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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Yeah I've noticed my Khorovod does pretty well against large droves of robot knights thanks to its long reach...although I'm not as well learned in using big slow swords. I got my first 5* yesterday, Callahan, it seems to have lost its blast radius with becoming 5*, so I may have to give the Iron Slug a try whenever I find the crowns/energy/recipe to make it.
  2. Once you get into 3-4* gear you'll have an easier time at it, the worst of those arenas is the robot one, but the others aren't quite as brutal. I just run around and spam my charge attack, but I'm running the caliber line and am in 4* gear so it's easy to get away with doing that.
  3. I still play it daily.
  4. Watch your enemy carefully, all of them have a wind up animation, they also get glowy spikes infront of them when they are about to attack. It also just takes some timing, Zombies (and the zombie robots that shoot lazers) and some of the big tree machine things all have a really fast wind up if you don't have an innate sense of when they are about to smack you let someone else go toe to toe with them. BTW guys, normally when I play I set my group settings to allow friends and guildies to join. Feel free to hop in with me, I tend to play with my guy, which is why I'm almost never not in the clockworks, but I want to get to play with you all too. The only time you shouldn't be able to hop in with me is if I logged in and joined my guy midway through soloing.
  5. It's probably not in the same place for you as me, or atleast that's my experience with vista, everyones file structure somehow manages to be different. Here's where I found mine C:\Users\[username]\AppData\LocalLow\spiral\rsrc\sound\music Be warned, the files are in .ogg format. If that doesn't work try searching for spiral (look for a folder with that name not files)
  6. You know...I really really like the music in Spiral Knights, I hope some day someone around here does a nice arrangement of something from it. :3 (I finally managed to track down the games music folder on my computer so I can listen to it whenever I want )
  7. My mistake, they're randomly distributed it would seem, I wonder where it got into my head that it's round robin...
  8. It's not entirely true that you get more stuff in a large group. The only thing you'll walk out with more of if you were in a group vs solo, is crystals cause there's more people to carry them out. The heat and crowns generated are the same, as are the items, but you end up with less items since they are distributed round robin. The energy always spikes on weekends, the question is will it settle back down after the weekend or settle in the 3800-4000+ range. Eventually it'll hit a point where people won't buy it (or won't be able to reasonably) and that's when it'll stop going up so much.
  9. Well one way you can do it for those of us you have friended is look on your friends list, click on our name, and then click on "join" and the game will teleport you straight to us. Make sure you check where we are first before doing that, so you don't end up in the middle of a depth 16 area or something.
  10. That was only on the older subscription oceans, when I bring up that game, I'm talking about their doubloon oceans, which are the ones that have a microcurrency model like Spiral Knights does.
  11. Considering it's my guy that does it, and not me I couldn't tell you. All I know is it takes patience, luck, and time. Many people do it with varying levels of success, he's not really special for playing the energy market. And he has alot of experience from doing the exact same thing for a good 5+ years in puzzle pirates, which uses the same microcurrency system. I just get by playing the game short amounts of time, I use up 150-250 energy a day, and then get off to do work, or go to bed.
  12. It may not be as bad as you think, as you go deeper in the clockworks the payout seems to go up alot. To put things in perspective, Doing just two floors in the second group of Tier 2 made me slightly more than 6000 crowns recently. Doing the first group of floors in tier 2 should net you anywhere from 3200-4000 crowns. Or you can do what my guy does, he does alot of selling/buying in the energy market, and has turned quite a profit already. (Enough that he can seemingly afford to buy whatever he wants, and never seems to run out of energy). He hasn't bought any crystal energy with real money yet, and I doubt he'll ever need to, because he did the exact same thing with the doubloon market in puzzle pirates.
  13. I have a bunch of materials that you can simply have if you want to save yourself the trouble farming and get into T2 faster.
  14. I guess I'll have to go poke at the wiki to figure out how to do that, cause there is no obvious way to do it. (oh I figured it out) If you don't like the microcurrency, you may as well get used to it because OOO has found this system to work best for them in terms of player #'s and revenue over the years and it isn't going to go away. Although they may tweak the energy cost associated with some things. It appears that energy has stabilized at around 3600 crowns, or it's been sitting about there for almost a week now.
  15. Yeah I've been playing it, catch me as Lorenith if you can I guess? If you find you can't afford the trade rates for crowns>crystal energy and don't want to use real cash to buy some, there are a few ways to help a bit. Mainly by using less energy, the loot doors are very rarely worth it so don't bother opening them. Be wary of danger rooms, and if able let a friend revive you rather than using energy (as a general rule if you are energy reviving you shouldn't do it more than once or twice, it's more efficient to just lose all your heat and start over). Just doing that can save you alot of energy, and that is often all the difference between finding enough crowns to trade for 100 more CE to keep playing. Edit: It's also worth noting that you can't "friend" people as far as I'm aware without being on the same screen as them, it's like that in other OOO games as well. So if you guys all start playing you'll want to set up a meeting area to friend each other.
  16. I have no opinion on the matter since I don't competitively battle.
  17. "No evasion moves/items, 1HKO moves, Ubers, or drizzle+swiftswim on the same team." Isn't really that complicated Granted they look to be adding a few more rules to this gen,but since the metagame for Gen 5 hasn't even been established yet it isn't a very good baseline to use for competitive rules right now. I'll be making a team in the battle thingy at some point, it's nice to see people actually want to play with it now, last time I did (only it was with the predecessor shoddy battle) people pretty much refused to use it for whatever reason.
  18. Sonic Colors was actually rather amusing.
  19. I've got the game, and also found that the dorm internet allows us to attach another device to the network now, so I can actually participate in things like this. My friend code is 4384 1437 6617, I've got white, and started with oshawott. I'm somewhat interested in a tournament, it'd be fun to get to battle human players more regularly in the future too.
  20. Actually there has been atleast one, there was a Toys R Us event about two years ago in November, or are you ignoring download events when you make that statement?
  21. I actually am enjoying the gamestop events, cause it means I can actually get the pokemon, seeing as I don't have Wifi nor are there any wifi access points anywhere that I have been able to find. I think it'd be nice if they did these sorts of events as both wifi and location based. That way people who can't get to a location easily can get it on wifi, and people who can't get on wifi can still get it from gamestop or toys r us. Of course they probably will never do this I guess too much work or something.
  22. Yeah I guess that's true, bulbapedia seems to have forbidden talk on the starter evos on their forums until they have been without a shadow of a doubt confirmed. I've considered to stop looking at new info just to see what a moderately blind play through would be like. I haven't done that since I was like 12 with the original games, it might be fun. Or it might prove my attention span isn't as long as it was when I was in middle school.
  23. Jeeze the starters sure are controversial, here's another thing disclaiming the particular scans with starter evos on them. http://i52.tinypic.com/24wrrzd.jpg It's a pretty hard one to ignore mainly because the numbers are wrong (they go left to right on those pages rather than right to left) Just throwing it out I have no opinion about whether they are faked or not because I don't care lol.
  24. I bet the animation for Diglet won't be like that. Why? Because in the pokeathlon races, anything that requires jumping, Diglett and Dugtrio can't do cause they cant leave the ground. I think the only "jumping" related event they can do is the hurdles, because they can go underground. So it's a pretty likely gamefreak pays enough attention to details to do the same thing in B&W
  25. I would suggest you play Golden Sun. As someone else mentioned...long password is long, and it records equipment, dijini, and stats atleast.
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