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  1. I'm not normally a fan of this type of music, but Eddy Wata has some damn catchy tunes. I'll be honest, I have no clue what this song is about. Here's the original My remix. http://tindeck.com/listen/xspr Nothing too crazy here, I thought it was a fun song though. Tell me what you think! C4C too, so if you leave a link to your song I'll be sure to check it out.
  2. Posted this today to celebrate that my facebook fan pages has over 200 fans, because the weather is gorgeous, and because I just kinda felt like it. All acoustic, I hope you enjoy. Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Youtube: MP3: Level 99 – Gliding on a Silver Lining Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36BThV-1A0o
  3. Reggae Inspired R&B Beat: http://www.AfterTouchBeatz.com (6th beat on the page) Started it this morning and everything just started to fall into place, diggin how it came out; what do you think of it?
  4. Futuristic reggaeton beat I made earlier today: http://www.AfterTouchBeatz.com (Should Be The 3rd Beat On The Page) Has an interesting space feel to it that I'm into; what do you think of it?
  5. Hip Hop Remix To A Song From The Original Metroid Video Game: MP3 Player SoundClick It's pretty simple, just took the 8bit loop and laced it with some drums and cut into a simple song form. The beat is really simple but since its got that nice compound time vibe to it, if the artist can really deliver a nice solid flow to it, then I picture the rhythm his vocals would need to be to add that final touch the beat needs (I picture the vocals coming in double time with a nice swing. What do you think of it?
  6. Here's a short cue I recently completed for an upcoming Facebook game called "DudeQuest". This track is for a lab environment, kind of like a knock-off of Professor Oak but more twisted and illegal experiment-y. http://soundcloud.com/omni-psyence/dudequest-the-lab
  7. Make sure to watch in HD, there's a huge difference. Pretty simple concept with simple execution, though I think the results are very nice. This piece is usually known for its melody and driving bass line, but I was attracted to the quartet that is the foundation for the whole thing. A nice canon with some simple but satisfying counter point.
  8. Hey! Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!? http://reuniverse.org (170+ FREE tracks!) -.------------------------------------------------------------ Yay! Made it on time! Yay! We have a new friend! His name is Joakim a.k.a Polluted Mind! His debut is "The Odd"! It's Probably Electronic! Find out for yourself! Joakim and myself come from the same hole in the ground. So at this point we have THREE people from my town, namely Vaxjo, Sweden. Welcome him or .. don.t.. hrm. Stay tuned for more Polluted Goodness. Maybe even a co-write? Who knows!? ENJOY! direct download: http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/176%20-%20Polluted%20Mind%20-%20The%20Odd.mp3 ENJOY
  9. http://soundcloud.com/eilios/rusticussion To quote: "Rustic Discussion. Get it? This is inspired by SNES/PSX era RPG music, and is supposed to represent a low level town theme. I hope y'all enjoy this one!". If you liked it, please comment and tell why! If you didn't, please tell why also. It'll help me improve as a musician.
  10. http://tindeck.com/listen/imlx <-- Version 16(Bonus Stage) http://tindeck.com/listen/jbve <--Version 8(Final) http://tindeck.com/listen/fcbz <--Version 4 http://tindeck.com/listen/mttb <-- Version 2 http://tindeck.com/listen/tdiw <-- Version 1 http://tindeck.com/listen/ybzu <-- Version 0.5 No, this is not nearly finished! The finished version will be twice as long! This is a WiP so y'all can see how this is progressing, and friends who know I've been working on this don't go absolutely insane from the wait. Please comment on it, even if your comment is negative! =D
  11. hey everybody noticed there weren't many (1...) Sonic 3D Blast mixes, so i decided to bang this one this morning. it's a mix of Panic Puppet Zone and it's called Puppet Panic Zone. go head and hate it. mix: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1186 source:
  12. Brand new beat that has a sort of space club drake style with a vocoder hook called "Aww Yeah": http://www.AfterTouchBeatz.com (Should Be 2nd Beat On The Page) Still trying to step-up my low-end game and my variation and I think I did pretty good on this one, what do you think of it?
