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Everything posted by Dark_T_Zeratul

  1. Listening to the track in the archive, it sounds like Tower of Bad Dreams might have been an earlier version of Tower of Nightmares. So unless someone else can find evidence linking it to OCR, I'm going to assume that was the case and replace it with the one from VG Mix. Thanks Rexy!
  2. Got a bit of an odd request here. I've been going through my OCR collection and updating tags (mostly adding in "track" numbers since several of them were missing it), and I came across an unusual remix that I can't locate. Now, in most cases when I have a remix downloaded but it isn't on the site, it's because it's been removed - the change log has been very helpful with identifying these. In this case, however, it doesn't appear in the log as a removed track. The remix in question is a Chrono Cross remix called "Tower of Bad Dreams," with Blue Magic as the tagged artist. The other tags indicate that it's from 2004 and the album is parsed as http://www.ocremix.org (newer tags omit the www. from the URL). My first thought was that maybe I'd downloaded it elsewhere and it had gotten mis-tagged somehow. So I googled it, and came up with exactly one hit: a remix listed on the soundtrack page of Chrono Compendium. And when I downloaded that, it had the same tags as I did, including the OCR album listing. Does anyone have, or know where I can find, any more information on this track? If it was originally on OCR and somehow skipped in the change log, I'd like to at least add in its original number. And if it wasn't, I need to sort it into a different folder and properly tag it.
  3. You shoudl check out the Remixing With the Stars competition; it's more or less what you're describing, and it looks like the plan was to start it back up once the SFRG finished: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/41263-remixing-with-the-stars-season-3-episode-7/
  4. Is there a download link for said killer collab?
  5. Oh, well, blame Darke then.
  6. Closed about ten hours ago, sorry.Don't feel too bad, though, I missed it too. Been a busy week.
  7. EDT is Eastern Daylight Time, GMT-4.
  8. Never give up! Never surrender!
  9. Also, listening to the tracks... God DAMN, Prophecy. Make more of that thing!
  10. Darke - What font did you use on the badges?
  11. By the way, if someone could provide me with a midi of Optic Sunflower's theme I (and Xarnax42) would be very appreciative.
  12. Alright, I think I tweaked it enough so that the city stands out a bit more without looking too purple. I guess in the end it'll be up to what Darke prefers, though. Ultimately, adjusting the colors is the easy part. Any thoughts on the other elements?
  13. I was kind of thinking that too; the problem is finding that sweet spot where the orange is high-contrast without just being yellow. I'll play around with it a bit more and see if I can nail it once all the details are set.I also had the same thought about the city backgrounds not necessarily fitting, but just for the sake of argument here's an example (which actually kind of works, I think):
  14. Alright, here's a new version of my sig idea, attempting to match the visual scheme: And for what a Zero one would look like: Any comments or critiques let me know; once they're good, I'll set to work churning out a full set.
  15. Thanks for the clarification!
  16. Right, are you working on a consistent style for people who want to make badges, or are you just making the badges? Because the original post said the former, but now it kind of sounds like the latter, and I just wanted some clarification.
  17. So are you doing the badges, or do you just mean ideas for a visual theme?
  18. A bit late, but there's a reason for that: Basche was originally going to be the main character, until someone (probably higher-up than the designers themselves) decided that the young, pretty-boy character archetype would resonate more strongly with Japanese audiences and made them change it.
  19. So does that mean there's an art style for those who want to make sigs? Or do we still have to wait?
  20. Neblix, is this the same track you submitted for the GRMRB, or has it been tweaked since then?
  21. I got a cool idea for sigs, so I whipped up a test one to see what everyone thinks: I still need to add the comp name (or possibly logo, if someone comes up with one), and maybe make the staff a bit more dynamic, but I figured it's good for a concept piece (there also may be some tweaks depending on if there's an X and Zero bracket again, [or, perhaps, something different, like Vile and Sigma brackets?]). If you guys like it, I can make more this weekend.
  22. I'm also looking forward to Mr. L vs. Prohpetik - Blizzard Buffalo vs. Blizzard Wolfang.
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