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Yellow 13

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Everything posted by Yellow 13

  1. Hmm it appears that Wespip's efforts aren't futile after all
  2. I must have missed that one
  3. Games of fun-ness abounds... And fuck all of you who called me old
  4. Speaking of which, I have no problems hosting music files and download speeds from my host are excellent and it's normally your max downloading speed. I'm only going to hosting like 4 for the time being. Each are roughly between 70 - 100mb. I hope that doesn't make too big a difference Nope, sounds fine, I don't mind how much you toss on there as long as it doesn't occupy too much CPU time and since it would just be direct downloads I am assuming from static pages or none at all, that shouldn't be a problem as well. Great! Just PM me when you have an idea when this is all to take place
  5. Speaking of which, I have no problems hosting music files and download speeds from my host are excellent and it's normally your max downloading speed. I'm only going to hosting like 4 for the time being. Each are roughly between 70 - 100mb. I hope that doesn't make too big a difference
  6. Just in time, I was hoping to find someone to host my trance sets until I find a good host of my own.
  7. I don't see what's so great about FF12. I played it at a friends house a couple hours ago and got bored of playing it after a half hour You're broken. And yeah, WII. I'd say it's being pre-occupied with work and counter strike.
  8. I don't see what's so great about FF12. I played it at a friends house a couple hours ago and got bored of playing it after a half hour
  9. Yeah, I need to get on myself, but I've been busy lately, and it's gonna get worse this coming month. A couple people quit so I have to work some overtime (which is both good and bad). So don't expect to see much of me these next few weeks, or at least not too late.
  10. Pwnt...somehow. I just felt like saying it
  11. I've been addicted to Okami as of late. Sorry all ;.; Play tomorrow-night you lazy bastard <3
  12. I've been playing a lot the past couple of days, and no one except for Fang has been on . I had some fun games with him though so I'm not complaining too much. Hopefully we can all get together for another Halo night sometime in the near future. I normally have Fridays and Sundays off, so if anyone would like to do something those days, I'd be willing to play.
  13. Well, I was having fun until my dad pulled the plug on my internet connection after apparently booting him from one of HIS games he was playing... ... the fucker . I was on before him too. Anyways, had some fun anyway despite the lag on my end.
  14. Wespip's alter-ego
  15. Sorry for the long absence, my computer decided not to accept the firmware update and crashed big-time, frying the logic board. But it's back from the Apple service center with the firmware properly installed and I now have both OSX and Windows XP up and running on my computer As far as my absence from Halo, I've just been really busy the last couple weeks. And if my network adapter weren't acting up at the moment, I would play right now. But it would also appear that no one is on right now. Anyway, I have tomorrow off, so I might play until about 6:00 then I'm going to a friend's house to study Japanese. And I will probably end up playing Saturday night or Sunday if I'm not too busy.
  16. How..is that heresy? I meant to say mutiney...STFU
  17. I played a few sniper matches by myself last night... some were fun, others not. I plan on playing shortly, I even have a rather large Corona for the occasion too . so please join me if possible. And as I hardly see Deej Valen on Halo 2 anymore, I declare heresey! I should have been overlord since I'm on a lot more nowadays
  18. Yeah.... I was that third guy. Jerk. Hey, it sucked, but it was STILL kind of funny and we won anyway
  19. Funny, 'cause I'm leaving as of tomorrow for just over a week. OMG COINCIDENCE. So tonight'll be the last time I'll be on 'til at LEAST the 13th. But, I'ma be on in a few minutes, so I'll send the invite once I go on. Lol, until the networks boots us off anyways , god that sucked. I wasn't doing all that great anyway.
  20. While I didn't lose my job, I AM out of work... (Wespip knows what I'm talking about) So as far as next week goes, I'm free for a majority of the day, Although that's really nothing to celebrate about.
  21. WAY TO SPELL, NO-SPELL. I stand corrected... ...........douchebag. Heh. On an unrelated note, my dad's gone this week, so I'm more likely to be online, as I prefer playing with Surround, and it's hard to restrict the volume with him in the house. SO, if anyone wants to play, hit me up on MSN. cruelangel01@hotmail.comTEAMOCR [minus the obvious bit, JUST IN CASE SPAM IS EXTRA RETARDED] would be my MSN dealie, for anyone who doesn't know. I usually get home ~12:30am or so from work [CST] and sign in basically right once I'm home. So..yep. Cool. Is this all weekend? Because my parents are leaving this coming sunday for Alaska and I have full reign of the house (Meaning I can be up as late and as noisy as I want). Count me in! .........Just make sure you follow through with it
  22. WAY TO SPELL, NO-SPELL. I stand corrected... ...........douchebag.
  23. Had some fun with Darkflame, Icy Guy, Darkflame's friend and a few others. But towards the end we got put up against assholes galore and to top off the final game, a bunch of fucked up cheaters. But it wasn't all bad, and it made for a funny moment the first game I played. Deimos's finest moment in halo history... a triple betrayal Now, before you go calling me a douchebag (Edited because Wespip is also one for telling me I spelled it wrong when he has spelling errors of his own from time to time) for killing off nearly my entire team, here's how it started. We were playing a 4 on 4 match in midship and I was facing the opposite team so I chucked a plasma grenade to stir them up a little. But when I threw it, the grenade didn't appear to go anywhere until I noticed I had stuck Darkflame by accident. So it killed me and him instantly, but I was not aware of the third person standing next to me either. So what was heard was a "BETRAYAL!...BETRAYAL!...SUICIDE!" and as punishment, I recieved a satanic 32 SECOND respawn count. Luckily everyone else in the team thought it was pretty damn funny and took it in good humor. You guys are awesome
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