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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Beating my cousin even though all his pokemon were a higher level (by more than 5)...because he had rare candied them all up, but mine had been trained up. I didn't really realize the reason he probably failed so hard until later when I learned about ev's and things. Because I'm not really a competitive battler by any stretch of the imagination.
  2. I thought rewind was interesting, but I'm about to take it off my list of webcomics cause...well it's been on "hiatus" for at least two years now, originally it was just a "break" for reasons I can't remember, but there's a point where it's just annoying. Also, Gunnerkrigg court is amazing, perfect balance of amusing and serious, and a great story. (I also thumbs up most of the other comics others have mentioned cause they are among my favs, Rice boy and Johnny Wander in particular).
  3. It pleases me greatly that so many people want to do Aquarium Park (even if there can only be one) *stares at the thread waiting to get to hear awesome sonicness*
  4. Eh...harming/killing someone or even joking about it really isn't very funny, and actually kind of horrible. D: I am intrigued by the footage I am seeing, and also why the changes have happened that have happened (obviously there's a story, I guess that involves Kyurem because of the ice). It looks like there are a fair amount of new areas as well. I hope they brought back the ability to rematch and things. I guess I had an infinitly longer attention span back in middle school/highschool because I really just can't focus on grinding on wild pokemon anymore. I want to fight the elite four again, but just can't get my team high enough level for it. I think I'll be playing the male character for this, those loopy things on the female just weird me out way more than the male with his hair sticking out of his hat. Edit: I also kind of wouldn't mind a "grey" version (although not at the expense of b&w 2) but that's just cause I want to do a gen 5 nuzlock,. Mostly because I'm really unfamiliar with the new pokemon still, so it would be more interesting to do it in b&w, rather than b&w2 which looks to have some older pokemon. I guess I'll just have to save up to get a copy of black though,and bare with the lack of trainers to rematch and things.
  5. I don't actually have anything against Hoeen. It has a lot of my fav pokemon, and fav music, and in may be my favorite region in terms of layout and exploring. But I'd feel a bit cheated if the "sequel" was in Hoenn, can't really give a very logical explanation for why. Cause it wouldn't bother me to get a gen 3 remake in the least, or a even new game in Hoenn, or to have Hoenn in the new game alongside other regions...just not one that is just in Hoenn branded as black 2 or white 2. But I'm glad it's confirmed to not be Hoenn. Not much spoiling coming out on this one, but I guess for new games most of the spoilers are new pokemon...which we already know won't be appearing.
  6. A lot of the big cable companies seem to only allow people to watch what they post up if you can "sign in" through your cable provider or something like that. I dunno if nick is doing this for LoK but I hope not if they are posting it online.
  7. If it's Hoen I will somehow manage to violently flip tables all over the place despite my puny noodle arms making that difficult.
  8. I thought it was great, and I'm not really bothered by the setting at all. 70 years really isn't that short of a time for technology to grow from what has already been shown in the previous series. Not all of the fire nations technology required a firebender, remember the prison they had all those earth benders at? That place was run on coal, it's not that big of a leap to go from fire bending to power something to coal and other such things as a power source. The ships and zeplins also likely relied on coal more than fire bending for power as well. The only thing we saw that was explicitly completely powered by fire bending was the little tanks, and that may just be because to them it's more practical that way than to have to have a physical fuel source. All of this technology probably relied on stirling engines, it didn't take 70 years to go from stirling engines to combustion engines. We in the real world developed a lot of technology fairly rapidly especially once the industrial revolution hit, it was an explosion of innovation and growth, and it's been snowballing as time progresses. It's probably the same in the Avatar world, and it's likely helped along even faster by the fact that many people can manipulate the elements already. I'm also not too bothered by the way things are setting up in this series, it seems to be in line with the previous one. I think you guys need to step back and remember not to stick the original avatar on a pedestal. It's always had a balance of cheesy/silly with good story telling, and occasionally heavy handed bits.
  9. Speculating or wishing for things in the future is kind of the natural flow of pokemon conversation, maybe it doesn't apply to B&W 2, but that sort of conversation will always end up sparking up anyway. I mean what else are people going to talk about, the story? That tends to devolve into complaining about the story (or lack thereof depending on who you ask). It may just be more enjoyable to speculate or talk about hopes and dreams (that will likely never come true). That said I am pretty intrigued about what this "true" sequel will focus on. I kind of suspect it will in some way have N in it just based on the way he made his exit, but maybe not.
  10. I could have sworn there was a flounder that can create an electric current, but I think I'm just imagining. It's not that big of a leap to me anyway to make a ground/electric fish, other than the electric eels, there's catfish, and some rays that can produce a current, and they're mostly fish that tend to like to do things in the mud. (Also knifefish...I'd love to see a pokemon based on a knifefish, those are pretty nifty critters) This thing kind of looks like stunfisk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kathetostoma_laeve_01_Pengo.jpg
  11. The "original function" that you speak of was a bug, so don't expect it to ever be returned.
  12. Fi never bothered me much, but it may just be because in my mind it became a long joke...and then at the end Fi made a self referencing joke about it and that sort of just sealed the deal for me.
  13. I initially felt the OST was pretty meh too, but in retrospect there are quite a few really nice songs in it. Unfortunately quite a few of them are only heard once or twice but I guess that's how things are. The ones I can think of that I liked were the silent realm songs (the nice calm ones not the omgtheyregoingtogetme one), the merchant song for the upgrade dude, and all the songs related to the desert. I really really enjoyed the end credits personally, I wish there was a standalone of the goddess theme like that.
