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Posts posted by Toadofsky

  1. Very true. But all in all, I care little for Cartoon Network. These aren't good changes.

    I don't mind them playing a movie, heck ones that integrate live action and animation (i.e. Roger Rabbit, Space Jam, you get the idea), get a free pass with me. But Spiderman? eh, that's just getting Spiderman obsessed kids to watch the channel.

    This is a new generation of kids watching the network, so I think my time with said network is done. Same for Nick, Toon Disney, you get the idea.

    The only t.v. I watch anymore is on Hulu, and all my shows Seasons are done for now.

    But now Crackle.com's got The Three Stooges.... :-P

  2. This move doesn't surprise me. After Toonami was moved to Saturdays, I pretty much quit watching Cartoon Network as much as I used to.

    I liked Adult Swim, it had a few good shows. The late night anime carried the late night viewing block, at least in my opinion it did. I can't tell you how much some of my days ended so well watching it. Especially when I'd take trips to Cincinatti, I sit and watch Trigun or Lupin III, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop (for the record, I HATE the ending to Bebop, made me feel like I wasted my time, sorry, just my opinion). I saw the absurdity that was FLCL, the CRAZY ending to Big O II. But then they started doing some low budget shows, okay, ATHF, and Harvey Birdman was good, but then you get absolutely crap shows like Saul of The Mole Men, Tim and Eric's Stupid Show Great Job, blah blah blah.

    To me, after Samurai Jack was cancelled, the channel just didn't feel right. I didn't really enjoy Foster's that much (Bloo changed in the series, and came off as too much a jerk), I enjoyed the artstyle, and the characters in that show were very well made. I felt that Flapjack had a lot of good style similar to Ren and Stimpy, which is a plus.

    What's funny, is that now Boomerang, it's network for "Classic" cartoons, is just playing CN's old shows, not necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think much of it.

    Don't get me started on the garbage fest that is now Sci Fi. You're lucky to find a good movie on there, let alone a series...

  3. We think our high-budget games with their flashy graphics and ragdoll physics are in some way superior to the casual games, and that makes us feel like we're "true" gamers while those people playing Bejewled aren't. Maybe if we let go of this notion, and spend some time playing casual games with the women in our lives it would do a world of good for everyone. Actually, there's a lot of people doing that already, so I don't think we've got anything to worry about :)

    In conclusion, Nintendo wins the console wars.

    At least somebody finally gets it. Why can't some people get that through their thick skulls? What I mean is with Nintendo. Sure, there's not a whole lot of games for the "hardcore" audience on the Wii, but there's plenty of GOOD GAMES you can play on it. How do these hardcore gamers expect their pastime or hobby/life to expand if they don't tap into other potential areas of interest. Or ones who haven't even wanted to play games? I'm so sick of hearing how companies are ditching their audience for a quick buck. Where only a select few have even done that (Nintendo NOT included).

  4. I'm glad you highlighted this topic. I know how many "hardcore" gamers are so close minded with this rise in casual gaming. Sure, there's gonna be companies going for a quick buck, that's inevitable. But maybe, just maybe, some of those companies are trying to get more appeal to a larger audience.

    With development costs still rising for games, how many titles are companies are gonna break even from their games? We don't want people to have to do what WOULD have had to happen with Shenmue right? If you don't know what I mean by that, Sega poured so much money into Yu Suzuki's masterpiece, that every Dreamcast owner would have had to buy Shenmue TWICE for Sega to break even.

    So, anywho, yeah, the male demographic needs to be restrained quite a bit, and this is coming from a guy. But continuing the trend (and making a whole magazine about it *cough* Play Magazine's Girls of Gaming *cough*), will not help expand the industry.

    Keep up the hard work on these videos, I enjoy them.

  5. Holy cow! I just went through all 230 pages of totally cool stuff.

    Geez, after having to sell all that, no wonder he was depressed!

    The more I think about it though, you think you'd really NEED all that stuff? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have all those arcade units, many of them being my absolute favorites (Crazy Taxi, Top Skater, and Alpine Racer 2 just to name a few).

    I will say this, just because you can have almost anything you want, doesn't always make you happy.

  6. A question on the score, supposedly Jablonski worked in the original Transformers theme and "The Touch" from the movie, but I never heard either. Did anyone catch that at some point?

    Because they had to play Green Day's "21 Guns" about 5 times through the film. Stupid for me to have noticed that, but I unfortunately did. Only one of the few qualms I had with the movie.

    I like Green Day's older material (1st 4 albums), I can't stand their whole political junk.

