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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. I don't know actually I'd have to ask my friend in Brazil, we talked about it once but that was long enough ago that I don't remember, all I remember is being indignant that he had to live with it, and wishing he could get out of the country but he can't even manage that because of the costs sort of tie him down. The government taxes you an arm and a leg to import anything (it also taxes the sender an arm and leg to ship anything into the country). Which is probably one of the reasons the PS2 costs so much in Brazil, Wii's also cost a ton, and I don't even want to imagine how much it would cost to get your hands on a 360 or PS3.
  2. If you saw how much it costs to import anything into Brazil you wouldn't import either.
  3. It really depends, most of the time if it's an RPG and can choose I play a female. (sometimes I might switch it up for fun, or if the female isn't very pleasing to look upon. When I get the remake of G/S I'm playing the male for example, cause the female looks dumb IMO). When I played WoW my first character was a Female Tauren Druid, the other two characters I got very far was a Male Troll Hunter (my favorite of the bunch even though the druid still got more play time). And a Female Troll Mage, whom I only got to about the 40's and only ever played before any of the expansions. I think it's because there was lack of any real lore or story I could mentally weave for the Mage like I could for the Druid and Hunter. Doesn't matter now, since the last time I played was for BC, and I think I only played for 3 weeks (long enough to get my druid to 70, then decide I didn't want to go through the effort of finding new equipment for her, or any other character for that matter). In non video game related RPGs I'm pretty 50:50 normally I don't design a character with a Gender in mind much of the time (unless there's an imbalance among players), I let the character decide it (if that makes any sense).
  4. Oooh, I'm really liking this... but why does it have to end so suddenly
  5. I'm not sure what is worse, blind love of something, or blind hatred of it. Actually they both suck, and it's even more annoying when the two forces crash together in a thread about a game that hasn't even been released yet.
  6. Or...I could just post on the critique forum I'm on now and get constructive criticism. I'm kind of sour on this competition so I don't expect to be entering again anytime soon unless an idea leaps out and slaps me.
  7. I've just stopped participating because I wasn't really getting any personal satisfaction out of doing them, and I wasn't really improving any at all. Also bleck said I sucked at some point so it really dampened my spirits to keep trying at all. I think I did one entry after that? And came out near the bottom. So I decided I'd just find a critique forum that can help me unsuck, and maybe draw something that people actually like looking at.
  8. Would people be allowed to just trace their hand and do it digitally? I don't plan on entering this, but it'll probably be easier for people to do it if they aren't restricted to real media for their hand printy fun.
  9. My wii doesn't seem to want to connect to the internet, presently. And it's really too much a pain in the ass to try to catch people online one way or another.
  10. I think I'm going to have to go with A. stereotypical Like...everyone else lol. Females are coming out of their damsel in distress role a bit more, but when they do they are painfully girly much of the time. Or draw a ton of attention to the fact that it's a girl rather than a guy. I don't think objectifying the male and female body really comes into it much, because both genders are often largely treated like objects. The women are all pretty beautiful, and the men all fall into some category of badass/prettyboy/rugged so meh. I think the "modern" choice would work better as something else though, because it doesn't really fit the meaning you're looking for with this poll.
  11. Rocky and Bullwinkle reference of some sort? I'm not sure what exactly it would be referencing...since I've never seen the anime in question but that's about all I can come up with.
  12. Ahhh this is out now? T_T Another DO WANT game that I can't afford.
  13. I never said it was, I just said I'm used to a lot of anime being based on Manga that are lots older.
  14. I think what he's saying basically boils down to "I hate being railroaded." Because that's what happened to him in Fallout 3 (granted it happens in FF7 too, but it's more acceptable because you already know it's on rails rather than playing your own charcter). But railroading is unavoidable in a computer controlled RPG, I mean most real life GM's have trouble not railroading their players. A computer where there are a finite number of choices possible, makes it almost impossible to not be railroaded, because the computer can't improvise like a human GM. Of course if this is a problem you seriously want to avoid, you'd have to stick with real life role playing, and hope you have a very good game master.
  15. It's not really that surprising really, maybe I'm just used to a lot of Anime having roots in Manga that are more than 30 years old though...
  16. The "tattoo" on it's shoulder is a nice touch lol. That thing is ugly seriously though o_o
  17. Doesn't it creep you out sometimes being surrounded by balloon busted scantily clad toys staring at you all the time?
  18. Dude the Kirby Project thread is whining like a bunch of babies make them stop!

  19. Well she stopped for a while...I think, did she start again cause if she did I need to start looking again. Edit: PS If I make a midi for fun and it comes out ok, would someone on the project be willing to turn it into a pretty mp3 and stick it on the project as a bonus or some sillyness like that, I mean assuming I actually do anything.
  20. I bet you feel much better though, sometimes it's awesome to get rants out, and I think it was a good one cause you actually make sense rather than blindly liking or hating it. You are absolutely right there is no symbolic meaning at all, but I never said there was (nor did I ever say it was deep or meaningful). I just said there's a story in all of it that actually makes sense. It pretty much boils down to, aliens made humans and angels, and the two organisms were never meant to mix as we see in eva. I pretty much just see the rest of the stuff (the biblical things) as background fluff, that the creator took and twisted to use for his own means because it worked as his vehicle of choice. I tend to ignore symbolism whether it is purposely put in by the creator or not. I fully encourage you to use this rant of yours on people though, it is a good one especially considering you were apparently angry when you wrote it. Unfortunately it won't convince me to hate the anime (I don't particularly like it that much in the first place). So far I think the only Anime I have actually sat through all of and hated is Code Geass, and I can't even get into words why I don't like it, I just don't. If this post somehow causes you more rage I am also very sorry, I don't like making people angry, it's not good for their health. o_o
  21. She looks like a cheerleader lol.
  22. You make it seem like said people have never seen Eva or wouldn't like it, most of the ones who have said FLCL backwards might make more sense were pretty avid friends of Eva, actually they were pretty big fans of both for different reasons. And Eva isn't really that nonsensical, but judging what you've said in the past you didn't really pay much attention since there wasn't enough random mecha battling and too much introspection.
  23. I've never seen FLCL either except the first, but I've heard people say quite thoughtfully that it might make sense if they tried watching it backwards, so I have a feeling most people just like the general weird nonsensical factor or something.
  24. I couldn't think of a better thing to say lol

  25. Happy birthday Scizor dude :D

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