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Everything posted by Toadofsky

  1. I withdraw my thoughts on Pilotwings Resort. From the sound of it right now (could be wrong) there's only three types of flight. No birdman from the sound of it, or no parachuting or the plethora of things they had in either the Super NES or N64 games. If they think $40 bucks is worth that, they're nuts. And even lazier than I thought.
  2. New Super Mario Bros. for me honestly. But there was a few other games I don't remember that were made it worth owning.
  3. And that half the launch games look like DS ports.
  4. I'm in agreement with NekoFrog. Especially for Nintendo to get a dose of reality. I won't buy this thing till it's cheaper, and until there's more than one game worth buying on it. Pilotwings Resort
  5. And thus one of the biggest problems with game development today. Focusing on what they (the developers) think would be fun instead of the reality, the customer. I've played some of FF VII, played quite a bit of V on DS (that's the one with, "you spooky bard righ?"), I am interested in playing IX, but that's about it.
  6. With the route they have been going lately, they might as well as make movies instead of games.
  7. I'll wait until they redesign it and fix issues, which will probably be next year..
  8. I think Nintendo's obsession with 3D has made them bite off more than they can chew. I just read a post on Tiny Cartridge of a RUMOR that 3DS games could go up to $40. And that worked reeeeeal well for some PSP/DS games, didn't it Nintendo? This stuff on the 3DS's battery may not be true, if it is, along with the rumors of games prices, then that's two strikes against them for me. The price point of the handheld itself might be strike three. I'm truly starting to believe in the opinions that Nintendo is losing touch. Not with the undefinable and obnoxious hardcore, but with the expanded audience they gained from the Wii, and DS.
  9. Truer words have never been spo.... wait.... The inclusion of Viewtiful Joe and Mike Haggar is a plus for me, other than that, I really lost interest when I realized how much Capcom milks DLC anymore. In regards to Mega Man being on there? I'm sure he'll be DLC, which will probably be already on the disc....
  10. The saddest thing about SC 4, was that I spent more time creating characters than playing...
  11. I already knew that, I at least tried them. I guess i cant explain it any better, but my point still stands on these console games being put on a portable, I just don't think they will be suited for it. Star Fox? Sure. Metal Gear Solid 3? I doubt it.
  12. Sorry if my opinion clashes, I'm just not interested in playing Ocarina all over again. Star Fox 64, is alright, but I honestly love the Super Nintendo version more. If they were remastering THAT game, then I would be a bit more interested. I just don't see how well console "sit down" games are going to do well on a portable, I've seen those games come out on the IPod, and the games I've tried are awful. I know that it sounds stupid, given all the Dragon Quests, Pok'emons, and Final Fantasies. There's just something odd about all of it to me. The only game I'd actually want to play is Pilotwings Resort, but knowing how lazy Nintendo has been in the past, Wuhu will be the only island on the game. Hopefully, they'll have lots to do on it. As long as I see a decent price on the 3DS, and get to try one, then I'll wait on a final opinion on it.
  13. Chicken feathers please, and keep the tar a simmerin' I've already played it over a dozen times on N64, Gamecube, and even a little bit of Virtual Console. Unless they could pace the beginning a bit better, other than the updated graphics, I really don't care about playing it again. Sorry.
  14. I've honestly lost interest in the 3DS, the games I've seen so far just aren't appealing. It's more console like games and being "cinematic", rather than being a portable game. I'm sure there will be plenty of better games to come, but I'm in no rush to buy it. If there's good 2D Mario games coming to it, maybe then...
  15. I know, but as I said, it was only a rumor I had heard. I feel it would have fit better than Star Wars anyways. And they could have had several locations from the films... For some reason, I think LOTR purists would have been pissed off about it.
  16. It's sad, but probably true.... There was rumor that 4 would have had Lord Of The Rings characters instead of Star Wars.
  17. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I may take my father in law to see it tonight, he saw the original in theaters!!!
  18. Good one....
  19. I love the first film, "warts and all", and was thoroughly entertained by this one. One of my favorite movies this year. Could it have been better? Honestly, and realistically, what film couldn't use improvement?
  20. Thanks for still enjoying it!!

  21. I blame some of that on game critics and journalists that try to either harshly criticize a game, or describe it's "beauty"...
  22. Look I'm not trying to take potshots at Halo or Uncharted (though I didnt really care for the latter) maybe I should refraise what I mean, I'm sick of seeing constant clones of those games. Sorry if your offended, it's just my old curmudgeon seeping through...
  23. (This is mostly my opinion on what's going on with gaming, so take this with a grain of salt please) I've been playing games since the Super NES, and I have to say, this generation of gaming has been a disappointment for me. The focus has changed drastically, and not for the better. I see too much focus on narrative, the technology, the cinematics, blah blah blah. The one thing that doesn't seem to be focused on? The gameplay, and most importantly, if the game is any fun to play. Every time that I look at potential games for my 360, all I see is Call of Halo "Cinematic Deep Story" Gore fest 5. Or, Indiana Jones rip off 3, and, unnecessarily rebooted franchise 7! I'm sick to death of every game trying to be "mature", and I'm sick of "engrossing" storyline. Half the stories in games could barely cut it as a SyFy original movie. I think it speaks volumes when I find games on XBOX Arcade to be BETTER than 3/4 of what's been released physically on the console. The Wii? I loved it, and I still love playing it. But Nintendo has squandered it, as did any other companies that made or still make games for it. I loved how when I first played it, that it was making the games on the core basis of fun. It felt like the days of the Super NES, nothing complex, just play it, and have fun. But now, "Let's make cinematic games!!! We don't like making 2D Mario! Here! Let's shove more 3D Mario down your throat!" I guess I've become a very grumpy old gamer. I feel less and less interested in games anymore, and it's because the games don't have the appeal they used to have for me...
  24. I grow tired of this industry and it's "gritty realism". I just read about Game Informer's exclusive on the new Tomb Raider reboot (yes, again). The more I read about it, and talking about how she's going to be a young, naive, vulnerable female, made me think of Metroid: Other M. All I could think about is how ridiculous game designers are anymore. All they care about is their "vision", and not what people actually want to play....
  25. That's actually the reason I sold it to a friend of mine, I didn't even finish it, it was just too frustrating to me.
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