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Everything posted by Dark_T_Zeratul

  1. Probably Malaysia, yeah. What was the the translation like on that one, by the way? Or was it in Mandarin?
  2. It's been out in Asia and the Philippines for a little while now, but from what I understand neither of those clients can be played outside their respective IP ranges. We're also doing a whole new translation for the North American version (localization is where most of our bugs are from), which should fix most of the Engrish problems (and if the translation we're starting from is any indication, it's pretty bad Engrish).
  3. Heh, nope, but I can't change it. Oh well. As far as customization, there's a good screenshot on the Philippine site that shows it off quite well: http://perfectworld.levelupgames.ph/images/community/downloads/screenshots/FaceLegolas_1024.jpg
  4. In this case, it's through a large list of various in-game items (different mounts, inventory extensions, etc.) that are available for actual purchase. I haven't fiddled around with them yet, and there are only ten of us here so I don't know how much of an effect they have on the game, but I'm still having fun without them.
  5. I'll bring up your concerns with my boss, but I honestly suspect it's unrelated. EDIT: Forgot to mention it earlier, but the character customization options are extremely broad.
  6. Well, the graphics and scope are certainly better than any other free MMO I've played. Classes are a little limited, true, but I didn't find that to be too much of a detraction.
  7. So I got a job last week doing QA for the North American version of a Chinese MMO called Perfect World. And... Well, it's actually pretty fun. Free download, no monthly fee... There's a massive list of items to buy though. It's a bit grindy, but overall I'm enjoying it, and it blows the hell out of all the other free games out there. My boss isn't sure when the planned release date is, but the closed beta starts in about a month and he says most people who sign up will probably get in.
  8. I voted, and am taking at least ten characters to point this fact out.
  9. I keep trying to get my dad to give it a shot, but he keeps turning me down.
  10. Voted! Some nice pieces this time. I picked out my top three easily, but had a more difficult time deciding how to order them.
  11. Get three pigs. Put signs on them numbering "1," "2," and "4." Set them free in the halls and see how long they search for number 3.
  12. I got mine from Amazon.
  13. You should totally use the theme from Zak McKrakken and the Alien Mindbenders.
  14. Your sig makes me glad I have Adblock.
  15. The name sounded really familiar, so I had to check my music folder to make sure I didn't somehow already have it. Turns out there's a Final Doom OCR called Clairvoyant ELEGY.
  16. My mp3 player is Soundwave.
  17. It was like Doki Doki Panic in that it was not originally created as Alundra 2. Unlike Doki Doki Panic, though, it was neither retooled to fit as Alundra 2, nor is it anything resembling fun.
  18. Alundra was a freaking AWESOME game, and woefully underplayed. Unfortunately, the "sequel"* was a great big steaming pile of crap. *It was developed as a completely different game in Japan, then released in the US as Alundra 2 in some misguided attempt to sell more copies. I don't think it worked.
  19. What did it say during the credits? I could barely hear it because the voice was so faint it was mostly drowned out by both the music and my air conditioner.
  20. Oh, that thing? Pfft. That hardly counts as multiplayer.
  21. I didn't know there was a multiplayer option in Corruption.
  22. I think the moving of the Competitions forum has hit PRC pretty hard.
  23. My computer's name is Vector Sigma. My hard drives are Optimus Prime (320GB SATA drive) and Kup (80GB PATA drive).
  24. Mood =/= Barebones plot.
  25. I generally just pick my download servers at random, but I think it's only recently that Aplus has gone down.
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