  13. Brand new beat inspired by Sega Genesis: http://www.AfterTouchBeatz.com (4th beat on the page) Has a sort of funky vibe to it, a bit different than most stuff, what do you think of it?
  14. Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/xufj Source: Metal Gear Solid 1 spoilers ahead, fair warning. Here's sort of an old one, I was sitting at the piano, late at night in somewhat of a melancholy state, when I suddenly was stricken with memories of (in my opinion) one of the most heartwrenching moments in video game history - the death of Sniper Wolf at the hands of Snake, and Otakon's grief-stricken reaction immediately after as he watches the love of his life die in front of him. "I want to ask you. Do you think love can bloom even on a battlefield? " This line was my inspiration for this piece. I started playing and this came out. This improv was a pretty emotional one for me, I ended up using a lot of powerful chords and ended with a more cinematic style that's pretty out of character for someone who usually performs ambient, easy-listening material. I guess I just got caught up in the moment As usual, I just recorded this in one straight take without much/any planning and with no editing afterward. Raw and dirty with performance mistakes left intact. It's not very technically proficient (I've only been playing piano for a few years) but I hope you can appreciate the performance and the significance of the inspiration nonetheless. I think I still have the project file, so if enough people think it's worth my time and can give me some specific critiques, I might be able to polish this one up. I doubt it's OCR quality but I'd love to get other opinions on if they'd like to see this kind of thing submitted. Cheers!
  15. Hello, the last few days I've been eagerly working on a new track, based on a beat I posted some time ago here, too. ->Greenhouse<- Click here and please tell me what you think about it. I know the structure is... really simple and the mixing is probably quite improvable, so I first and foremost wonder about the sounds and the atmosphere? Thanks for any feedback there
  16. Throughout making this I wanted to see what people would think of it. The song itself has been done for over 3 months but I haven't been on in a while; and would greatly appreciate anyone to listen and comment. http://tindeck.com/listen/zooy p.s. tindeck may lower the actual quality of the song
  17. Wouldn't really call this one a remix per se - but I did have fun just making a simple beat for you to hopefully enjoy. Game Over remix-Revenge of Shinobi(soundcloud)
  18. One of my all time favorite uematsu songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdq_grQqMls
  19. I'm to cover the entire CV3 soundtrack on piano....eventually with full quality but I'm starting with youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7xHdC9y_rc
  20. Just for fun. Probably too short and underdeveloped for OCR, and not a perfect performance, but enjoy it for what it is. Remix: Source:
  21. This is the video for a track on my labels mixtape. i thought i would post it up and see what yall think about it.
  22. This is my first upload to OC Remix. Tell me what you think! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/414064 If you wish to see any of my other music, check out my Newgrounds page. http://ichigochamploo.newgrounds.com/
  23. Wow, guys, I'm such a noob X( I'm assuming there's no way for me to delete my work-in-progress thread for this remix, nor can I change it to the 'mod-review' status. . . so I decided to just make a new thread, I guess. . . If you could please just delete my work in progress thread (the one that says "Run Away" Remix) I'd be delighted. Sorry about that. X) Anyway, here's a solo piano remix I started making a LONG while ago with FL studio, and picked up again just recently; this is the result. Please tell me what you think: http://tindeck.com/listen/uizz And here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51IYbIU18cc Thank you much ) -TGH
  24. Hi there! Long time ago (2 years) i started this remix, i was called them in first time a - "Wind Scene", really name of this composition of Yasunori Mitsuda was a "Yearnings of Light". This is final version of that my remix. Please get the feedback on them http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21672809/MrRK_-_Yearnings_of_%20the_Wind_ReMIX.mp3 Thank You!
  25. "Industrial Intrusion" http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/413303 is a more frantic-sounding version of my first original song "Industrial Ruins" http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/378759 "Industrial Intrusion" is only my third original song so far. What do you think of it? If you ask me, this tune would be good for a boss battle, an escape sequence or other such things in a video game. Hope you enjoy this track!
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