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  1. So it begins, there is my own personal saga taking place and if your really interested check out http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48894 for the details Soooo in the post I basically just said I was going to be hitting the workshop hard and well here it is the first of a ,not too, long of a list of tracks that I've been mixing for the event. It's bouncy, its simple and its pokemon...what more does one need? What I need is feedback in the form of 1) would you groove to it? 2) is there anything that is going to get rotten fruit throw at me? (screeching sounds, clashing tones, wrong notes?) 3) what can be improved?...that is all really. The count down begins and I look forward to spending much time polishing my craft here for the next month or so. Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/poke-center Original-
  2. Another one for you - but a movie theme this time around. I've always loved Basil Poledouris and his music for Conan the Barbarian is iconic. Here is my go at his epic 'Anvil of Crom'. I arranged this one in 11/8 meter. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/anvil-of-crom-metal-remix
  3. I really wanted to do a song where the focus was having fun with synths. Lots of knob turning and glitchy noisey goodness. VIDEO HERE: http://youtu.be/vlTz3MCVg6k
  4. Hey, YoungProdigy here. I recently composed "The Final Stage". This song was inspired by the music in the classic Mega Man games. It could probably fit as a Wily stage theme. You can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/youngprodigymusic/young-prodigy-the-final-stage As always; critique is welcome.
  5. I have been learning how to play electric guitar in the last month, so i decided to give it a shot at this wonderful track, what do you think?
  6. This is an orchestrated remix of one of the most emotionally moving songs in Final Fantasy VIII: Compression of Time. https://soundcloud.com/dj-exias/shattered-hopes-across-time
  7. This was done as a request, though I've never played the game myself. https://soundcloud.com/dj-exias/akbal-resonance
  8. Hey guys. This has the VS screen, title track, Sabrewolf theme and Cinder themes. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/killer-instinct
  9. hey everyone check out my own rendition of this great song, I use Mixcraft mix with EWQL Colossus free download https://soundcloud.com/louiejr2988/kiss-me-goodbye-cover video: plus I this song live here is link plus free download https://soundcloud.com/louiejr2988/kiss-me-goodbye-mp3 original :
  10. What up!! My band has our new record out that mixes punk rock with nostalgic chiptune! Contains a super fun Super Mario Kart remix! ya!! Go listen & download here! https://fishhook.bandcamp.com/
  11. Not different enough to submit it to the site, but i had a ton of fun making this: What do you think :3?
  12. Maaaaaaaan, has this been fun to work on. 5/4 and 6/4 time signatures were a little tricky, but getting those drums was incredibly satisfying. I also had a lot of fun with the ambient beginning and the radio/lo-fi sound of a reworking of the basic drumline from the original. Gonna finish this up as soon as possible!
  13. I've been working on a new remix, let me know what you think: EDIT: Updated version as of 3/26/15: https://soundcloud.com/sauraen/at-the-bottom-of-twilight-6 Sources: Chrono Trigger - (Yasunori Mitsuda)Zelda: Twilight Princess - , , , Main Theme B Section [credits version] (Koji Kondo, Toru Minegishi, Asuka Ota)I am planning to include some sound design at the beginning and end--"night" ambience at the beginning, and "morning" ambience at the end. But I don't really know how to do this (and of course it's secondary to the actual arrangement).
  14. Many years ago, the first verse and chorus of this song popped into my head. I sang it to myself for over a decade before finally finishing it. I don't use any Final Fantasy samples, but I did create a "chocobo call" in a software synth to get the wark/kweh sound. Anyway, I had a bit of fun with it, and I hope you do to.
  15. Attempting to evoke a wandering soul. Thoughts appreciated! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/company-of-shadows
  16. Hope you guys enjoy! Cheers http://youtu.be/BEMKWzOWRro
  17. Not sure what the actual japanese title is since it seems to be refered to as Pain of the Universe as well as Pain the Universe. Original:
  18. Just finished this one up and about to sub it, but I thought I'd share it here anyway. If anyone has any thoughts and/or criticisms, feel free to let me know! This is a remix of all the tunes present in Stage 3 of Super Castlevania IV. I'd started this one along with 2 others in an attempt to make a 5 track album of the first 5 stages (part 1 of 3, covering the whole game), but I didn't like the direction the other tracks were going and decided to can them and re-approach the album a bit later. I thought this one was too cool to pass up though, so I've been finishing it up over the last couple weeks, and here it is. Let me know what you think A lot of the cool synths (particularly the phased bass layer) are GMS. I know I've said it before, but IT'S FREE with FL 11, and it's really powerful for a default synth. If you've got any questions about the synthesis, don't hesitate to ask! RIPPLES (Stage 3 remix) Sources:
  19. I've been making electronic for a while which I'd say is pretty similar. I played this wonderful game by the name of "Shovel Knight" (I'm sure some of you know it). It had some really enjoyable music, some of the best chip tunes I have ever heard. I gave some old school game music a try through the night - had pretty good crack at it. Here it is! Do critique! https://soundcloud.com/benbottle/two-chiptunes
  20. I always thought that this one could be much heavier and beefier. I'm considering re-recording the whole Quake II soundtrack like this. https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/march-of-the-stroggs
  21. Here is something I just recently finished. I used 'Intermission' and 'Stage 1' from Altered Beast to create a bit of a black metal/80's metal mash-up. Hope you guys enjoy! Again, if any strangeness, please let me know what you hear and what you were listening on. (Headphones, PC speakers, home stereo, laptop speakers, etc.) https://soundcloud.com/the-doom-1/rise-from-your-grave
  22. This song is the sheee-it. Love it. Had to get it out of my system. https://soundcloud.com/anonfemme/disorder-of-life-public-image-ltd-cover
  23. Here's the latest, hope you enjoy! http://youtu.be/9ajxaUCMnmM
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