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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. A great and very deep film. Nolan pulls off even the most complex ideas with relative ease. The hotel scene had my heart racing, that hasn't happened to me with a movie in years...

  2. Actually the health warnings applies to adults as well...

    While we have had exposure to 3D effects in the past it can't compare to the amount of exposure we will have soon. 3D features appearing on both TV and Gaming consoles/portables? Who's to say that it wouldn't do something nasty over time.

    A generation of cock eyed kids, that's what'll happen

  3. the new iphone makes a resolution improvement that is impossible for retinas to process, the camera adds ~zooming~, the thing adds in a gyroscope sensor for all of the gimmicky bullshit that you could ever ask for, and a slightly more powerful processor that works wonders on all the things that don't fucking matter because it's a god damn phone

    And couple the fact that most of the things that are added in Apple products that could/should have been in the product in the first place.

    Of course, some of those things Nintendo is guilty of.

    And I agree with Bleck on how ridiculous people need to compare Apple to Nintendo. Two entirely different companies that don't follow the same direction at all.

    Not to mention most of the games on the iPod are like one night stands...

  4. Also it's Treasure, a studio that pretty much never makes a bad game.

    Treasure games are usually about the most pure and fun experiences in gaming; it's distilled from a lot of the trappings that makes games boring.

    Yeah you know like long winded and boring cut scenes, and bad writing/acting that infests games today?

  5. ]

    The way I see it, people who haven't read this revelation are EXPECTING aquatic levels, and I think they'll be inclined to criticize negatively when they find out they were dropped. The 'slow' pacing of the aquatic levels was part of what made the original trilogy great; they created a nice balance. Not to mention THE MUSIC. Another thing: Slow? I guess they don't remember outswimming croctopi.

    You just summed up the argument for me right there, the music.

    Honestly, DKC 3's water levels were lagging, far too busy looking to me. And I agree with Retro, they do slow the games down.

    I honestly trust Retro to make this game. I wish they were making Metroid Other M, the more I see of that game and it's horrible dialog, the less interested I am in it.

    I'm just curious about the music. I'm sure they understand that's a big part of some fans attachment to DKC, I just hope this game will be one I can come back to again and again, unlike most games these days.

  6. An uplifting read, in my opinion:


    I stopped playing Nintendo after my Wii broke about 2-3 years ago, and only missed it because I couldn't play my GC games. I got a 360 in the meantime which I never thought I would... But I got it fixed in May, and after E3 I'm really happy I did. The article makes me realize what Nintendo was planning all along. I thought they had abandoned the demographic that had kept them afloat through all the hard times, but they were just collecting enough money to come back with what we all really wanted... Nintendo is kind of like the father that leaves his kids one day and comes back a few years later to spoil them.

    Nintendo didn't abandon anyone. They're not abandoning anybody now.

    In the whole supporting Nintendo during the "hard times", sorry but I don't believe that kept them afloat. Pok'emon and kids did. Now everyone will think I believe the "teh kidtendo" crap.

  7. They're thinking "Hey how can we make another shitty game and tarnish our legacy further?"

    Seriously, Rare is dead to me.

    I stand by that statement. Rare is a shell of what it was almost 10 years ago. Now they're relegated to making Wii knockoffs, and since none of their new games sold well at all, I don't see them making a comeback anytime soon.

    I feel that Nintendo was wise to let them go, even though I didn't feel that way originally.

    Reportedly, David Wise is a freelance composer now, so maybe they can havehim come in and oversee or even compose the music for the game. I saw a report that Nintendo acknowledged that the music from the Super NES games were a fond memory for many, so take that as you will.

    I'm definitely buying this game.

    If it sells well (as it should), Retro needs to make a 2D Metroid, considerring they seem to know Metroid better than Sakamoto himself.

  8. Didn't a bunch of Nintendo press stuff come out about how that quote wasn't from Iwata? I remember the same thing being said, and then a articles saying "no, he didn't say that, where are you people getting this from?"

    The gaming press is a screwy thing, maybe that's why they have those Iwata asks videos. Iwata even openly admits he uses an iPhone and iPod.

