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  1. Hey guys! So I remixed Stickerbrush Symphony a while ago (totally unoriginal choice, I know =P). So give it a listen and posting any thought is appreciated. http://www.sirxemic.com/symphony_x.mp3 All I need to know basically is whether no changes or only small changes can make this OC-Remix worthy or not. If I need to totally reconsider some parts, then I'll just leave this song as it is and won't submit it. Cheers!
  2. Gah! Feels good to get some music out! If I didn't have work, I could play forever! This is a new nes style song I've done, some of it is for part of my work but otherwise I just went and had fun doing this. Anyway enjoy http://8bitcollective.com/music/RoeTaKa/Jive+Ninjas!/
  3. So, in the past days I've made a bit of a remix of the song "The Man With The Machine Gun" from the game Final Fantasy VIII (8 for morons ) and I just decided I'd post it here for the hell of it. This wasn't really a serious project, just a remix I made cause I was bored. Don't be afraid to give me your opinions about it, I'm not real uptight about criticism and shit. http://soundcloud.com/general-gilliam/trigger-happy-laguna
  4. Hello! I have done a song, entitled "An Xbox Live Romance", about a burgeoning relationship over the Xbox Live network.. its a bit silly, perhaps you might like it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4l9Jl6ByVs or the mp3 is available free here if you prefer: www.flat29.com/xbox Thanks! Let me know what you think!
  5. Mnemosyne brings you another Hardcore Track. This track plays around with the genre a little bit, but its still some awesome hardcore action! Sweet leads, piano, vocal chopping, breakdown. We've also included a little Rave interlude. Definitely sweet! Download 320kbps Mp3 Here: http://www.djsbx.com/NewMusic/-Higher-.mp3 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzocMT9a500 Enjoy
  6. Hey everyone! I've been working on this for the past week or so, and I must say I'm pretty proud of the result. =) I'm about to submit it and I thought I'd post it here first, just to see if I missed something I should improve. (However, I REALLY hope I didn't since I'm somewhat sick of these melodies after so much work and I'd really just like to move on. =D ) I'm babbling, I'm sorry, it's late where I live. Without further ado, I give you Dragon Wings (Final Fantasy V Medley): http://www.reverbnation.com/jakacibejarchangel It's an orchestral/soundtrackish/epic remix with lots of exotic instruments (shakuhachi, duduk, Irish low whistle, Uilleann pipes ...). The themes I used were Lenna's Theme, Ahead On Our Way and The Dragon Spreads Its Wings. I hope you enjoy the music!
  7. Sort of finished. I just wanted to share this with OCR community, since I really enjoyed writing this and am quite satisfied with the way it turned out. I know I still have a long way to go, but progress is progress. The reason this is sort of finished is because I eventually want to add vocals. Not sure what my chances are of finding a suitable volunteer on OCRemix are, but if you're interested let me know. I'll still be looking elsewhere. As for the song, I wrote it for someone very dear to myself, so it's somewhat emotional (to me anyway ). It's mostly a pop / electronica fusion with a little bit of far east spice to it, so if you're into that kind of thing then, this is your lucky thread inspection. (Oh yeah, I go by "Sleeping Forest" while doing my original works, in case that was confusing.)
  8. We launched the 1.0 design in July '07, and today we release the 1.5 vs 2.0 design. There's just too much to say but no space at all, therefore: 017: Siamey - Time Loss http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/017%20-%20Siamey%20-%20Time%20Loss.mp3 023: SGX - Coactive http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/023%20-%20SGX%20-%20Coactive.mp3 150: GaMeBoX - Apocalypse http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/150%20-%20GaMeBoX%20-%20Apocalypse.mp3 Yes, you heard me! Siamey & SGX have agreed to fill the void left by the two trax we removed a while ago. Yes, you heard me! GaMeBoX RETURNS after a long hiatus! *Applauds* Also, Remember is up again. Don't Get Lost In The Dark!!
  9. been a while since i've posted anything up here... too much project stuff >< remix source
  10. Yes sir. I tried orchestral this time. I didn't deviate too much from the original in terms of phrasing, but I did change some things from the original song, as well as add a string intro. The original song is called "Memories of You" from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EOT/D/S. The remix name is "The Greatest Loss of All." Remix: http://www.remixsite.org/remixes/205-v1-TheGuitahHeroe-The_Greatest_Loss_of_All Source: Please let me know what you think -TGH
  11. Well, I plastered this all over the web and totally didn't post about it here. I've already submitted this song to OCR and will be submitting it shortly to thasauce, but I didn't want the workshop thread to think I didn't love it anymore. Consider this me coming back on Valentines day with a Box-of-ReMix-Chocolates in-hand. (Except Valentines day was last week...so yeah, you get the idea). http://www.tindeck.com/listen/wuau I still believe that the Xenogears project track I worked on, Quickening, was the fastest I've ever done a ReMix (done in less than 24 hours with Avaris). Not that I'm doing it with the mentality of a speedrun, sometimes a song or idea just grabs hold of you and won't let you sleep until you get it out. This is definitely one of those tracks, and it was done between two and three days last week. Despite having such a huge list of things on my to-do and to-ReMix list, I couldn't go on with other tracks really until I got this one out. Cool story, fro'. But yeah, that's about it. Enjoy! It's definitely a lot of fun to drive really fast to.
