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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Yeah, Black Friday had a deal I couldn't pass up. It's a Samsung Blu Ray player (about a 150 bucks), I already have an HDMI cable for my tv that does about 720p or so resolution.

    I was just wanting to know if any of you have one, and what movies you could recommend that really makes the quality stand out.

    I already bought the new Star Trek on a regular dvd, so I probably won't rebuy that movie (at least until it's 10 bucks on Blu Ray if even then).

  2. Whatever, I'm just happy I saved myself 60 dollars from a game, and if my thread informed people who knew nothing about it then its even better.

    Even though I've never really looked into Metacritic on much games, one thing I've found interesting is this...


    The User rating has just now neared 6.0, and if you look through the numbers of ratings, not too many gamers are pleased (then again, could be fanboys INTENTIONALLY rating this game without having played it). Or even viral messengers trying to keep the game propped up.

    I know absolutely nothing about dedicated servers, or how bad or good a game is without them. Infinity Ward and Activision made truckloads of cash, but in the process, have had an impact on their reputation (at least Infinity Ward has).

  3. Well, Reggie DID bet that it would outsell the 360 version of MW2(which is kind of a lame handicap), but I think it has a chance to outsell all SKUs of MW2 as well personally.

    I saw that video on Game Trailers with Reggie saying that, Geoff Keighley will only hold him to saying, "Well, you said it would outsell it in the first month!" I can't stand Keighley, he seems so arrogant, especially when he talks to Nintendo.

    Of course, most of the viral messengers on forums, or "hardcore" gamers think he's off his rocker. But then again, we are talking about a small base of people compared to the actual large base of "casual" consumers(average consumer). Yet, it's funny how they'll only use sales numbers to back their claims of how bad/good a game is (at least to them). Mario Wii might not sell as many copies as the DS vers. did, but I think it will definitely be on the sales charts for a LONG time (as the DS vers. STILL is).

    I find IGN's review hilarious. They docked points for the game because it's not like the 3-D Marios (hint: it's not supposed to be morons!), and the fact that it doesn't have online multiplayer (haven't reviewers come to terms with some major Wii games not having this?). And I doubt this game could even be as entertaining online as it is with all four people right there next to you. That's why I prefer playing games with people right next to me, rather than some obnoxious player who knows how to use the glitches in a game to his advantage...

  4. Just announced that the PC version has been cut down to 9 players per team now.


    So they are removing everything that made the first one good just to force DLC onto the PC world.


    valve so gets it.

    This is why I will RARELY ever, ever put trust into DLC. No longer are companies content with delivering content on the disc, they'd rather have barely anything (or NO disc at all), on it. Or, have it on there, and FORCE you to pay for the content already on the disc you already paid for.

    This should also be a big flag waving to these "hardcore" gamers that are adored by their HD loving companies, they want to SCREW YOU OVER.

    And yes, I totally agree Nekofrog, Valve does get it. They keep the customer in mind. Of course, they'll make a profit, but hey, they'll at least satisfy both their fans, as well as potential consumers...

  5. Ugh.

    Will we have a screenplay that ISN'T based off some book/story/game ever again?

    Nope. Not when Hollywood is desperate to make a buck that they'll go to what's probably considered the bottom of the bucket (at least that's how I feel they think of it).

    I don't recall there being that much of an "in depth" storyline to Prince of Persia, but I'll probably see this, it looks good to me.

  6. Mass Effect A great sci-fi game that has a very large world to explore. Marred by a clunky, overwhelming inventory system, as well as aggravating loading times in elevators. Best Xbox 360 game hands down.

    Mario Galaxy Nintendo's attempt at trying to outdo Mario 64, with great results. Fantastic graphics, and music. A long game, but not much replay value after you're done.

    Okami (Wii vers.) Beautiful graphics. A novel approach towards exploration RPGs. Marred by horrid controls, and a few irritating characters.


  7. They (videogames) just don't "do it" for me anymore.

    Are there any games for Wii right now though that have a long lifespan? Something I can't finish within 5 hours and are actually fun to play over and over again?

    If not then I'll probably have no choice but to go through certain RPGS again :D

    I've been going through the same thing, and it's not just with the Wii. Video games for me just aren't as engaging anymore, I'm not as entertained by them. The actual titles that keep me hooked (and have me coming back for more) are few and far between these days.(Of course, having a girlfriend now has kind of filled me with more ambition :smile: )

    I think developers need to look more at the games they make and actually look at how they can make games that don't wind up in the trade in section at game stores...

    On the topic at hand, I can't wait for New Super Mario Bros.! Looks like a very entertaining game.

    Just re-rented De Blob, man that is still a fun game. Might try multiplayer here pretty soon.

  8. Word of mouth for me. I don't care for game hype, so if I'm desperate for finding game info after its released that word of mouth doesn't give me enough for, I just go to GameRankings. I also don't like to generally read game related articles by gaming sites because of the sometimes piss poor journalism in the industry (Kotaku I'm looking at you).

    Kotaku gets too much into the "hardcore" gamer mentality, that I'm sick of hearing. And their polls they have "provide" absolutely nothing to me.

    I like to see game footage on Game Trailers, but Bonus Round is a joke to me. Michael Pachter's predictions, and his analyzing is getting ridiculous.

    I like Gamebiz from what I've seen of few and far between articles...

  9. I haven't really been posting much on here lately, but I was a bit curious, where do some of you go for video game news?

