just talking out my ass like some kid who's never used a Mac and has no real grounds for not liking them. Every track I've done since 2006 has been done on my iMac. So my opinion is that of a Mac owner.
  18. Might happen again in '09 though--never hurts to look ahead
  19. By the way guys, just again to confirm, Dave is sending shirts which I'll bring with me for y'all to buy. We should have about 20 - 5 of each size from S to XL.
  20. wheeeeeeee, dramacoaster! I do agree that midi-ripping and replacing instruments is not the absolute most praiseworthy thing a musician can possibly do, but I also do not care nearly enough to dog her about it. Some fans out there want exactly that--Just someone to fill in old sounds with new sounds. Let her have her moment I say.
  21. sending some big giant prayers and well-wishes to jordan and jade.
  22. i do run zone alarm, actually. i'm assuming that's significant.
  23. yes, i'll have shirts for you to buy there. not sure about check in though--ifirit?
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