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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. I dunno about anyone else, but I feel that to be a legitimate excuse. I'm personally a big fan of Icy Guy's work, and I feel a little disapointed that he has been cut from this project. I am aware of that, but I don't feel that I can count on him to get something done, and because of his lackluster WIP that he really didn't do much of anything on, just brought me to my decesion faster. Once again, no offense to Icy Guy, cause I like his music. EDIT oh yeah, antipode you are back on the project now, since your WIP was ok, but dude, the bass and stuff is just ear bleeding, and get GeoDude to record guitar for you instead of you using sucker, ehem, slayer.
  2. Icy, nothing personal, I just feel that haven't contributed much at all since this started. No offense of course.
  3. Before we put you on, we have to hear a WIP FIRST.
  4. antipode, it's good to see that you haven't completely forgotten about the project. I'll look forward to the track. Also, in other news my Special Stage theme is almost done ... but I haven't started on Chrome Gatget
  5. Woah, nice save - I had cut you. I'll look over these and put you back on.
  6. Ok, making cuts NOW. If your name isn't on the cuts list on the front page, you are good for now..
  7. Kanjika.... oh my........... friggen.........jesus..... christ.....
  8. Impressive work Ichi, even though it sounds way different. I'm still trying to find out how your WIP sounds anything like the original. I hit you back about it.
  9. Tommorow I will be making a few surprise cuts of people I feel have VERY little involvement or of people I don't feel are ready to work on a full fledged project. - kFc.
  10. Ugh, I know the feeling. That fucking sucks.
  11. Nah, I just lost intrest, and I have three tracks anyway already.
  12. Calm down Kanji, I'm updating now lol. As for the SK intro thing, I'll have to peep your track. Rexy - Loving your new track!
  13. No, I'm not ignoring you. You should contact me via Aim or Msn, or at least post a link of your mix again.
  14. Larry has to edit a load of shows, so it will take a while, I guess. You just have to be patient as the shows are planned to come out chronologically. VGF#56 was an exeption though. But one of the major rules still apply: The less call-ins, the less editings, the faster a show comes out. If Larry as the time of course. I'm patient, I just wanted to know, since I am so confused about the episode releases.
  15. When is episode 60 coming out? The one with Snapple and me calling in, and flik and shit?
  16. Yet Jivemaster's presence remains unnoticed... Will he not bring quality to the project? I get lonely sometimes -Jive HAHAH, are you kidding me? Trust me, I'm glad you are on the project.
  18. Congrats, that was the biggest lie you have ever told in the history of your life. Just because I'm a cock to you doesn't mean that I'm not a very humble man! SUCK IT! SnappleMan has always been nice to me. Anyway, I'm gonna have to back out. I am getting absolutely nowhere with the Special Stage theme, and I don't think I'll be able to come up with anything substantial by the upcoming deadline. Good luck to everyone involved in the project. -DCT No problem dude. It's all gravy. Love your new song btw.
  19. Congrats, that was the biggest lie you have ever told in the history of your life.
  20. I gotta seriously think about that one Snap. I think the Bonus Cuts disc 2 I dead was better.
  21. this is sounds VERY similar to Eminem, but it's still awesome as hell.
  22. I didn't hear not one bad thing on that preview. Great Work. Is the project complete or something?
  23. Dammit, my headphones aren't working, so till I buy some more, I have to hold off on recording today like I planned. I'm trying to get some tommorow.
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