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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. I couldn't pass up this story, not after hearing all the whining of third party companies not being able to sell games on the Wii. Warning, LOTS OF TEXT...


    In a recent Q & A with Nintendo Investors, Iwata answered many different questions, ones that were seriously needing to be addressed, but the biggest thing of all, was this, at least to me...


    Granted, that confirms that console games outsold on the 360, but, there's one game in particular that had boosted those figures for those months,

    COD: MW 2, and NPD included ALL SKU's for that game (there were several "special editions" of the game). So, let's see what happens when you remove that game from the equation...


    So any of these arguments that companies can't make a profit on the Wii, is bull.

    I think the problem lies in the fact that either the companies didn't really have faith in those "hardcore" games selling, or, they were being lazy themselves.

    Also another shock, was this...

    Iwata: "To tell you the truth, GameCube is secretly designed to load graphical circuits which display graphics for right and left eyes respectively, for a future possibility of realizing 3D gaming experience."

    You heard it folks, Nintendo looked into 3-D gaming as well...


  2. I swear, 2D sonic fans are worse than the 3D bunch. At least the newer bunch can be hilarious in their depravity. The older dudes are just annoying and never satisfied with anything.

    I heard that!!! (Pokes cane, raises fist in the air)

    In all seriousness though, I don't care about the name. Never really bothered me, I just thought it sounded silly.

    The only thing I'm concerned about, is that Sega thinks we play Sonic for story, since when?

    You know why I like Mario platformers, and Old School Sonic? They don't have a lot of story, and they don't need it. Any idiot that thinks it's a necessity for them to have cut-scenes between EVERY stage needs to play something else.

    Granted, I still have a lot of love for Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, and even Sonic Heroes, but since then, nothing has been right with the games, at least to me, and the thousands of others still giving Sonic a chance...

  3. Dr. Robotnik sounds menacing. It sounds like a crazed psychopath bent on roboticising all the wildlife.

    Eggman just sounds fucking stupid.

    I believe the only reason we ever had the misfortune of a name change was annoying Anime Sonic/SEGA fanboys (is there much difference? Kidding, just kidding) demanding SEGA to be "TRUE" to the original. And that, was the beginning of a downward spiral for SEGA AND SONIC.

    In regards to this new game, it's what Sonic should be, 2-D, no obnoxious animals, no princesses to "rescue" (I don't care if Lacey Chabert did her voice!!!), from the looks of it, just plain speed and fun. Even though I enjoyed Sonic's first few 3D games (SA, SA2:Battle, and Sonic Heroes), I'll take a 2-D GOOD Sonic game any day.

    Though I'd prefer a retail copy of this game, I'll take what I can get. After all, this episodic stuff might be a test for SEGA to see if not just fans will buy a 2-D Sonic game.

  4. Yeah, the comic was really good up until around issue #100 or so.

    And I have to agree with the Spaz-love. He's the master of drawing Sonic with great detail. I was really excited to see his verion of Cut Man for one of the comic-adaptions of Mega Man that were produced but I've never looked into getting ahold of those. I also liked the way Ken Penders drew Sonic in the early days.

    I stopped at around Issue 52. I still read them from time to time at a local book store I go to, but I haven't bought a Sonic comic in years.

    Sonic and Knuckles Mecha Madness was probably the best in detail for me, especially with Ken and Spaz's work.

    Dang, I may just have to go and look at some of those old comics I have now.....:-P

  5. All I know is I played FFIV: The After Years and it somehow defied all odds and ended up being EXACTLY the FFIV sequel I waited 17 long years for, so I cannot lose faith in Square.

    A bad trailer means nothing. A few bad snapshots does not the ruin the album no matter how much of a fanboy you get to be. Wait until it comes out and you get done playing it before you call it a disaster.

    Easy there, I never said it was going to be, I said it might be possible it won't be good, or not do as well, that doesn't mean it won't sell like a ton.

    I only think something is amiss with this one, something is just, off. It's probably the Leona Lewis track playing, or the dialog.

    But since I've not really played any Final Fantasy games (let alone much interest), since VII, and IV (on the DS respectively), I'll keep my mouth shut from here on out.

    Sorry, didn't mean to rile anyone up.;-)

  6. Well it might take another "Spirits Within" scenario to make them realize they are retarded.

    Somehow I don't think they will.

    If you let the trailer play while not looking at the screen, you'd swear you were listening to a horrible Sci-Fi Channel movie (oops, SyFy, horrid name).

    And I'm sure the fanboy journalists will spin the (possibly) weak sales as something good if they turn out to be bad.

    For example, this new FF came out, and obviously, in it's first week, it's number one on the sales charts, that's an absolute no brainer, that's a lot of fans getting that game. Week 2, it goes down to number 4.

    I'd be nervous if I was Square at the moment.

