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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I'm starting to appreciate Yoshis changes more in Brawl, at first I didn't really like his loss in priority, now it seems easier to string together combos and stuff. (No, I still don't own it to those who have asked for a friend code, I just get to play on occasion at one of the residence halls...but I might be getting it for my birthday )
  2. That very last one with the two DeDeDe's was pretty silly.
  3. I deleted it, the only reason anyone else can still see it is because it's still in their internet cache. I mostly deleted it as a matter of principle, sorry guys, but it's not hard to upload things onto your own space.
  4. It's been posted and quoted more than that between two different threads, and if you all keep just c/ping it instead of saving it for yourself I'm going to delete it outof my photobucket, so if you want it save it do so now cause it might be gone forever soon, atleast from my photobucket.
  5. I don't particularly mind the review. I had however, been looking forward to him reviewing brawl because oddly enough I like hearing games I enjoy get hit by a scathing overly sarcastic/witty review. I'm disapointed because he put out scathing without really much wit/sarcasm, or even reason beyound "I hate this sort of game". At the same time I realize it's not his fault cause it's just not his sort of game to play, most of the stuff he hates about it are (as he admitted himself) are the things most fans of the game love about it. So mostly a "meh" review as he gets it out of his way so the fans will stop harassing him.
  6. I guess he didn't know that you could play co-op in the story mode. I'm a little sad that he didn't seem to really do much for this game but spew random hate with no real reason or whit, but that's probably because he didn't want to play the game in the first place.
  7. It's well worth completeing, even if wondering around outside is so...blarg the world is too huge with very little direction in some ways. I had trouble finishing it too, and decided to just use a guide to show me where to go on the overworld. The puzzles in the dungeons are very enjoyable though, and the end was nice...although it drove me mad for a few days because the game ends, but in a way the story is left wide open and unfinished.
  8. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that I'm right and all my teachers and TA's in this field are wrong. That'll show them for asserting something so strongly with little evidence. It's nice that this book seems to consider that maybe the parents have more than a little control over this stuff, rather than going. AHH GAMES ARE EBIL SAVE THE CHILDREN!
  9. Hey, if you're going to post it again atleast upload it onto your own file thingummy.
  10. Eee yeah, but good luck finding an open full fledged librarian spot, those things tend to only open up when someone dies.
  11. Elementary school teacher at UNT, my major is technically "Visual Arts Developement" but I don't really want to teach art so much as children in general. I hope that some day I can eventually work to improve the crappy education system here, but it's quite a longshot the way Texas is. :S I've got something like 60 credit hours left to take, that is to say I have nothing left but Studio Art Classes and teacher training courses to attend.
  12. It seemed more like he as taking a jab at a certain demographic of gamers to me. Sure there's the whole "the originality should be the rule not the exception" but that seemed to be an after thought.
  13. I guess Yoshis is just slow enough now that I can't tell the difference between his normal fall speed and his fast falling one. I fast fell A LOT in melee, and I keep getting myself in trouble in brawl trying to fast fall, and not seeing the result I'm used to. I guess that's not something I can adjust to till I own the game/system and can screw around in training mode alone.
  14. Did they change how to do fast falling in brawl or just remove the visual cue for it? Because either I fail at fast falling now, or just can't tell I'm fast falling anymore. >( Or maybe I guess, yoshi just doesn't fast fall anymore I dunno..
  15. Someone posted this on another forum, but no idea where it originated from. "Which one is you?"
  16. A million people isn't really that much when you look at the big picture, I mean, America on it's own is pushing 300 million people.
  17. It's a weird habbit to have (that e thing) I apparently do it too, and also leave off L's where they need to be, and put U's in random places. Drove atleast one of my English teachers batty. Also, I don't care if this guy stops making movies or not to be honest. And I doubt he'd actually live up to a petition for it.
  18. Try playing some of the Star Fox characters and you might notice they aren't really that clonish at all.
  19. Ok so punishment deals out differently in this game, deal with it. That doesn't by any definition make it "less competitive", it just means the punishment deals out differently.
  20. The game is only what? A month and a bit out in America? Wouldn't that make everyone still a bit on the noobish end of things? I mean, I don't expect that the current play style right now is going to stay the definitive way for the whole games lifespan, it needs a bit more time to mature doesn't it?
  21. I hope that's sarcasms, or perhaps you just know really idiotic liberals? (Or perhaps you yourself are idiotic?) Stupid stereotypes.
  22. The ones in the middle are a little blah (think of them as build up to God Emporer of Dune and what comes after itreally), the last two or three are pretty good. (The last two he wrote, not the last two his son+a friend wrote from his notes, I haven't read those two yet, but I heard his son doesn't really have the gift or nuance for writing his father did).
  23. I've never actually seen the mini series, and when I saw the movie I got bored with it and did something else. I read the book much later (like 6 years later) and loved it, and also thought it was strange that what I saw/remember of the movie seemed to not really have anything to do with the book.
  24. Cool, although, there's already two adaptions of dune...but I guess the second one didn't go to the big screen. I eagerly await this one and hope it comes out awesome even if it divulges some.
  25. Have an enjoyable birthday
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