  9. nintendo has already labeled the iphone and apple as their top competitor "for the future"

    i dont feel like finding the link but yeah it was about a month ago

    I read that as well, that quote didn't even sound like Iwata, so it was taken out of context or fake altogether. I don't doubt that Nintendo should be watchful.

  10. wait a second are they really doing this hahaha

    i thought they wanted to compete with the iphone as far as media players go theyre not gonna be able to compete if they dont support mp3s

    Don't do that. Far too many journalists want to pit Nintendo against Apple because they can't stand seeing Nintendo being way past the competition. And Apple and Nintendo comparrisons are like comparring oranges and, well, apples. (god that was lame)

    The 3D isn't exactly a necessity, but it's a disruptive move. And since blue ocean strategy is part of disruption Nintendo follows that movement. The graphics is a selling point for some, and a sweet spot for getting game makers to support it. I just hope 2D will still have a place on it. Judging from the Wii games we see coming out, I don't doubt we'll see some.

  11. david wise has written a lot of awesome music for a lot of games, but banjo kazooie: nuts and bolts is not one of them. grant kirkhope, robin beanland, and dave clynick wrote the music for that.

    Whoops... Minus 10 points for me... :(

    still I'd love for them to try to get some of those guys involved if it's possible...

  12. I completely support this threat

    I second it.

    Seriously, I hated Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, but David Wise's music was top notch.

    I hope they consider bringing him in to do the music, if they don't, oh well, just try to match the quality he did for the games.

  13. I'll admit, I probably would wait for the 3DS, especially since I'd like to see a new 2D Mario for it. But a new star fox warrants it for me. Especially if it's the better aspects of Star Fox.

    Nintendo really exceeded my low expectations (I try to be realistic with this stuff)

  14. newsflash: something being done before doesn't mean that it is automatically bad; sometimes things can be good enough to warrant sequels that aren't complete overhauls

    I'm getting kind of sick of all these half-cynic idiots talking about 'Nintendo rehash' while they get all giddy about Gears of fucking War 3 or another god damn Halo or one of the infinite rip-offs of Halo floating around

    and don't even get me fucking started on god damn fucking Call of Duty

    Thirded, absolutely

  15. no one cares about the uber-ds. i don't think a console's portable when it's the size of your torso.

    rising isn't 360 only, but it's being developed lead on 360. that means that it'll look way better on 360, then PC, then PS3 last. lead consoles always blow away the ported console.

    not to mention that, thanks to this conference, you can now get a 360 for 150$. which is a better price point than any other console - including stuff like the go and the newer DS models.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but not everyone cares about Kinect either. I've asked people in general about it, most of the people I've talked to weren't interested in it.

    Granted, none of us have played any of these products so opinions and judgement are rather pointless right now, no matter what overall forum opinion is (not like that really matters either)

  16. [9:36:25 PM] Bleck: I really want reggie fils aime to just

    [9:36:26 PM] Bleck: walk out

    [9:36:29 PM] Bleck: and look at the audience

    [9:36:31 PM] Bleck: for five minutes

    [9:36:34 PM] Bleck: like michael jackson

    [9:36:38 PM] Bleck: and everyone is just screaming and fainting

    [9:36:41 PM] Bleck: and then he just says

    [9:36:42 PM] Bleck: new zelda

    [9:36:43 PM] Bleck: and walks off stage

    [9:36:46 PM] Bleck: and the new trailer plays

    [9:36:50 PM] Bleck: and nintendo wins E3

    Now that's the best post I've seen all day...

  17. I hate any and all online gaming

    Join the club. There's only a few games I've ever truly enjoyed online, Blur, Dr. Mario RX, and a match of Halo 3 with friends, that's it...

    And Prophet, we're not missing anything. Kinect has potential, but we all know that Microsoft is only trying to cash in on the expanded audience (aka "the casuals"), if the price point ($150) from Gamestop is to be believed, this thing won't take off.

  18. Microsoft literally had no ace in the hole, and everything was just lackluster. They might as well have just shown sales figures.

    I give it a D.

    Meh, I'd give it a C+. For actually showing things being done with Kinect, other than that, I didn't really see any games I'd want to play on the 360.

    Of course, journalists and the gaming press are going to give it all sorts of praise and preach the Doom of Nintendo, like they've been doing for the past decade.

    The smaller 360 probably still has a power supply the size of a big brick.

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