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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. By the sounds of things, I'm about to take back my "Underacheivement competition" comment. :<

    I know most of us can cough up something decent in that amount of time (4 hours at the time), because there's always been good entries despite every month almost everyone going AHHHH IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!1

    It's really more of a procrastinating competition if anything else. Who can wait the longest before deciding to actually make something and submit it!

  2. As of right now, you seem to be saying that a collection of 40+ classic games is not worth $30. When they were new, each of these games would cost at least that, and eat up (about) 60x as much physical space as this disk and packaging. This collection of 40+ games for $30 isn't a a worthwhile buy because one game isn't on there. I fail to see your logic.

    That's because he speaks in crazy angry fanboy about everything.

    That means anything he says is "fact" and everything anyone else says is an unfounded "opinion".

    I really wish this was coming out on the wii, but I'm pretty sure that's been mentioned somewhere in this thread before. I'll just have to wait till my guy gets a PS3...and then mercilessly harass him until he buys this for us to play together. (Also, the Ecco Games on it better have the original mega drive music, but it won't be any skin off my nose if it isn't, just disappointing).

  3. I am such a sucker for good 8-bit music, I think this is the only place that doesn't think that's insane.

    I'm a bit of a fan of the music from the original ecco the dolphin and tides of time. (not the CD/PC version)

    Edit: Here's an exampley

    Most people seem to only know of and remix the CD/PC/Game Gear version's of the ecco games, which is really disappointing to me, because I prefer the original music. (original music fits the game much better in the case of megadrive vs cd...)

    Here's one for Tides of Time


  4. A.PC, consoles can be replaced far more easily, and I really need my computer to keep up with everything school related. (not to mention most of my entertainment is derived from my computer these days).

    Otherwise E. My Nintendo DS, it's got the most games I want to play/enjoy playing.

    Edit: I guess I should add that I don't use my PC to play any games, there aren't any currently installed on it anyway.

  5. I think this is a nice start, it might take a bit more poking at though to distinguish it more from the source.

    I do agree that it could build up into something more for the middle, it feels like it's swelling up so far but doesn't quite make it before tying it all up. At the same time I feel like cautioning against going overboard with what it is built into.

    This really reminds me of the ending of the main story, maybe it's the same song I dunno. (The end of the main story seriously made me cry, I'm such a pansy, but it really spoke to me). I hope you keep working on this and get something even more lovely to listen to out of it. (I also hope other people swing by to give it some feedback).

  6. Any of the "space animals" in smash bros. Luigi, Link, Lucario, King Dedede, and Kirby

    That's a lot of L's there...

    Really, I'm ok with Link, but that's only because he's relatively similar to Yoshi as far as fitting into my play style...although not as much now as in the original game. (Interestingly enough Yoshi and Link both had the same person design their moveset in SSB64).

  7. benge are good trumpets for a student or someone not playing professionally. a friend of mine picked it up as a secondary (he's a band director now), and loved it.

    would you sell the stand seperately? for how much?

    Yes, I will sell the stand separately, just let me get back in touch with my dad to make sure he can find it.

    I've heard lots of professionals like to use Benges as their practice horns, and for Jazz type stuff. Most the time students use them though. (I'd still plug it as a better than average student horn really).

  8. I've got a Los Angeles era Benge Bb trumpet I'd like to sell. Serial Number is 43017

    No mouth piece, it's been cleaned, silver lacquered, little to no dings or dents, comes with the original case, snake, cheeserags, Music Stand, and cup mute

    Trumpet alone is priced at $700+Shipping

    $740+shipping with Stand, and mute ($20 each).

    Cup Mute is a Humes & Berg

    Music stand is a solid black one that can come apart (not a wire stand).

    Benge trumpets are good professional quality trumpets, that are often picked up by college/highschool students (because they are far cheaper than professional Bach's for example).

    I have had difficulty selling this instrument, because it's not a Bach. I'm hoping that a community of music lovers/creators aren't as blinded by name brand recognition as the general masses are while looking for instruments. :P

  9. I'm sorry, but you don't know a damn thing about the intentions of any of the remixers here. So quit being so presumptuous.

    You know he's just going to say the same thing to you that he's said the past bazillion times "proov it! I don't know it exists and I know everything so it must not exist!"

    Really, every valid thing everyone has said has gotten a "nuh-uh that's wrong, my way is the only right way" or it has gotten a "I've never heard of it so it doesn't exist and you're stupid for saying it to me!"

    I kind of think he's just a really stinky un-amusing troll.

  10. keep on making these claims with no supporting evidence. iirc, you, much like darkesword did that in my last thread too. an excellent way to prove a point.

    I don't need to give supporting evidence because a blind deaf man could find it on the internet and all around him in the real world without trying.

    I'm pretty convinced if you aren't aware of artist culture than you haven't ever looked beyond the tip of your own nose, and guess what, I'm not going to do the work for you, you lazy annoying bum.

    Or maybe you're just a really good troll, that fails at being amusing like most the other resident trolls of this forum.

    Edit: OH just for one quick one off so you can't fully go "wah wah wah you are biased and evil and never give me any proof" Ever heard of Stock art? Yeah probably not, I'm not telling you what it is, figure it out yourself.

  11. I like how he ignored it when I actually explained in depth why I found enjoyment and have often felt a want to play certain music (since it sounds fun).

    It's also really funny how he says "remixing" in a manner of speaking doesn't happen in other art communities, when it does, really rampantly, sometimes with the blessings of the original artist. Which is why I say and uphold, that he obviously has a lot less idea of anything in art, art history, how art was made in history and now than he is aware of.

  12. and to answer your question explicitly, the "type" of person i am requires a rational impetus before action, and in other cases, a rational impetus to continue an action. decisions aren't really decisions if they aren't outcomes of shaping factors.

    Yes, "because it sounds like a fun" is totally irrationally.

    First of all I think the stupidest thing anyone can do is try to apply arbitrary rules on what is and isn't art. I consider everything to be art if there is artistic intent, even if it's some crackpot person that smears menstrual blood on a canvas and calls it art.

    Second of all, since you fail to understand "I enjoy playing music" let me try again since you apparently only work in blocks of killer text.

    I just got pleasure from playing music when I still did it. I enjoyed the act of pushing the valves all in the right order, being in tune with the rest of my section, popping the third valve slide out when I had to, and hearing the dynamic quality change throughout a piece. I like the feel of buzzing and controlling the sound I enjoy hearing the mix of my trumpet with the rest of the band/orchestra, it moves me and makes me feel energized, or peaceful to play music I like the sound of. I like the texture created by many instruments playing together, and being part of all of that. I liked the "deep blue velvety" sound I could produce on my instrument.

    I did not play my trumpet for others to enjoy, I played it for me, and only me. You can say that isn't art, and it's disrespectful to the original composer and I don't care, because what you think of it doesn't matter. And most composers I have dealt with love to have their music played by others, they love to hear how it is interpreted, and what improvements, YES improvements that the director or band may make upon their original idea.

    in considering all art, only music is home to a scene in which this kind of attitude is so popular. do poets alter existing poems? do authors rewrite published books? do artists repaint famous works, changing colors and shapes along the way? and have careers ever stemmed from this, as have with classical performers?

    Yes, actually they have quite a lot actually, but you don't seem to have been exposed to very much of any kind of art, be it musical, visual, or literary. And if you have you could have fooled me. Or perhaps I have seen more, having grown up with all kinds of music my whole life, and majoring in art itself.

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