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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Got to cater to the gray-beards as well as the halo-kiddies right? :lol:

    And people called Nintendo gay...:roll:

    Well, look, I"m not the type that says that game companies should only cater to the ones that they think matter (the hardcore think that way). I think companies should learn to grow and expand and include other people in gaming. The market is not going to be as strong I think in the next year, or for a while (Recession is still going on, things will probably get worse before better).

    I wonder if journalists there for the thing realize they were being used for a silly promo airing on MTV and Nickelodeon tonight. Until I can play it, I don't see this being that great. Of course, game journalists and the marketers are in love with this thing and the spectacle over it.

  2. I don't think I'm particularly interested in Kinect just yet, although I DO like the new 360 model. The built-in WiFi sounds great, although knowing MS they might try to gouge the price using the new functionality as an excuse. Still, if the system doesn't generate as much heat/noise as a 747 and isn't as expensive, then I might just bite sometime down the road.

    And has anyone noticed that publishers/the big 3 have been blowing their loads a bit too early for the actual show? Either they've got some serious surprises planned for the actual conferences, or this is going to be a pretty mundane E3.

    Either way, what a great week. E3 AND the world cup at the same time. Love it.

    I laugh at the mere fact Microsoft hired Cirque de Sole to perform for Kinect, as if that will help sell it.

  3. No, you only need one song to get you want this game.


    Considering my character for Rock Band had Marty McFly's outfit at the prom (and the same kind of guitar), plus my grey hair and weight lifting gloves, I'll definitely be making a band name on there.

    The Pinheads?

    The George McFly's?

    No, The McFlys!

    The Jigawatts!!!

    The Jail Bird Joeys!!

    I have to quit giving ideas out!!! Dang it!!!

  4. I disagree, I like having story in my Mario. I'd actually heard that SMG2 was pretty light on story, so it's good to hear that there's still some in there.

    Game's coming out this week over here, I'm looking forward to it!

    If you like it, fine. But not everybody does, oh well. I keep forgetting gamers keeps making games out to be like it's a fine dining experience (that's not directed at you Tinus), without really looking at the "meal" itself.

  5. I'm finished completely with this game, and I'm about to do the same thing I did with the first one, trade it in.

    I thought it was a well made game production wise, but they seriously need to quit trying to put more story in Mario games, the RPG's I can understand, but platformer Mario doesn't really need it. Plus, I'm getting tired of the way 3D Mario games are structured. Quit making me talk to creatures that have nothing meaningful to say, quit making me return to the ship after every star, let me skip the intro to the stars if I want to. And I KNOW there are prankster comets!! I knew it two stages ago!!

    And if I'm going to fight Bowser, why not make the fight different each time? Bowser Jr.'s fights seemed more interesting. And why not use the Koopa Kids? Why bring them back for one game?

    I actually want more new 2D Mario than 3D.

  6. No involvement from Rare worries me. The fact that it says Activision on the box worries me even more.

    Sorry but to me, Rare is a shell of it's former self, unless they come out with something ten times better than Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts, then they're just Natal and Avatar fodder for Microsoft.

    Activision is the one who has the rights to the Bond franchise for now, and it's being made by Eurocom and N-Space. Activision is only publishing it. Why is that such a big deal? Are people still not over that stupid Infinity Ward garbage? There's far more to that story than what anybody is willing to report on.

    So what if they didn't publish Brutal Legend or those other titles, they didn't perform that well in sales (and Legend had A LOT of marketing) so that seems like smart business decisions, how Tim Schafer is still able to keep making games when each game has flopped I can't seem to understand. I love his creativity, but the games I have played haven't shown to me theyre very good games at all. That of course is a matter if opinion so I'll just leave it at that.

  7. As always, I anticipate what Nintendo will bring. I hope there's a hint of a new Star Fox (keep dreaming I know).

    Of course, I'll hear the same old thing regarding anything unveiled, "Nintendo is DOOMED!!" "Nintendo doesn't have any hardcore games".

    Of course, I gladly ignore the hardcore gamers, and I hope that Nintendo keeps doing so, they haven't mattered that much anyways.


  8. Issun was so cool by the end of the game though. ...Toad your mind, it baffles me.

    Sorry Okami just wasn't that great of a game to me. The art style was great, but I didn't care about much else.

