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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. I knew Excitebike would join the fun in some form or another!
  2. I wonder if the smaller MGS4 models appear!
  3. I wholeheartedly agree. Lots of LOLs.
  4. You had a good run, Ness. Maybe you'll be a surprise secret character.
  5. TBU is an awesome audio experience. If you can't appreciate at least track 4, 1.618, you probably don't have much of a sense of imagination.
  6. NP. If the method I mentioned doesn't get you the theme in MGS1 during the credits, then it might require a third playthrough in the tuxedo (which is after you get both endings).
  7. To hear the MGS theme in the first MGS, you're supposed to play through it and get one ending, save, replay and get the other ending. The music is supposed to change in the credits I believe. I don't know if this is retained in The Twin Snakes version though. I thought someone would have answered this question by now. Edit: The music change should play Metal Gear Solid Main Theme (1997 Edit) from the OST, which is track 20 on the CD, I believe.
  8. Haha... some guy posted about it. http://www.getyourtournament.com/news/200345.html Can't believe I almost beat a state ranked fellow.
  9. How is any other MGS codename less stupid?
  10. Last night, I placed 3rd in a tournament of about 40 people, only to be BARELY (last stock down to the wire) eliminated by goofing up at the end of a match against "meeps" who is currently ranked #15 in Northern California.
  11. Pretend he's just holding a ball REALLY tightly. Edit: THIS IS PRICELESS.
  12. Solid Snake!
  13. I wonder if the Russian Philosopher's will play a part in all this. I mean we know of the American Philosopher's (The Patriots / The Wiseman's Committee / La-li-lu-le-lo) involvement and potentially the Chinese Philosopher's involvement seeing that "EVA" or now codename Big Mama is on the scenes... but we haven't seen much of the Russian Philosopher's hand in anything unless I'm mistaken... Also the part where it looks like Rex and Ray going head to head seems like a completely different location. It looks like a really cold place... will we potentially go back to Shadow Moses? Also based on how beat up Rex looks like... could this possibly be the one we blew up in the first Metal Gear Solid?
  14. I must see more Snake action. Also lol Bigfoot. I can't wait to play Metal Gear Smash.
  15. I think you're right. Oops lol.
  16. I would love to see a recovering Ness that is "blazing".
  17. Ness is mostly a mind game character. I play him in an odd way... that is... I turned him into a technical character and it makes a lot of people I play sick to the stomach because it's just not right. It's somewhat hard to explain but if DJTempora ever comes around he would at least vouch for that. In any case, Ness has a lot more potential than most people think but his recovery sucks so bad to the point that you'll never see him on the top of a tier list. He's just way too slow to come back and if somehow you can't seem to keep a Ness off the stage, then you're practically just letting him come back.
  18. Piplup!
  19. New TGS trailer for MGS4 with pretty much all new footage can be found at GameTrailers.com
  20. I would not say Sheik's grabs are weak AT ALL. I'm guessing you're also not jump-cancel grabbing?
  21. I'm going to listen and critique this "DJ MIX".
  22. Most of them are only assuming they're insane.
  23. I'm kinda glad there's the whole anonymous thing going on for the play with strangers. It's bad enough that most of the new Smashers I meet assume they're good just because they play. This way now I don't have a face to punch in since they won't be right next to me spouting off about how good they think they are.
  24. I know I said it on Skype, but Happy Birthday again!
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