    I wonder if these companies are starting to see that putting big risky budgets on these games is a good idea anymore. And from what REAL analysts have been saying (ones that aren't like Michael Pachter), 2011 isn't going to be a very great year for games, especially with game companies folding, or downsizing late last year and more than likely this year...

  7. I honestly couldn't get very far into the trailer, I hated it.

    I've always admired the Final Fantasy series, but this trailer, and the dialog (the voices sound pretty good), just sound horrid.

    I really think Square needs to re-evaluate this series, I'm doubting whether or not they'll recoup the amount of money they took to make it.

    Sorry, I'm not trying to be a hater, I'm just being pessimistic with this one....

  8. I like how Sony immediately says reboot after scrapping 4. I guess all the companies have to be careful now and constantly be active with their franchises' date=' or else Disney Marvel will snatch back control.

    Edit: Oh, and I will further lament the loss of a Lizard movie. Three films, three name drops, and they couldn't decide on a villain for the fourth film?. F*** you Raimi.[/quote']

    Exactly! That's why we hear of all the companies taking the licenses they got to make the films of these super heroes after the Marvel Disney buy out.

    I don't think the Lizard would have been in the fourth film. Besides, the Vulture as a villain is not what I call a big bad guy. Raimi felt the need to kill off two of the major villains in the first two films, leaving little to go from there.

    The third film made me hate the other two films. They meddled with the Green Goblin too much. Although I did like William Dafoe as the Goblin. I think the Second was the best, but it suffered from being WAY TOO campy. I mean, how many women scream in front of the camera? That alone got on my nerves. Spiderman wasn't a cheesy horror Raimi, no matter how much you would have wanted it to be.

    While I think a fresh start would be great, I honestly hope they do it right this time. And have Gwen Stacy in the FIRST FILM.

  9. Indeed. Even average games like Dewy's Adventure or Deadly Creatures are worth checking out, especially since both are likely super-cheap by now.

    I heard Deadly Creatures was plagued by bugs (like actual game glitches), and signifcant slowdown, if that wasn't true, I'll by all means check it out.

    Never did try Dewey's Adventure, might have to try it out.

  10. Also: Neytiri was hot as holy hell.

    While I'm never one to express physical interest in other species (I'm only joking), I'll admit she was one of the most realistic CG characters I have ever seen, on par with Davey Jones in the Pirates of The Carribean movies.

  11. It took me a while to get to the Mario/L4D2 review. And for a reason I can't discern, that review angered me more than it should have. Why do I feel so ripped off and frustrated with it? It's almost embarrassing!

    Am I the only one who feels like he didn't give NSMBWii a chance? Sure, trashing games is his schtick, but I feel like he took it way, way too far. I can't remember him saying one good thing about the entire game.

    He didn't give it a chance because he doesn't want to. He's being just as stupid as the rest of the hardcore that haven't even tried the game and say it's a DS port, or is just trying to do like all website try to do anymore, Flamebait. Anger the fans, get lots of page views, and look "insightful", and "edgy".

    Look no further than Jim Sterling's "pieces" on Destructoid, or Anthony Burch's Rev Rant, where all he does is whine about things commonplace in games that need to be change, and it's not the things that are of serious need either.

    I honestly can't believe how many people have become so against Mario Bros. Wii, it seems like they (hardcore gamers, God I hate that term) only want "cinematic" experiences in games, instead of just enjoying games anymore...

  12. I'm not about to say it's a conspiracy, but I think all the Wii hate stems from both a lack of understanding about this new shift in the gaming industry and a dislike for some of the side effects of the shift.

    First off, some people don't understand that every market must be stabilized. We're seeing a glut of casual minigame stuff on the Wii because it's easy to produce, and everyone wants to nab their piece of the casual market pie, and make a name for themselves (or generate a quick buck) before the casual market settles. By "settles" I mean, the casual gamers rest on their selections and stick with them more or less forever. Nintendo and EA are doing a great job of establishing themselves as the companies of choice for fitness and exercise games.

    Sony seemingly had the same problem (some may argue they STILL do), regarding a dearth of great software, but then you won't find Chicken Shot on their console, either.

    The second point, about disliking the new software geared towards casuals, goes a little deeper. Basically, people don't want to be associated with Chicken Shot, Anubis 2, or Ninjabread Man, because in their minds, just the fact that the Wii has these games for purchase means the console itself is made worse. It's basically an evolution of the "Nintendo is a kiddy console for kids" thing that the GameCube picked up. Moreover, since the Wii doesn't have the graphical power behind it as the 360 and PS3 do, a lot of the hardcore market doesn't think that even the good games are any good, because they don't LOOK as good. It can be argued that it's the natural result of pushing visuals for years and years.