  14. LA was the first Zelda game I played...it creeped me out in the end. o_o With WW being the only other game I have actually completed besides SS I can't really comment much on the console games I guess. I didn't like what I got to play of TP, and OoT didn't really strike me as all that great (which may be why I didn't appreciate TP very much). I can't decide which I like best between WW and SS, they're both Zelda games, and I enjoyed them thoroughly but the experience between the two was different enough in my mind that it almost seems like comparing apples and oranges...or maybe I'm just being indecisive don't really know.
  15. I've run into the more common ones, a lot of them aren't really anything interesting. The one I've seen the most is the guy in the clockworks with two large crystals and a trapped monster and he talks about how certain crystal combinations attracts specific monsters. (Also don't mind the blue jelly, he's being de-spiked). I've found one in T3 with a single knight hiding amongst a camp shaking and talking about how "they" took "everyone" and he just ran and hid in a corner cause he was so scared. There's one in wolver dens that are a squadron of knights camped, and they spout random bits about their equipment choices (I like to shoot, but carry a sword just in case, ect). I feel like there's one other but I don't remember the specifics about it. One of my friends found a more interesting in one of the devilish drudgery levels where you summon up a couple of mundane items by placing weighted statues on buttons. That's all I've seen, I was hoping for a bit more from "scenario rooms" but the mission addition looks like it'll be adding what I was initially expecting from scenario rooms. ... Also I might have to buy some energy just so I can get my hands on those Tails...tails. He's my fav Sonic character afterall.
  16. I would suggest Spiral Knights, but since it isn't a well known game it seems doubtful it'll get any votes which is a shame, the music is really great, and only gets better in context with the game itself. Also Shadow of the Colossus? I agree with all of these games in terms of their overall soundtrack, they're all games I would buy the OST for (or already own). Okami Halo Sonic Colors PKMN Black and White Cavestory I'm not sure about Prof Layton, it has some good music, but it also has a lot of supremely repetitive music that is nice at first but gets old really really quickly. I don't think I can comment on much else cause the rest look like games I haven't played or heard of, or the music just doesn't jump out at me.
  17. Blocking really helps a lot with the techno goblins I've found. It'll stun them and disengage their shock brand, normally you'll have time to kill them before they can turn it back on. With multiples I'd normally just run away to get them to spread out, or shoot at them with the slingshot. As for the normal goblins, they don't often deal with upward strikes (like used to flip the spiders) or jumping downward strikes very well. Large numbers can normally be dealt with to some extent initially by using the spin attack and then picking them off from there. But this is just the ones that don't have shock brands. Towards the end it'll probably get a easier though, I didn't really find the right mix of speed and deliberate movement till the last quarter of the game or so.
  18. Hmm, I like the idea but feel very skeptical of the execution right now. I'll be watching for more info.
  19. Have you actually played it with the normal control scheme? It's not really like past wii games. It flows together pretty naturally, yeah you need to get a bit of finesse down for it but that's the same for any game whether you're using a classic style control or not. I don't really see what your problem with the stamina bar though, but I always thought it was pretty neat in Shadow of the Colossus, so I'm probably just biased, and I liked having to stop and think about how I did things that lowered stamina before doing them.
  20. I still play, I just haven't been able to the past couple of weeks. Getting hit by a truck, and trying to keep up with a department that has no pitty for people with injuries has made it impossible for me to have time to play games. :\ I'm afraid my work load might obliterate me before I can finish the semester.
  21. Very little nostalgia for me. I have listened to most the songs on OCR at least once, and downloaded a lot of them, and when anything new goes up I listen to it. Quite a few of the songs I enjoyed and kept from this sight are from video games I have never played before, so I don't know what the original source sounds like in most cases. I'm not sure if there is nostalgia even in songs I'm familiar with, because I feel like I judge an arrangement harder in those cases. Or maybe that is some weird form of nostalgia I don't know.
  22. Honestly if you're not sure what to stick with, just keep experimenting, you might find you like one or the other depending on the stratum, or you may find that one works better all the time and stick with that. If you wanted my personal opinion (I doubt you do but here it is anyway). I would stick with sword+gun over sword+sword. I love swords, they're my fav weapon, but there are just some situations where I'd rather have the option to use a gun or a bomb. I'd also suggest getting a third weapon slot if you are able, then you can just run a heavy sword, a fast sword, and a gun! (or even experiment more with bombs, while still having other weapons you are more proficient with to fall back on). I'm not going to address heavy sword vs general sword, because I know too many people (myself included) who are only good with one style, and awful with the other.
  23. My understanding is that the original versions will remain, so you don't really have to worry about the fact that they're working on a harder version.
  24. Devilites actually do have some differences, mainly in that they can attack and dodge more rapidly. The pit bosses also run a billion times faster, so it's easier for them to close in on the poor little peons and make them work overtime. I have noticed the T1 gunpuppies shoot a lot faster than their stronger brethren, but I was mainly thinking of the monsters that most often give me grief personally (retrodes/skellies) I swear I was born to have my face clawed/lasered off by those things on ANY tier.
  25. I want to disagree that T2 and T3 are at times too "random" and difficult. But that's just because I find T2 to be easy, and T3 isn't really striking me as "artificially hard" although you definitely need to approach T3 differently than the lower tiers. If you are doing a lot of T1 that's probably your problem, monsters in T1 don't attack very fast, and aren't nearly as aggressive. Or atleast that's my general impression of the differences between tiers. It shows when I've played around in T1 and then jump up to T3, because suddenly I can't shield or bump fast enough to keep certain monsters from hitting me. But the main reason I don't think the higher tiers are random or otherwise arbitrarily difficult, is because different people have trouble with different monster families. That guy over there might have trouble with retrodes, while the next person over finds them cake and thinks it's actually the mecha knights or Katts that are a problem. Also I plan on logging on tonight cause I'm being waited on to show up o_o, but I can't hang around beyond 9pm Central as I have prior engagements.
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