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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. well yes since

    would imply that she likes Sonic Adventure, which would mean she has bad taste anyways

    perhaps I should revise the challenge to 'anyone who hasn't played Sonic and also actually likes good video games' but then again that would make it almost impossible to win now wouldn't it

    I never thought this was a win-able conversation anyhow... :-(

  2. You see? This is why we can't have nice things:


    So fricking pathetic. In fact, from this moment forward, I am going to manually disassociate myself from the Sonic fandom. Here on out, I shall be known as a gamer who happens to like some Sonic games, and that's it.

    Funny, I've done something similar with the gamers that proclaim themselves as "Hardcore".

    I've gotten tired of these Sonic hater articles Sterling has been posting. It's ironic he complains about the complainers complaining about the new Sonic game. A part of the fan base doesn't like what they're doing with this new Sonic, big deal, an OVERALL majority of gamers seem to be fine with it, ecstatic even. Why keep giving what is more than likely a small annoying crowd, any attention? I guarantee half of these complainers will download the game on launch date.

    I'm fine with them making a new 2-D Sonic, as long as it's a well made game, in terms of GOOD game play, not cinematic orchestrated cut scene fluff, actual solid game play, I'm fine with it.

  3. I'm finding myself agreeing with pretty much everything Coop has said so far. These terms are made up by marketing groups and gamers that seek to differentiate others for personal bias.

    I've never believed in "hardcore" because it's total bullshit. No one can define hardcore to any solid, undeniable meaning. It changes based upon who you ask.

    Casual is just the same: it's a meaningless, self-imposed title that doesn't fit into any generally recognized definition.

    The best part (if you like seeing people act like robots) or worst part is that almost all of the people that strongly cling to these vague, wildly inaccurate terms do so simply because they heard them used at some point by someone else. they hardly ever came to such a conclusion by themselves. It's like they didn't even bother thinking about the basic concept before completely swallowing it.

    That is the underlying problem with gamers, and game journalists, a large majority are too stupid to think for themselves, or even do honest journalism (none seem to in any media at all). I'll be frank, I hate this part of gaming this generation, determining casual/hardcore, it would be one of the big things I'd gladly take behind the barn and beat to death, along with paying for DLC already on the disc, maybe DLC altogether...

    Take for example Mario Bros. Wii, the analysts and journalists labeled it a casual title, what sense did that make? That game was tough! Sure I beat in a few weeks, but it was far from casual, that was an attempt at labeling the game so that it wouldn't sell, but funny how that worked out, huh game industry? In fact, that game had something going for it, and that was arcade style gameplay.

    I find myself further and further against the game industry and all of it's bull. I hope more and more are catching on to it, and get past the pretty graphics and "production values", and see what really seems to be missing from games these days, content, and replayability, and I'm not talking about worthless Achievements/Trophies, actual content. People pay $60 for a game, they should get what they deserve for putting out that much cash. God I hate going off topic!!

    To try and label gamers is like being blind and pointing at an object, and saying what color it is. It's pointless and stupid, just like the metaphor I just tried to make. :roll:

  4. Casual and hardcore are just buzz words used by marketing and the gaming press to sell stuff.

    All that matters is that a game is fun. Whether that fun is achieved by playing Hexic or Gears of War is all up to the end user.

    This, "Casual" games is essential the game industry's way of saying retarded games, and "Hardcore", being what a bunch of high minded game makers describe their "cinematic" quality games.

    I've been enjoying more and more of the games that have a more arcade style, I find them more satisfying...

  5. ha! you seriously haven't caught on to their strategy yet? look at nintendo's trademarks: innovative hardware, lower production costs, lower prices, and not to mention their MASSIVE first-party software fanbase. do you honestly think they're hurting for money? re-hashing a handheld that has already been unbelievably successful is hardly a financial risk.

    am I getting through to anyone here? idiots have been going on about the "death of nintendo" since the gamecube. funny how that all turned out, isn't it?

    it just surprises me that this isn't obvious to more people

    If only people thought about that, instead of game journalists/analysts "telling the truth".

    In the context of this topic, I'm intrigued by the 3DS, and I'm egear to try it out....

