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Everything posted by Effector

  1. Yeah, I don't know what exactly happened in the manga, but I do know the anime hasn't covered everything, like where Mikami dies, and the theory that Near manipulated Mikami using the real Note (because Mikami died in ten days, within the limit of control of the Notes). We'll see what this special says.
  2. I have the first two seasons of RvB on DVD. I kind of lost interest in season 3, where things like "plot" and "scenery" started interfering with my enjoyment of the humor. Still, some good classic jokes in there. In short, even though I'm a former RvB fan, I'm still sad to see them drop it. I guess it eventually had to go.
  3. Well, I mean even on the Wii message board/Internet Channel, you can use the cell phone style for entering text. So I guess (hope) that Sakurai meant that "This time, you can enter it like you would on your cell phone!" Regarding controller usage, yes, everyone who wants to be competitive will use GCN controllers. Still, I can see people who're just playing at home using the 'mote + nunchuck if they never owned a Gamecube.
  4. Really? I had a little of that feeling, but I thought that Matsuda's involvement was one of the more interesting parts. I mean, when Aizawa was suspicious of Light, near the end, Matsuda was still a kind of go-along guy. He still defended Light, IIRC. So when everyone figures out he's really Kira, he's the one who goes apeshit, because it was so much of a shock for him. Even if he was the most easy-going one normally.
  5. Just watched the last episode (fansubbed). I don't really know what to think about it right now. I didn't like it that much - I know a lot of people disliked the ending. Was the ending of the manga the same as that of the anime? EDIT: I was disappointed. I thought I couldn't be, but I was. Add me to the ending-haters. Gotta spoiler tag this: I guess it was just that Light snapped after losing, but really, he had been in tighter positions before. Also, Mikami was generic evil-dark-person to begin with, but in the end, he turned out to be an idiot. The whole Near + Mello > L thing wasn't really true - I could follow L's deductions, but Near's were really deus ex machina. It was like they just needed Near to win without having any real reasoning/plot to back it up. The anime should've stopped at 25, dammit. Even the Yotsuba arc was only good for Porche 911 chase and Watari being a crazy sniper. I never like endings of animes, anyway.
  6. Really? Didn't know you had played Brawl. Nah, just kidding with you. What would this thread be without mindless speculation? Don't answer that.
  7. I think it's a posed picture... Maybe Fox is doing to balancing animation characters do when they're on the edge?
  8. Just poking around on the page... Looking at old updates. Anyone want to guess what he's talking about here?
  9. un41 is quite interesting. Anyone know anything about un19? It sounds really familiar.
  10. Brawl can't change much from Melee? Not sure where you got that idea. So far, if you look at just Sakurai's updates, it looks like all the old characters are exactly the way they were in Melee, save for a graphical update. Moves, animations, etc. all seem to be the same. Sure, that makes it more comfortable for returning players, but with how much creative talent the studio has, is it necessary to basically recycle so much content? Sure, you can say "don't fix what isn't broken", but you never know what you works better than what you already have, if you never test it out. Bah, don't want to make this into another argument. Sakurai and the gang know how to make a good game.
  11. I refuse to read this thread until I watch the fansub of the last episode this week. Spoilers or not. I'm not ruining another anime for myself. So, uh. Carry on.
  12. Which bites. I don't like how the returning characters are (so far) exactly the same as in Melee, down to every animation. The fact that we can pick out which moves they're doing in the still frames depresses me. Melee is a great game, but Brawl seems (so far) to just be an expansion on it. I guess one could say the same from SSB to Melee. Isn't going to stop me (and millions of others) from buying Brawl.
  13. Probably the best mental image ever. That's how I feel about being on ED - we're (a little bit) big(ger) time now?
  14. Everyone. Does anyone take ED seriously? They follow the First Commandant of the Internet: "Thou shalt do it for thine lulz." I, for one, got some laughs out of the article.
  15. Yeah, I don't get it either. Gamers protest when the ESRB doesn't do their job properly, but then when they mark a clearly AO games as such they go apeshit anyway. It's not censorship, people. MS, Sony, and Nintendo don't want AO games on their systems. Because the public would try and sue them to smithereens if they did allow AO games on their system (hell, people have tried to do it for some M games, even), they have to protect their own asses.
  16. That's the number of Earth days in a year - I was figuring how many cycles fit in a year. Answer was close to three: hence one third of a Earth year. I'm the one that said that, I think. I started messing around in Prime 1 tonight - I actually never actually found any timestamps used by Chozo, or actually any references to cycles at all, but feel free to correct me.
  17. A lot of assumptions in the conversions, if I understand your reasoning. But you're coming up with answers that seems agreeable. In the right order of magnitude, at least. Interesting about mining Phazon during Metroid 1, at least. EDIT: So, basically, on your logic, a cycle is about a third of a year? (365.25 / 115.74 = 3.1557802) EDIT2: This all begs to ask - on the timecodes, what's 00.000.0? Must have been fairly recent in Metroid lore...
  18. Damn you, I was going to say this in my post. Actually, though, that doesn't make much sense for galactic organizations. Plus, both Chozo (via the Power Suit, at least) and Space Pirates use the cycle system, with agreeing lengths of time (on different planets, no less).
  19. Three cycles = nine months, by Shadowolf's reckoning. That doesn't make much sense then. Booted up Prime just now to check. (Seems like SW has got MP2 under control). Under Pirate scans, they said that modifications to change Ridley into Meta Ridley took a full cycle. Also, the SPs want to "rise to dominance in this sector within the deca-cycle". Sounds more like a year than a month to me. EDIT: Also, the SPs said they could implement beam weaponry within 3 cycles.
  20. It's had one for a while, but whatever. Yeah, I think 8 hours per millicycle sounds about right - The GF troops had been dead for several millicycles, seems feasible that Samus could have gotten there that quickly. As for decacycles... It would make more sense if they were decicycles (tenth of a year, rather than decades), but who knows how long the war had been going on. EDIT: Wasn't there some reference to cycles in MP1? Something about feeding Space Pirates feeding Metroids, or changing shifts or something... I'm pretty sure they said straight cycles, too, which doesn't make any sense with what we've assumed. The orders of magnitude seem way off for the expected length of time - maybe we're looking into it too hard. Would the devs really do that math for that kind of stuff (and keep it consistant)?
  21. Hey, wow, someone else actually thought about this for more than two seconds. I guess the cycle of a year makes more sense here than the cycle of a day. But we really can't assume they're Earth years, can we? I don't ever remember Earth being mentioned in Metroid.
  22. Right, this is what Bungie is doing with Halo 3. It takes far less space and power to just store the actions and positions of the characters than recording a video of the animations. I mean, look at racing games, even down to Mario Kart - those are procedurally (is that the term I want here) generated, not a video recording, per say. Seems feasible, and I think I'd rather enjoy it.
  23. So much win in this post.
  24. EVERYONE! This is the most important thing in your lives right now. Read, and discuss. EDIT: I'm assuming GI = Game Informer. Right or wrong?
  25. I second this. I wanna see more Final Smashes. Snake's could be calling in a Metal Gear for missile rape?
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