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Everything posted by Effector
Just a quick question (with a hopefully as quick solution). I'm looking for and image of the red alert that pops up when the codec is ringing in Metal Gear Solid 1/2. Even a screen shot with the codec would be enough - I can do the photoshop myself, probably... Don't care about a codec conversation screen, those are easy enough to find, but I can't find the actual "press select to answer" alert anywhere. Many thanks in advance. EDIT: A few more good searches and lack-of-idiocy on my part unearthed this. Still looking, though, need a larger version, although starting for scratch may be easier now that I have a reference photo.
But... wasn't Brawl's thing that you can take snapshots from the pause menu - ie, no more special mode and 4th-player control? Ah, whatever. Just goofy timing on that picture.
It is my hope that in the second picture, he intends to play himself, right hand versus lefHOSHIT MASTER HAND CRAZY HAND ALL MAKES SENSE NOW No, seriously, what is he doing in that picture?
This is gonna be my playlist for a while, I think. I forgot how much I enjoy the Delfino Plaza theme. Drgaon Roost is very chill itself. Where's the love for fighting to some laid-back music? And oh yeah, Star Wolf from Assault is indeed awesome.
(also a look at spectator mode) and (a vanilla wifi match). Happy viewing.
I'm guessing that it's Ness and Lucas (since a lot of stickers are franchise-sensitive). For example, the first shot looks like Trainer, Lucario, Jiggs, and Pikachu (although it looks a lot like Pichu to me), all from Pokemon, obviously, with a Groudon sticker selected. I'm saying that since the other shot has a Mother character sticker, it makes sense for it to be Ness and Lucas. Kind of like here, where a Kirby game sticker can be put on Kirby, Dedede, or Metaknight.
Been pecking at it for the past few days. 116 stars with Mario. Having just finished the purple coin and daredevil comets for the Melty Molten Galaxy (or whatever it's called), I set the remote down, and the droplets of sweat were visible on it. Those daredevil runs are stressful. Also, bump. This thread deserves it.
Well, that only holds true if you're talking about a main for competitively playing. For example, I would never take Bowser to a tourney, but for a fun game with friends, I would use him, sure. I don't think myself able to tell the "top-tier" characters at this point, but I know that Wario looks hilarious to play as. Still, when I get my hands on the game for the first time, I think I'm going to be playing my first match with Dedede - just because he looks fun to play as. Who knows what his chances are for competitive play.
Damn... I hadn't thought of that. D: *considers swearing off the internet for... 17 days? maybe just this thread*
Figboot, not you too? D:
Look up. :3 Sorry, you've been beaten to the punch. In two different threads, no less.
May I be the first to say: Thank God. I hadn't been that fed up with hearing the same movie quotes regurgitated mindlessly since Napoleon Dynamite. Here's to ruining mediocre to good movies with absolute cultural inundation. Seriously, if more than a quarter of your "jokes" in conversation are movie quotes... *sigh* Even Monty Python gets grating after billionth time.
Heard it had better controls without the Zapper? Confirm/deny? Also, Coop, that was good for a hearty chuckle.
Jeez, everyone. I reacted in a similarly critical way when I saw the update on my lunch break, but on further reflection, it seems like it would open up a few tactical doors we haven't seen in Smash before. Previously, the recover damage, it was more of "the guys with higher damage goes for the item, while the other guy keeps the opponents at bay", while with this item, it's an interesting reversal of the roles, with the addition of your opponents trying to get in the way in hopes of getting hit with the healer. Dunno about you guys, but 90% of my Smash matches with other humans are team matches. And I almost always play with the majority of the items on. So, while I don't think this is the single most amazing item ever, I can see it mixing up the old Smash formula a bit. As for tourneyfags, they can discard three-quarters of these updates, anyways, seeing as they won't be playing with/on them. :3 Just kidding, I love you guys. Not really.
Was wondering about this game, actually, ever since supremespleen tipped me off to it. Nice to hear that it's solid. Also, respect to EA for not being Nintendo. Er, at least in the area of online. I keep looking for a fun shooter on Wii, but CoD3 was not very good, Red Steel was an atrocity and MP3 is in a totally different category, really. So, should I be looking out for MoHH2? (wow, an actually useful post by atma. Ready yourself for the apocalypse.) :3
Yeah, I agree. I wonder how it would have been if the last scene had been the woman and the child just driving off? Kept the argument of the existence of the colony going even out of the theater. I giggled to myself at the Batman-Superman movie. Didn't see the Green Lantern one. Highly doubt it's a hint, just something for comic fans to drool over. Speaking of comic books, the trailer for The Dark Knight made me excited. Looking forward to that interpretation of The Joker.
Saw it last night. I enjoyed it a lot... Probably the most out of all the movies I seen this year. Well, at least in the top five. Surprisingly emotional. I wanted it to be more than just a zombie movie (something emotional), but I really didn't expect it - was pleasantly surprised. I wish the Dark Seekers' gain of intelligence had been played up more. I was glad to see The Family and Matthias from The Omega Man gone, but I would have liked a little brainier monsters. The feeling of an empty city was amazing. I didn't miss the "oh no, dreary apocalyptic city" so much. The images of nature taking back NYC were very compelling. Especially loved the idea of Neville's set schedule and routine. Preparing, hunting, testing, training. Especially a breath of fresh air after every other survival film (be it zombies, vampires, whatever) wherein the characters are mostly running from... Anyway, very good movie. Recommended.
I think he was saying that AC was originally going to be on the 64.
Speaking of UT, I have the Big O theme and AS-Convoy (UT2004) intrinsically linked in my brain. Also, most ChaosUT2 maps and all the Mega Man series OCR mixes up to that time. Dammit. D: Now I want to reinstall HW2 and try this. It sounds so... epic.
Yeah, I guess you're right Drack. I know you know a little bit more about this stuff than I do, but eh. If I can play with friends online in Brawl, it doesn't matter to me if I have to type in a few numbers or whatever. It'll take about five minutes of my time, which in the scale of how long I'll be playing Brawl, is just about infinitesimal. I don't disagree with the fact that it wouldn't be terribly difficult, but I can't just get myself riled up about it. Especially not to atma-levels. Plus, Drack, you never responded to my Georgia Tech request in the Wii thread, so you're not mai freind no moar. I was on campus a few weeks ago, and I was really impressed with it. You like it?
I agree with you on all points, Drack. However, devs have a limited time and budget. Nintendo is spending that time and money on things that make a game: balance, animation, control, etc. They've already had to delay the release once, and see how much flack they've gotten for that. Yeah, it'd be nice to have a great, Live-style online community, but I'd never ever choose that over a solid game. Online capability should never take precedence over the main development. I'd rather see a great game with a tacked-on online system than the alternative. In short, I want Brawl, not Melee Online. Spend more time on characters, levels, music, animations, and balance than Nintendo learning online (and making the necessary mistakes) on such a high-profile game. I want an great online system as much as the next guy (I have a ton of friends online, out of state, with which I'd love to play Brawl) but I don't want to play a mediocre game online.
You go to Georgia Tech? Awesome - I got an acceptance letter from them today. Convince me I should come to your school, sir.