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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Well I'm not entirely eating terrible things. I eat just fine for the most part. I don't eat sweets, I don't drink soda, and I don't eat junk food either. I guess I find my diet to be not strict at all because I stay away from stuff I'm not suppose to consume anyways without even thinking about it. I guess I like healthy stuff... though I do have folks feeding me Asian dishes so I don't know about that. I keep it light as possible. Today: Lateral rows - 6 sets (3 sets on 2 different types of grips; increased resistance each set) Reverse barbell curls - 3 sets (20 lbs, 30 lbs, 40 lbs) Run 5 Miles without stopping Stretches Worked on Planche Progressions So... I'm kinda toast. Good feeling.
  2. I had a big post written about this week but I accidentally closed it so I'm a bit peeved about that. In a nutshell it's been good this week. Muscular stability increased and also my cardiorespiratory system got a nice wake up call. On top of resistance training everyday (except Thursday), a four mile jog/run was made on Monday, five miles on the elliptical on Tuesday, and 200+ floors (approx 4.2 miles) on a StairMaster on Wednesday, all without stopping was a great workout for the heart. Diet is okay, I don't really need to be strict about this as I don't really need to lose weight. Oh yea a photo check since I didn't post one yet. Also I'm now a nationally certified personal trainer by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as of last Friday.
  3. Did you seriously just combo the whole thing?
  4. Okay, considering what material there was to work with, this is incredibly amazing. If you can find a better example of a Perpetual Mario Machine that can sync up with a piece of music you're a fanboy of I mean a better piece of music then by all means please do. You also might want to check your ears if you're so dead set on the Mario sounds not making any resemblance to the music being played. The pitch tricks were definitely deliberate and again considering what there was to work with makes it impressive. WHAT MORE DO YOU EXPECT FROM THIS?
  5. Okay today was awesome. I did some peripheral heart action circuit resistance training today (which is just alternating upper and lower extremities in a circuit fashion). It was a basic basic bench press and squat (both with raw weight) and adding more resistance each set. I did this about 3-4 times. After that I tried some planche hold stuff in the aerobic room and it felt great. Then I climbed 200 floors via a StairMaster at a slowly but constantly accelerating rate. Without stopping. I've never climbed that many steps in my life. Approx 4.2 miles of stairs. *_* I'm toast.
  6. Today, I worked out the core through steep decline full-range sit-ups and leg lifts with some good isometric holds. Afterwards I wanted to run five miles on the treadmill but all the treadmills were taken so instead I did five miles on an elliptical with increasing incline and resistance every ten minutes. I didn't think it was very hard until I got off where I started to feel the burn as I walked away. Yikes. It was fun though and I burned a lot of calories and raised the heart rate for a full hour in the process too.
  7. This wouldn't have happened if you stuck with a 150cc kart. ... I hope you feel better.
  8. As will I! Don't forget to drink a lot more water though. If you get tired after exercise, it means dehydration.
  9. Well today was the start. Today I started off with a compound exercise to target multiple muscles in one go. I did Iso-Lateral High Rows for a few sets, pyramiding the resistance higher with each set. After about five or so sets, I stopped at 230 lbs (115 lbs. per arm) because I was getting tired. This simple exercise worked out primarily my latissimus dorsi, and secondary upper trapezius, rear deltoids, and biceps. I told myself I wanted to run five miles a day when I started this thing, but I couldn't manage that today since it's been awhile since I started running (not use to it and used up energy on the resistance training) so I only ended up doing four miles instead. I plan on making that up by walking around the neighborhood until I manage to get to my bank to deposit a check instead of driving there. I'll be going off again to the gym Monday through Friday so I'll be working out different parts of the body everyday, but I'll definitely be running each day. Planche progression exercises later today as well. Edit: I also second the notion that we keep the original end date.
  10. Three months is a lot of time. If you need more than three months to have your body make any adaptations you're doing it wrong.
  11. Oh oops! I haven't logged in here for about a week. Sorry, Steben! I suppose the competition is mainly us competing with ourselves so as long as we are better off than when we first start then we can consider ourselves a winner. So let's not be hesitant to show pictures of ourselves. I think it's a great motivator for improvement. If you are happy with the "after" pic, then isn't that what matters? We can all be "conceited assholes" about how good we look after the summer. GOAL: Improve overall flexibility and make immense improvements in my cardio-respiratory system while slowly toning the muscle through various eccentric and isometric exercises... also begin some gymnastic exercises! THE PLAN Diet: More balanced carb and protein intake. I tend to have too much or too little of one thing. I don't eat junk food or drink soda so I think I'm okay there! I should drink more water though. Exercise: Increased amount of self-myofascial release, static, and active stretches. Five miles a day, five times a week. Core training five times a day. Resistance training three times a week, covering the entire body. I suppose I'll put up a pic later.
  12. Something like that. >_> Shhhh...
  13. I'll preheat the oven.
  14. Thank you for the response other GT person guy. Consider this another aspect of teaching/training. You should be an expert to the point that you can explain stuff in person AND ONLINE so HERE IS YOUR PRACTICE. I will be here to continually test your knowledge about this stuff. If you look back to post on page 4, I am in no way out of shape, but I am highly doubtful that I am capable of doing anything beyond the basics of gymnastic maneuvers. The thing I find incredibly fascinating about gymnastics is how taxing it is on stabilizer muscles compared to most other standard workouts. I am just about willing to wreck myself silly to obtain that sort of strength and stability a gymnast has....... now to find a place with gymnast stuff hanging around.
  15. I was looking at those links but I have no idea where to begin! Hey Geoffrey Taucer... from one GT to another help a brutha out here. The articles are good and all but they feel somewhat scattered for someone who doesn't have a clue. What's a good way to go about doing these gymnastic things in a safe but challenging and progressive manner?
  16. Exercise will definitely give you more energy. If you're like falling asleep afterwards you either completely destroyed yourself or you are wayyyyy dehydrated. Stay away from carbonated drinks. That stuff strips away calcium and your bones will get weak.
  17. I accept your challenge!!!!! <3
  18. Currently 5'5" and weight around the 145-150 lbs. area. Before college I was 120 lbs. until someone got me into fitness. Now I'm looking to be a personal trainer so I can help other folks get in shape. Currently benching about 200 lbs. raw weight, leg pressing 600-700 lbs., and still running several miles at a time without slowing down among other things. I still would like to make improvements overall and the ring workout thing looks pretty intriguing and challenging. How do you set up those rings? It's hard to tell from just glancing over the site. I don't really want to buy it if I can't set it up at my place. As strong as I am now, I can hardly do any of that cool gymnast stuff so this looks like the ticket here. Can someone provide some more info about those? Edit: When I say someone, I probably mean just Taucer. Edit 2: Unless you can help me out.
  19. As a future personal trainer I approve of this and would like to participate.
  20. I bet everyone else is kicking themselves for not thinking of rearranging this fantastic track first. I'm amazed it took so long for someone to think of making an OCReMix out of it. Thanks for doing it as I had been waiting for this ever since I heard of OCReMix. As cheesy as this track can get, it's very fitting. If you haven't heard it, MK64's ending theme was, dare I say, TOO epic? I mean, it sounded like I saved the universe every time I finished MK64. It wouldn't do the source material any justice if it also wasn't epic. I'm glad it turned out that way.
  21. You really should play MGS3. It changes the way how you view the series and it gives light to some Metal Gear history. Also they go into a bit of history of the Patriots at some point.
  22. Jarvi running was only exacerbated with the use of only one move. Oy.
  23. So Garde, when can I school you again?
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