  6. Honestly, this recent episode was a really good one for me.

    I honestly cried at the part where Hurley was interpreting what Richard's wife was saying to him. The only time I ever did that with this show was the shock of seeing that Locke was really paralyzed before the crash.

    I'm such a baby, I know...

  7. i enjoy going to the theater

    Sorry if it seems like I'm being a typical forum poster, griping about something that is really nothing.

    I guess I am turning into an old man, I just have to go and take my "old man" medication and... :sleepzzz:

  8. There's only one movie this year I'm looking forward to that I would see in 3-D, if it actually benefited from it, and that's Tron Legacy. That's the only movie that makes me think "I HAVE TO SEE IT!!!"

    I care little about seeing Clash of The Titans, 2D or 3D.

    Toy Story 3? I'll see that in 2-D. UP for me wasn't worth it in 3D, so I don't think Toy Story would be any better in 3D. Alice in Wonderland was good, but I don't think 3D necessarily made it better either. Iron Man 2 I'm sure will be good, but I'm not running out to the theater to be the first to see it.

    As far as I'm concerned, when ticket prices go above ten dollars for the Matinee, I'll be passing up on seeing movies in the theater, I'll wait for them to come to DVD/Blu-Ray. Yeah, I know that means I'll be waiting a long time...

    I'm increasingly frustrated with going to the theater, I'm like a magnet for some obnoxious, loud, annoying person to sit behind me, or around me. I honestly think common courtesy is a dying trait (or maybe it's been dead for a longer than I think).

    I guess I'm just becoming a cranky old man when it comes to the movie theater.

  9. Nintendo just hasn't been the same or had any hint of good reputation since July of 2008. And it's all thanks to the White Four: Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, and Wii Music subseries. My brother has a PlayStation 3, which 2009 favored. The XBOX360 has too high of a failure rate. I thought I'd seen the worst when politicians invaded the previous (6th) generation.

    As for the 3DS, I have a neutral feeling towards it. I'm not expecting everything out of it, I'm not insulting or flaming Nintendo, I can only say that maybe it will give us new innovation or good software, maybe it won't. If the Unknown 3rd XBOX System doesn't have all the technical problems the 360 did, the adult systems will take over, and Nintendo's long legacy will finally come to an end...but if you ask me, the entire gaming industry will go out of the frying pan and into the fire if that happens.

    Try not to take this as me flaming you....

    Reputation? You don't seriously think that THAT matters over sales do you? As far as 2009, what does that even mean? Are we talking critics and reviews? That didn't exactly boost PS3 sales overall compared to the Wii did it? Let's be honest here, price cuts don't help in the long run, it didn't help sustain the Wii until New Mario Bros Wii came out.

    Gaming should be inclusive, for all the glorious HD story driven games we have, I still go for games that are more arcade like. The "adult" systems to me haven't expanded gaming's audience anywhere near the way the Wii has. It doesn't matter what the hardcore say or think about it, they are not the drivng factor for games anymore. And to be honest, I couldn't be happier. Why? For all the descriptions hardcore say they want in a game (story, orchestra, EPIC, voice work, graphics) the more it sounds like PR speak from what a game maker's "vision" is, not necessarily what a customer wants.

  10. From what I remember reading, most of the hate was in the Japanese reception of the game.

    Well, Square-Enix has been working on digging deeper into the North American market...

    The Japanese game market, isn't what it used to be... I can see why they changed the overall feel of the game...

  11. This is a typical move. Funny that Sony and Microsoft both tried to make everyone believe motion controls were a bad gimmick and that HD and DLC is the way of the future, and yet, here we are, both are wanting that cash Nintendo ate up.

    If Sony thinks that everyone who bought a wii will buy a PS3 and the PS Move, just to play in HD, they've clearly missed the point of it all. Sure HD is great, and there are great games in HD, but that's not what gaming is about. It's entertainment. And in a troubled economy AFFORDABLE entertainment is key.

    Couple the fact that a controller set($100 possibly), the PS Eye ($50? Not sure on that), the console($300), and a game($60) your still looking at spending nearly $500. That defeats the purpose of making it affordable to the consumer. Yeah, I said consumer because if Sony is going to try and copy/follow Blue Ocean Strategy like Nintendo (they won't), then the consumer comes first, and how you can broaden the appeal of your product outside the obvious buyers.