    I guess this is kind of an odd topic, but I just don't like going to Kotaku or Destructoid, and having to see stupid "hardcore" blogs/opinion pieces all the time. Sure sometimes they may have something interesting or funny, but I'd rather look at some better sites than them. IGN, is okay, but I'm not that enthralled with their ad pages.

    So, where do YOU guys go for video game news?

  10. Thank you for feex it, I rove you rong time.

    So I looked at the screenshots... I'd like to see them turn the color palette down, for sure. No matter what happens, I think it's gonna be a bit of a mindfuck for people that are used to the 7 minute Mickey cartoons spreading joy and happiness. Will it be Resident Mickey: Attack of the Thrice Damned Demon Bunnies of the Apocalypse? I doubt it. That said, it'll at least get a rental when it comes out.

    As for the whole debate of GOOD Wii games, haven't we had this conversation for like a year or two now? And we still haven't gotten over it?:|

    Getting back on the topic at hand...

    After seeing some of the screen shots, I don't think I have that much confidence in the game (I didn't really know much about the game in the first place), of course, it's still a year before this game comes out, and the look could potentially change before then. And until it's out, I'd rather not get too over hyped for it.

  11. Very sad! :( I watched that show ALL THE TIME as a kid.

    The live action sequences were like Sanford and Son meets the mushroom kingdom. It was great!

    RIP Mario!

    Also... I hate to admit it, but I lol'd at the game over music comment.

    Such sad news to hear of Lou Albano passing away...

    On a useless fact note, Danny Wells (aka the guy who played Luigi), was on Sanford and Son (and a couple of times if I'm not mistaken).

  12. It started getting really bad around the time Wii Music was shown off. It seemed like everyone I knew began denouncing the Wii as "just a Smash Bros machine" and that Nintendo had sold out.

    To someone who had been keeping an eye on the actual good titles and making informed purchases for the system it baffled me. These people hadn't bought Zack & Wiki, de Blob, No More Heroes, etc etc etc... But they complained anyway. Hell, most hadn't bought anything besides Smash Bros. Did they just want... another Smash Bros?

    With fans like that, I could totally understand Nintendo not bothering to please them... But Nintendo never really "abandoned" them anyway.

    That's exactly where it seemed to start from E3 that had Wii Music. They couldn't stand Cammy (okay, I didn't really enjoy her, she WAS better this year though), there wasn't a new Metroid, Mario, or Zelda (even though all those titles came out in as little over a years time frame), and when they show new ones this year? "Ugh, no new franchises! BORING! Two new Mario games? Peach needs boob physics! Blah blah blah!".

    In one of Maelstrom's articles, he cited how many developers, so called "journalists" and "analysts" hate the Wii. They don't get it, and they never will. They don't like competing with Nintendo because Nintendo can (and most of the time) sell more quality titles. Instead of thinking, "Huh, maybe I should make my games better" or, release them in a time frame AWAY from an official Nintendo release, or market the title BETTER, then maybe it would sell.

    Most developers are more into making the games THEY want ALL THE TIME. They want to push Digital Distribution down our throats, and kill used game sales. I don't think making a game YOU want to make is a bad thing, nor do I dislike digital downloads (though I do feel that they need to make customers feel more empowered over their purchase, that doesn't make sense does it?) but what do the gamers want? The customer? You know, the people that play games?

    I hate the term Hardcore anymore. It's been thrown around way too much. And the funny thing to me is this, people sneered at the Wii Remote. Called it a gimmick, it won't sell. Well surprise surprise, it did. And the beauty of it, is that it got people who wouldn't have wanted to play games to start with, or maybe even come back to it. And Nintendo didn't just show it to gamers, they showed it to the news, TIME magazine, places where that to many in the "industry" wouldn't even bother or even think to reach out to and thus losing out on a golden opportunity to expand the market and it's potential. But the "hardcore" dismisses these potential new long term gamers, they want big, "mature" titles (Now don't think I don't wanna play Mass Effect 2 :-P). Heck, I've known some that won't play anything below rated M, seriously. They want games to be classified as an art form. They want them to be like movies. Why? Because the developers want to, and they tell these hardcore gamers that that's what the hardcore REALLY want, and they believe it.

    It's funny how well the Wii sold, and has nearly outsold the PS3 and 360 combined (and no, I'm not obsessive over numbers), and now, Sony and Microsoft want a part of that money. And the hardcore and the fanboys to those consoles are lapping it up. Will they succeed? Depends on the developers, who, ironically, are all on board for it, when motion control has already been around. And largely, it depends upon whether or not Microsoft and Sony market their new technologies right, because if they don't, Nintendo's sales dominance won't budge.

    Sorry for the rant....:oops:

  13. I guess this is a shameless plug, but I've been reading into this guy's articles lately, and honestly, I have to agree with him on SOME of it.


    And no, he also criticizes some of Nintendo's moves both past and present as well so don't think it's blind Nintendo fanboyism. Don't go judging too far into it, you might need to read some of his other articles from the past few months as well just to see where some of the points are coming from.

  14. I remember when it was coming out, and being completely blown away by Sonic Adventure. Something is STILL special to me whenever I hear that music from that level. That was the console I wanted at the time. My parents almost bought it, but when the console ceased production, that was it.

    Now, after years of pining for one, my former room mate gave his to me. I haven't fired it up lately (Metroid Prime Trilogy is what I'm focusing on right now), but I'll definitely track down a copy of Sonic Adventure, Ecco Defender of the Future, and probably Adventure 2 and Crazy Taxi....

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