    These same fanboys are, of course, creaming their jeans over Natal and Sony's glowstick, thingies. This implies a rather acute sense of jealously about the Wii's success over the supposedly "better" consoles. Oh well.

    Sorry, but I think it's best not to divide gamers by what they play. That to me is part of the problem, besides this annoying Hardcore gamer garbage.

    It amazes me how they (the industry) make games for the hardcore for the Wii, but when there is little to no advertising for the game, how can they expect it to sell? Word of mouth may get some games a high selling rate, but not all of them are so fortunate.

    And not every game needs to be rated M to be considered as a hardcore title/great title, but since I've seen too many "hardcore" gamers/journalists cry about lack of these "mature" games, I think there isn't enough maturity in the gamers/journalists themselves.

    Have they (the journalists) even tried to read or research Blue Ocean Strategy? If Microsoft or Sony started in on that, they probably would.

    The "casual" mini games are a glut of bad software, there's no ifs or butts about it. But even that is backfiring now on companies that tried to cash in on it (customers are not as stupid as they think, they catch on quick).

    But it amazes me that here is a console that has a high install base, is cheaper to make games on, and companies stick their nose up at it. What? Are they afraid to compete with Nintendo? Sure, NOT ALL of their games have been that great lately, but if you can't or don't want to compete with a company that has been known for quality (in the past for some), then YOU'RE LAZY. Hear that IGN? that's what you should have been whining about, third party companies lack of software.

    I've become disallusioned with the gaming industry. So much BS has gone on these past few years that I have no trust in it whatsoever. From the reviews that are done in plush hotels paid by the game makers (like Modern Warfare 2), to the manipulated hardcore gamers, to the arguements about games being an "art" form (I don't want to get into that), this is not what I expected, let alone wanted.

    I guess I am a jaded gamer, but these things have definitely put a large dent in my feelings on gaming. I don't care about big giant stories in games, I don't care about big orchestral scores (most are forgettable in games today), or acheivements.

    I just try to enjoy games, and that's it.

    (Sorry for this being a rant once again)

  13. The hate is because the majority of Wii games are just sets of repeated carnival minigames with different names and brands slapped onto the cases. :/

    Also, biased game "journalists"/"analysts" that act like they speak for the hardcore, but have no trouble throwing them under the bus when they don't agree with them (example: Modern Warfare 2).

    I've actually quit reading some websites because of how ridiculous they've been acting about the Wii, case in point, IGN, and their "Nintendo Is Lazy", and "Wii Needs Achievements" articles. They must have not liked New Super Mario Bros. Wii doing so well, or maybe they just suck at it.

  14. I really, really wanted to see this in 3D. But the last movie I saw in 3D, UP, started to give me a headache, so I went 2D on this one, not to mention, that my brother-in-law who went with me, would have probably gotten a little nausiated by it.

    Potential Spoilers, AVERT YOUR EYES IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT!!!!

    Speaking of the film, I have to admit, it was just so, jarring, watching Sigourney Weaver as a Naavi, or the main guy as one, but as it went on, I got used to it, and enjoyed it. Not to mention just how realistic it was, Cameron has definitely raised the bar for special effects. The way the faces were animated especially made it all the better.

    The scenery was absolutely stunning. So much of it really felt real. Those floating mountains were especially beautiful.

    I have to admit, although this was familiar ground in terms of story, it was still very enjoyable.

    Someone mentioned some of the cheesy lines, and I agree, some of Cameron's films have had them, after all, who could forget "Game Over Man! Game Over!" from Aliens, or countless others like from Terminator?

    Speaking of Aliens, I felt like I was watching some of it, especially with some of the military weaponry, and the way that Michelle Rodriguez played that soldier reminded me of Vasquez from Aliens (the tough military chick).


    I guess I'll have to take one of my friends to go see it in 3D this week, from the comments, it sounds like it's worth it...

  15. Wow, I can remember when I first read about this site in a magazine a few years ago, and then visiting it frequently in computer class my senior year in high school, I can't believe it's been this long!

    Congratulations OCR, I'm sure Dj Pretzel never thought it would have taken off as big as it has, for as long as it has, and will continue to.

    Keep up all the hard work remixers, you've caught so much attention from all of the gaming world.

    (Did that come off cheesy? :oops:)

  16. I wish it DID exsist in online gaming on consoles, most of the time, I never encountered it. All I encountered was sore losers/whiners. I can honestly say, overall, I didn't enjoy being on-line in Halo 3, or other on-line games...

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason I have no interest in online gaming on consoles, nor paying for online on them either....

  17. He'd probably already have some Blu-Ray movies then.

    Anyway, definitely go for the movies you already like, though some of the better looking movies I've seen in HD include 300 and the last two Bond movies.

    I considered a PS3 for some time, but there's very few games I would play on it. Not to mention that I only like keeping track of one console (my nintendo wii), I spend enough time playing it.

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