    There will be people buying this thing, but not as many as the gaming media, journalists, and analysts would like for us to believe....

  12. wow awesome

    december is gonna rock

    I'm in total agreement, even though I hate cold weather now....

    The music sounds great, I hope we get a little more tidbits later on of it...

    I'm actually very optimistic about this movie, even if the original was before my time.

  13. Woo, exciting. Yeah. It really is for me because I generally fear videogame water (real water, not so much).

    I always hated the underwater factory in KOTOR, those Sharks gave me the creeps, as did the ones in TR: Underworld

  14. who cares about story

    if you have played pokemon or recent nintendo or sega anything why do you care about story

    ignore it and play the game and if that part sucks then there is a problem

    I know this going to sound like I'm backpedaling here, but really I don't care about story. I guess I feel like there's too much focus on narrative (and I never felt metroid was ever about story) and not much on the actual gameplay, that's all. Sorry to sound like I take it so seriously, I don't. I have yet to play this game anyways, so I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm just skeptical about it that's all. :wink:

  15. Definitely a valid point, and I will never disagree that gaming is solely about fun. Production values and everything that goes with them are nice additions for the hardcore, but without being able to say that you had fun playing a game, it's pointless.

    You ever notice that, so many will go and swear up and down how great a game is, then they go and say how awful it was after replaying it. The same can be said about games that haven't even come out yet, or they haven't played yet. The hardcore are a small, easily manipulated audience, they don't matter anymore. If they were so large, then why is it that every time some "hardcore" title comes out, it doesn't stay on the top 10 in sales for more than a month or two? They're like the Sirens to the Gaming Company ships, leading them to the rocks that'll surely sink them. And the sad thing is, the Hardcore don't even realize what they're doing...

    I think there is another element to it, and it's really the logical conclusion of both of our arguments. I say that Nintendo's putting them out in too small a window, and you say that the direction that games tend to be going, at least based on sales figures, is away from ridiculously high production values and back to the core focus of being fun.

    I honestly feel that that's why game companies are in such a mess. They keep putting these "EPIC" games out over and over, and from the looks of it, they're not making back the invest they thought they would. Recently there was some remarks about Konami not wanting to reveal how much they spent on making MGS 4, honestly though, why does it matter if people knew how much they spent? The answer is obvious, they didn't make as much as they hoped. As far as the release window(s), it does seem troubling, but read on...

    It seems to me that the risk out there is that Nintendo's gaming will put itself back in the 2002-03 rut. In August of 2002, Nintendo released Super Mario Sunshine, definitely not the best Mario game, but a good game nonetheless. In November, it released Metroid Prime. Finally, in March of 2003, Zelda released. It's almost the exact same overarching time period in terms of months that we will probably be seeing for the Mario, Metroid, and Zelda titles this year, except that now they all release in 2010 because there's a 3-month head start.

    I honestly hope we don't have another rut like that. But I don't think that's going to be a problem. I think Nintendo sees that their focus needs to be shifted, and in order to do that successfully, they're gonna need to get these core games out as quickly as possible so they can get focused on either new games, or re-invigorating these tired franchises. And I think they know that the clock is ticking, so the games that are focused on entertaining ALL audiences need to be developed and released ASAP. Not too mention making sure that there's plenty of polish on them as well. Just wait until E3 this year, besides a "core" Zelda, I'm sure we'll see much more. In regards to Zelda, that is one franchise that needs to be shaken up or let loose for a few years, I've played enough revisions of Ocarina of Time, and I'm exhausted from them.

    So what do they do next year? Well, what this means is that Nintendo, in 2011 and 2012 in particular, will have to put out more games that are just as fun as New Super Mario Bros. I personally leveled some criticism at NSMBW, not because it wasn't fun or anything like that, but because it had some obvious missing elements (if you can play 4-player, put better characters in, for example). But going back to what they did after Zelda came out in 2003 on the GCN, ... they didn't do much, besides hosting annual Mario Parties.

    I can understand your criticism of NSMBW, and I understand what you're getting at, again, I think we need to wait until E3. Mario Party's not that bad, but we don't need a bajillion of them, that's for sure. I think the other companies that flooded garbage games out on the Wii successfully blotted out any chance of a new Mario Party game.

