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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I normally scribble a lot to get what few good poses I have managed to draw.

    The one you did last contest had a lot of movement though!

    Try playing the game your creature is in might help you think of poses, or read an action filled comic (or watch an action filled animation?) If you do this make sure you watch or read something new, because it'll probably help get your brain thinking better than something you're familiar with.

    I dunno how other people do it but I rely a lot on retracing/refining what I've drawn for real media, or heavy layer use in digital. (sometimes I do both).

    For digital art I'll draw whatever pose idea I have first without a ton of regard for how right it looks, just to get it down somewhere. Then isolate whatever bits look right, and make a new layer to do some redlining and draw the basic skeleton out. Then I clean it up and see if it looks better (repeat till you're satisfied).

    Sometimes I end up having to redraw whole areas over and over again, but normally bit by bit it comes together. It's also really good drawing practice.

    Maybe this won't work for you, but I know that it makes a pretty big difference in the quality of art when I do this and when I don't. So you could try it I guess, it's not as time intensive as it sounds either (knowing most of us are pretty strapped for time).

  2. Part of what makes video game music different is the fact that we more frequently associate specific memories with them.

    A vast chunk of the video game music I listen to is from games I have never heard of nor played.

    Maybe I'm just really really weird and most people like music for nostalgia so I guess take that as you will.

    All that said, if I could afford it I would probably have way more non-video game music. But I think that's more attributed to the fact that I have been listening to the same bunch of music for a few years now and just need something fresh.

  3. People pirate software because people like free stuff, and the creators are so far out of someones monkey sphere that they really just don't care.

    I haven't pirated anything that I'm aware of, but I do use open source free programs like the GIMP. :P

  4. hahaha don't go to a movie with me then :razz:

    Though I do that kinda stuff mostly when it's just me and a few others that I know in the theatre.

    I could deal with a lack of peace if I was with other people, but to be a lone female in a crowd full of adolescent fan boys...no thanks I'll pass on that horror, or else smuggle a very large stick in with which to abuse anyone that comes remotely near me.

  5. Went with a group of friends and all they talked about at the end was how rorschach was awesome in the jail scene and that is it. Completely missed a lot of the philisophical and psychological parts of the movie.

    Most people completely miss the parts of movies that require deep thought, it's really more important to be all like OH MAN THAT WAS SO BADASS AND AWESOME AND THINGS! :P

    I haven't seen it yet, but that's because I want to avoid the crowds, it will be the first time I've gone to a theater by myself, and I'd rather not be surrounded by a bunch of crazy males with too much fan boy and "BADASS" flowing through their brains. It's nice to watch a movie in peace.

  6. Ok, somebody brainstorm some good ideas plz :shock:

    All I can currently think of:

    Necromorphs (dead space)

    Pretty much any non-human RPG/JRPG boss

    Dragon (almost every game ever)

    Ghosts/Wraiths (game reference please?)

    Most of the colossi from Shadow of the Colossus

    Resident Evil stuff

    Metroid stuff

    Castlevania stuff

    um, Amaterasu?

    Pokemon, Monster Rancher, Digimon/Tamogachi

    Most of the badguys in Mario and Donkey Kong games are also "creatures".

    Ecco the Dolphin, various baddies in the Spryo games.

    There's lots of "creatures" out there, right under everyone's noses. :P

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