  12. Hey everyone. This is a remix I recently made of the Cave Story song, Geothermal. Everything was made in FL 9 from scratch. Took me around about one full day and an additional evening to make. It was really fun to do, I love the game. Hope you enjoy!
  13. As other tracks I've posted before, I wouldn't say this is a remix, so let's say it's just a "version". I put the "?" there because I'm not sure if this music actually belongs to the Rainbow Resort world. Here's my version: http://www.mediafire.com/?xjndmkhf2wn Here's my version on YouTube in case you don't want to download the track: And here's the original track: Any comments and questions are welcome.
  14. Did this for the final round of a little music tournament.. Had to take the acapella and make a new tune, 3:30 or under.. Won it BTW.. Hope you enjoy.. http://www.box.net/shared/t3gm3neloz
  15. ^ says all. http://www.mediafire.com/?myjr1xf3wfm Hope you guys dig it.
  16. Well, I've recently downloaded a genesis soundfont and made these. Hope you guys enjoy
  17. We at GoldenEye: Source just released Beta 4 of the game, and will be releasing the entire soundtrack shortly. I had time for three new tracks this time around, which you can check out at my website: http://www.solesignalmusic.com/documents/goldeneye_source_remixes.html New tracks are: "Flight from Arkangel" - Dam/Cradle/Bond remix "Shaken and Stirred" - multiplayer themes remix a Caverns remix.
  18. http://tindeck.com/listen/kfrl -- It's a music thing and it is called 'Starry Sojurn' which is like alliteration so obviously it must be awesome or something. I'm not quite sure why I'm posting this... constructive criticism tends to shatter my fragile self-esteem and make me write angsty poetry. But if you have any to offer, I'll take it anyway.
  19. Here's a chiptune themed techno song I did for a class project on MIDI. I'm really happy with it for something I pretty much did overnight. It's more or less a finished product, but your advice is still welcome.
  20. Just finished recording the newest part, and it's not a bad performance for sight reading. Let me know what you think. http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/album/night-piece
  21. Hi Everybody. It seems to be the place where I can offer you to listen to my ended OST. Actually this OST isn't a real one cause the game related doesn't exist. I just imagined a rockman-like working on Nintendo DS so I could compose a virtual OST using nothing but the Korg DS-10 software to produce it. You can easily listen to all tracks one by one on my blog or download the complete OST for free at http://wonkshop.over-blog.com/categorie-10695319.html Sorry, this is french written but I guess you will find out how to make it. Just ask if needed. Waiting for reading your comments about it.
  22. Hehehehehe, this is a bit of a silly one. The observatory theme rocks- no question. That tune will be stuck in your head for days. So anyways I decided I'd do a jazz mix, but it turned into a sorta pr0nz groove and it made me laugh; don't worry, the SFX is all from Mario. Peach and Rosalina to be exact. OH YEAH! Before you listen remember that I need to record the sax part at some point so the MIDI-esque sax is just temporary! Yay! I'd love feedback, that would be sweet. http://www.mediafire.com/?u0b0i9kcv66rfhu
  23. IT WAS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME http://soundtempest.net/soc/remix/oc-eve-blowuptheasteroids.mp3 heavy FM synthesis in this one
  24. Yo! I thought that couple of Battletoads tunes could sound nice if it's remixed with some dubstep influences. So I decided to test what I can do with these songs. Here is the result: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/battletoadsdubstep.mp3 Heh, just kidding! Had lots of fun with that one, maybe when I have time I do full lenght remix of it too. (atm I have too many wip songs and this song have low priority right now:sad:) Here is the tune I'm working at the moment: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx)v0.6.mp3 a little update: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/wip/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx)v0.62.mp3 --------------------------- Final version 1: http://jarskie.wippiespace.com/mp3/khoal_-_surfing_(battletoads_dubstep_rmx).mp3 --------------------------- Just having fun with that level 3 tune and this is level 5 - surf city. ( original)It still needs massive bassdrop with the melody which is at 00:15-00:29 in that video. It would sound pretty awesome if someone pro like skream made that part. I hope you guys enjoy this as much I did, so give me some comments! bad or good, anything that helps to finish this/these tunes.
  25. (Final)(Mastered) http://soundcloud.com/souliarc/a-cinematic-heaven Removed all previous links for the sake of finality. If anybody actually wants to hear the progression of the song I can make the other tracks available on my SoundCloud account page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newest post) Major update to ReMix: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newer post) Entirely, NEW ReMix (still unfinished): The new website I'm using to host (SoundCloud) seems to lower the volume about 10-15%. Along with not wanting to squash the dynamics during mixing to squeeze out more dB's, the volume overall is typically lower, so make sure you all turn it up to get the full effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (oldest post) Here's a ReMix that I started working on WAAAYY back in the day. It was actually created on an older workstation and the Reason project file is forever gone. My goal is to get your opinions on whether or not you think the ReMix is worth revitalizing. It would be a little bit of a pain seeing as though I'd pretty much have to figure it out all over again based on this file , but if the majority of ya's thinks it has potential, I'll go for it! I do realize the poor quality, but bear with me please and look more towards the arrangement part of it Thanks in advance ladies and gents. Unfinished, abruptly stopped ReMix: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Q3GMCPJQM
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