    So if it's a return to fun games that's coming our way, I'm happy. I just don't want to see Wii Music 2 next year because we wasted all of the good games this year.

    This is the kegger here... Nobody, almost nobody, understands what Nintendo was doing in that frame of time. They thought that UGC (User Generated Content), was going to be the way to go in game making, the future even. Wii Music for the expanded audience, Animal Crossing for the core Nintendo fans. Anyone remember Reggie talking about that? About UGC? I do. Heck, Wario Ware DIY is coming soon, and judging from Flip Note Studio's reception, I wouldn't count on that game doing so well (That doesn't mean it wasn't made well, so don't misinterpret it). Nintendo couldn't have been more wrong. There is little to no market in those games. You'll find very few people who are interested in paying 50 bucks for a "build your own" game. It's lazy, and stupid. I think they saw a dead end coming (thus the dip in Wii console sales) when they took that route, and thankfully made a complete U-Turn. If Nintendo is going to stick with Blue Ocean Strategy, then they need to ignore the Hardcore's sometimes, no, mostly illogical opinions on what makes a good game, and just listen to the customer, both core, and expanded audience. And that even means not listening to Game "Journalists".

    Game Journalists have never even bothered to study the Blue Ocean strategy or to understand it, heck, they don't even do their job, they take everything at face value and listen to "analysts" like Michael Pachter (who's a complete joke), instead of doing their real job: research, and investigating. But since they're too busy getting their all expense paid hotel trips to "review" a game, or getting paid out to give high marks or write glowing previews of an upcoming game, and let alone being addicted to video games, I don't think I'll ever trust them.

    But I'm getting WAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic with that....

    Sorry for the long post...

  16. I disagree; I believe it's perfectly rational and logical. Grouping all of these big releases into a remarkably small release window means that Nintendo's going to be putting out its major series games almost at one shot. It typically takes anywhere from 3-5 years for new Mario, Metroid, and Zelda games to release (main series releases as opposed to Mario Kart-type offshoots or portable titles). What's disappointing is simply that based on Nintendo's recent history, we could have some real garbage coming out next year. Or have you forgotten that the holiday titles of 2008 were Wii Music and Animal Crossing?

    You're on the right track. But I think what's happening is this...

    Core gaming (and I don't care what people think), is on the decline. All these games that are for the "hardcore" fans, are being put out quickly for one reason, they don't sell. Compare the first Mario Galaxy's sales with New Super Mario Bros. Wii, NSMBW outsold it in 45 days, Mario Galaxy only got 4 million in America after two years, the market is telling Nintendo something. What exactly? They like 2-D Mario better. And to be honest, I'd like to see more 2-D Mario with the production values of Galaxy put in!

    Metroid: Other M, is starting to bother me. Some of the voice dialog I've read sounds mediocre. And this game is far from what Metroid is about. I don't care about Samus' past, I want to see more of her future, but they screwed that up with Fusion. Granted, I'm willing to give this game a chance, but I'm only renting it. I may only do the same with Galaxy 2.

    I believe that Nintendo is getting a wake up call that they need to get back to what made games good, and why people play them. From what I've heard lately, it seems that they're going back and researching as to why the original games were so good in the first place. This isn't about the "casuals", this is about the values of games. The expanded audience as some have called it, don't care about every game having an epic sweeping storyline, or a bunch of voice acting, orchestral music score (though those things are nice). Gaming for them is about one thing, fun. And I'm increasingly beginning to feel that way...

  17. Don't forget Cave Story a month from now.

    Ever since I heard that it was coming to WiiWare, I never played the PC version again, just so that I could feel refreshed.

    That was over a year ago. All that waiting, just for a few more weeks!!! Huzzah!

    In regards to the media summit, maybe the hardcore can finally stop whining for at least an hour.

  18. I honestly think I'm gonna pass on this one. For starters, I didn't really think Gotham Knight was that great. It was good, but not like, "OMG! OMG!" great, but that's just my opinion.

    The other reason, is because I've had a complete fallout with Anime, especially since I haven't seen, let alone bothered to watch an Anime, for almost 2 years....

    But don't let my "stick in the mud" opinion affect you....


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