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Posts posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. With the best in the world, they perform music in order to allow their vision of what the piece should sound like come alive. Using a combination of theory and feel, they take the score of something and use it as a blueprint for their own ideas. Van Cliburn, for example, took Chopin's Revolution etude and changed it from a fast pace action piece into a dirge in a live performance that he did some time ago. It was amazing, not because of what he played, but because of his interpretation of it.

    The OP believes that performing other peoples music and interpreting it is evil, horrible and wrong, if I remember the last thread they made correctly.

  2. It's also not very often that fanfics have multi-million dollar budgets. I mean, this site is the perfect example of what fandom can accomplish.

    Yeah it is, but I wouldn't compare something like this to fan-fiction. Yes there is good fanfiction out there that you have to dig really hard for as Bleck mentioned. But really I'd be leery of it simply because of the "fanfic" aspect of it, most people just can't craft something good with the tools they are given.

    A big budget does not a great movie make.

  3. Well when I actually played music, generally the music I wanted to play was because it was music I enjoyed listening too, and was also fun music to play.

    Not all music I like to listen to is fun to play though and well I wouldn't play it in that case.

    I'm sure most people that have played an instrument understand what I mean when I say some music just sounds fun to play.

    But I still want to know, why wouldn't people play other peoples music?

  4. E.V.O: The Search for Eden

    I dunno, I remember renting that game so much when I was a kid (and then my mom buying it on E-bay for me many years later, because apparently I REALLY liked the game more then even I remember).

    Good game, haven't seen/played anything like it sense. (I really don't think Spore comes remotely close to counting, it could have, but it failed).

  5. If you're just naming characters after people you know without the characters representing the people you know, then common names on their own can't normally be copyrighted or sued over.

    Now if you are giving characters first and last names of people you know, that's walking a fine line, and if you are also making the characters look/act like their namesakes, well you better hope they don't find a reason to take you to court over it.

  6. The swastika was a religious symbol used by many Eastern cultures (and many of the lesser known in the West) before the Nazis decided to use it, thus making it the universal symbol of hate. Now it doesn't matter where it came from, all that matters is that you think of WWII.

    If you want to be really nit-picky the symbol from those religions can still be recognized as not a swastika since they rotate in the opposite direction as one. There are still statues and the like with that particular symbol on it now for these cultures, without bringing up thoughts of Nazi Germany. I suppose most people won't notice that it's backwards though and just go "omgomgomgitsaswastika!" instead.

    I don't really have anything to say on topic, I'm just bored right now.

  7. I'd suggest that you, cobaltstarfire, GAG and myself get together on IRC at some point in the next few weeks and whip out some ideas.

    I'm for that, just pm me and stuff so I can plan for it. I'll PM my exceptionally empty schedule to you later so you know when I can and can't be around.

    As a side note, after spending about 2 hours staring at a mudkip as I lined and colored it in I have to say, they are some pretty creepy little guys given enough time. Also, only got 4 more sketches to clean up and color!

    Also also, should I sign up for these mystical forums?

  8. I kind of really really want the hanafuda cards for some reason, I don't know why, they just look really fun to look at. I like looking at fun things see...

    But most of the stuff I registered doesn't seem to be redeemable for coins, I only got 170 coins out of everything I had registered. :S

  9. OOPS, my bad.

    Like I know what gender people I've never met are...

    If you can do it, fine. Custom pokes back on!

    Yeah I know, I don't know who's male or female around here either, as far as I know most of you are androgynous automatons making or enjoying cool music and stuff..

    It just bugs me a bit to be misgendered, I always feel bad like I'm lying by omission if I let people call me a he.

    Also I can't guarantee I can do the custom pokeman, I'm going to finish the original work load first and then this custom business.

    I'll post again about that after I finish inking/coloring what I currently have.

  10. If you guys really have your heart up for them I can try to make some just for fun. I can't guarantee they will be nifty like the ones Poinko did though, but it would be nice practice for me as an artist :) Just send a PM. (This is for people in this project only I don't expect anyone to take me up on that offer, but if anyone does...yeah).

    I'm also a girl, just to set that strait. >.>;;

  11. I like the art style for it a lot.

    I haven't finished sands of time yet (Okami kind of usurped it for my interest over the summer), but I found the game play enjoyable and the characters amusing.

    I want to play with this one, if only to stare at the nice stylized graphics. I don't normally care about graphics, but stuff like this that makes the game seem like playable artwork really hold my attention easily.

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