    What's so baffling about my mind? That some of those critically praised games don't "jell" with me?

  9. Wait, are you meaning Mario, Mario's Faceship, or JH?

    And Issun is NOT a flea, or a bug of any sort. He's a wandering artist.

    The purple obese star, and yeah the flea guy in okami was irritating to me. Okami on Wii had horrid brush controls.

    Sorry, this game just isn't as good as NSMB Wii to me, it's well made, but there's just something I don't like about it. Maybe because I essentially played this game two years ago?

  10. I've been playing this for a while, and I have to say, I'm a bored by it. The graphics and music are nice, but I honestly don't think I'll be keeping this after I beat the game. I'll keep trying to go through it, maybe my feelings will change on it...

    I know I'll get flames for this post, sorry to offend anyone...

  11. Hey, only getting funding from a bank didn't work out. Our first game is actually nearing completion. Like I said, we just had to bootstrap it :-)

    www.spacewhalestudios.com - check it out!

    At least you seem to have a good head on shoulders Zircon. I don't think many game makers even like getting into the business aspect of making games, which is probably their biggest problem, Wrst and Zampella anyone? (of course there could be more to that situation than we all know of)

  12. My bad for reading that from your post. But let me make this one point: Mario Galaxy 2 is purely fanservice. Yes, it's an excellent game; yes, the level design is awesome; yes, the music rocks. But, look at all the myriad references to past Mario games in it. Hell, one of the bosses even looks like the Helmasaur from Link to the Past! It's a good example of how to do fanservice and still make a highly enjoyable game. So what if they may be trying to trick 2D fans into playing a 3D game? It's part of the reason there's so many 2D segments in it! Fanservice. And I mean that in the best possible way.

    Well that's fine by me then!

    Now let's get a new 2D only co-op game again with production values like Galaxy 2!

  13. There are quite a few 2D segments in Galaxy 2, ya know. And they're well done, as usual.

    I'm sorry if I implied that I think galaxy 2 isn't good. That's not the case at all. I just think it's Nintendo trying to segway the 2D fans to play 3D again, that's all...

    Curly, indont think it's necesarilly a war within the home, but what game designers want and want consumers want are not the same.

    But that's a different topic for a different thread...

  14. Except maybe not. Keep in mind this only affects brick-and-mortar stores and physical media, if the trend is to move to mostly digital distribution as a lot of analysts have been predicting for a while now then this is just a pinch compared to what will happen later on. We're not looking at a long-term solution to a problem but rather something to start chipping away at the used games market until the technology/platform exists for total digital distro.

    But the concern over price of that future content is still a serious issue. When XBLA started, prices weren't high, just barely $10, and look where it's gotten to now. Braid's price point anyone? COD MW 2 maps? Price hikes will abound. Hardcore gamers will get whatever's thrown at them without question, and lap up anything magazines and developers may try to spin, but consumers who are more discerning than that will disagree.

    I guess since I don't follow suit with the "what's good for the industry is good for gamers" I'm an outsider to all of this...

  15. i am probably the only person who didnt like the first one, so i have no interest in the 2nd one.

    I liked SMB Wii a lot better.

    You and the millions of other people who bought SMB Wii more than Galaxy.

    I loved SMB Wii, but I will give this one a fair chance. I find it hillarious that Nintendo thinks they'll fool the ones who like 2D Mario better into buying this one, they may catch some, but not many.

    As pessimistic, and negative as this sounds, I don't think Galaxy 2 will sell better than SMB Wii, simply because the fans of 3D Mario are far smaller than ones who prefer 2D Mario.

    I guarantee that the biggest glowing aspect of focus will be the music in a lot of discussions...

  16. Ha, cool - was hoping for a thread like this someday!

    I'm involved in three small businesses. However, none of them have any employees. One is a sole proprietorship involving just me (www.zirconmusic.com). Another is a partnership (two people) that does involve contractors, but nobody salaried or on staff (www.impactsoundworks.com). The third is another partnership involving five people, again making use of contractors but no full-time employees (www.spacewhalestudios.com).

    It might seem like I'm doing a lot but they're actually all pretty intertwined.

    I was about to ask what you're business was, until I read they were music businesses, I swear I can't comprehend what I read... :lmassoff:

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