    Not trying to be a smart alike bleck, but in all honesty, how would you have thought for Soundwave to have been used in the movie? I'm just curious. Yeah, it would have been nice for him to have been a cassette player, but, eh, I don't know.

  7. transformers 2 was a bad movie, and if you liked it you are an idiot

    you are welcome to try and prove me wrong, but pulling the 'opinions opinions opinions' card isn't going to do anything but prove that you're somewhere between 12 and 16


    I'm 23, and an idiot, sorry Bleck.:cry: I enjoyed the movie, but is there room to make it better? Absolutely. But I guess I'm not making any sense am I?

    Minority Report was mediocre and I couldn't finish Crystal Skull. Or course I'm just one guy.

    That's fine. I know plenty that didn't like either. I still enjoyed them, and that's enough for me.

  8. Hell, any guy sitting in a park just enjoying his own surroundings gets strange looks and assumptions of pedophilia. Our society is shit, to be honest.

    Great post in general Nekofrog, but I had to highlight this.

    That's what I hate about society. You can't smile or talk to a little kid somewhere because a parent will think your a pedophile. I like kids, doesn't mean I'm gonna steal one (that's no reference to Jackson either).

    As far as his music, show me someone who could consistently make number one hits and records. And those records be remembered for years.

    I may have to listen a bit more of the early years of Jackson, Jackson 5 era wasn't bad. The more I listen to some of the 70's music, the more I like it. Especially funk. 80's music, had good pop music and rock. 90's, not so much, other than a few for me, Smashing Pumpkins, Weeezer, Nirvana, and only a few others that I feel were the best of that time, but I'm getting off topic here, sorry.

  9. I actually like the fact that human are not simply useless meatsacks in the movies... It would make sense for the military to be able to hold off the Decepticons, and it would make sense for the Autobots to associate with the military in this specific condition... Not quite sure I like Optimus Warrior Prime, but he can't always be a pacifist.


    I enjoyed that too. You'd think after two years they'd have started to get better weaponry to at least TRY to hold off Decepticons, and back Optimus' team up. That was also something I enjoyed. Optimus and his team helping the military. It did seem that Optimus was getting pissed in some of those fights. Maybe frustration over the situation I guess?

    I think they did good showing a bit of the old situations with Starscream and Megatron (who's REALLY leading the Decepticons). I wished Arcee was in it a bit more, but there's only so many you can fit into a film, at least that's my opinion. I noticed Jazz was back. Didn't recognize some of the other members of the Autobots though. The Constructicons were pretty cool.

    And at a brief, brief moment, at the beginning, I was hoping that at the whole dawn of man thing, that that Tiger would transform, kinda like Beast Wars. that would've been SOOOO cool.

    With Megatron and Starscream still alive, I wonder where they'll take the film next. Unicron maybe? Galvatron? Hmm, maybe that'd be going to far. I don't know.

    <<<<<<<<<<<END SPOILER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I can understand people hating on the movie, that's fine. Sure, it could be better in every sense of story and plot. But I have to say though, that the first film probably wouldn't have even been made. They had a hard enough time convincing a movie studio to do it until Spielberg backed it Let's not start getting into Spielberg's ideas and directing post Minority Report okay? Yeah, I've enjoyed pretty much all of his movies, even Crystal Skull.

  10. This is on page 2?

    I liked the movie.

    Better than the first in many ways.

    I saw a lot of familiar faces including Jetfire. I was pleased.

    If you go in expecting anything more than what the first offered, you will be disappointed.

    So shut up, eat your popcorn and be entertained.

    Exactly. I loved it. Had a lot of humor. Lots of amazing looking action. I know people will hate Skids and Mudflap, but I liked them. And I liked the way they used Soundwave in the film. Was that his original voice? Not hard to mimic that voice I guess.

    As far as the whole raping childhood thing. Please get over that anybody. Don't base your whole life on a children's cartoon, video game, or sci fi film. Sure, associate your good memories from then from that, but not all of your life.

  11. Games I Used to play over and over again...

    Jedi Academy. The mods for that game made me play through the single player and the multiplayer I don't know how many times...

    Super Metroid

    Wario World

    Joe and Mac

    Wario's Woods

    Gunstar SUPER Heroes

    Astro Boy Omega Factor

    Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Raising Chaos was really cool for me at the time. Plus getting emblems.

    Games I will be or already playing over and over again...

    Crazy Taxi

    Outrun 2 (I'm playing it like mad on XBOX arcade right now)

    Dr. Mario Online Rx

    Tetris DS (2 Million mark is my highest, shooting for 3 next time I have time to play)

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