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  1. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Sonik Azure' Interesting guitar panning here. Guitar's a bit out of tune, but the rest of the stuff sounds good. High quality samples, sequencing is solid. Nice effects on the Rez/Cut. Hmm... this song kind of makes me happy. Yum. Edit: I finished writing this before finishing the song. I really like the ending. It's clever and cute and splicing vinyl noise into a song is almost never a bad thing. Also you gotta love the happy hip-hop feel the whole song has. Nice work. DC
  2. Outrun 'Passing Breeze (Lounge Suite)' This ReMix is great. It's so relaxing. If you've never been into jazzy genres, this will pull you in It's beautifully put together, and just overall really well done. I can't think of anything else to say I just really like this entire mix. Thumbs up to Remorse giving us our (Believe or not) 4th OutRun ReMix. There was another one back when djp was accepting Impulse Tracker (.IT) files, but that's beside the point. Download this mix now
  3. Final Fantasy 6 'Enchanted Esper' This is one hell of an amazing mix, in part because of its length. Yeah, there are some mixes that just shouldn't be very long, but there are some that just scream at you "There should be more here!" This one on the other hand is very complete, covers all the bases and styles possible, and keeps you interested. The guitars to me, sound a bit too harsh, almost grainy. But that is all I can think to mention negatively about this excellent piece of work. Indeed, excellent work Protricity.
  4. Axelay 'Kick My Axe' People, this is one fine remix. There's not much to criticize, and so much to praise - the excellent guitar work, the way the synths are incorporated seamlessly, the well thought out arrangement, the fact that things stay interesting the entire way through.... everything here sounds like it was done by professionals. Remixes like this one don't pop up here to often, so download and enjoy them when they do.
  5. Mega Man 2 'Dr. Wily Haunts Flash Man' Maybe I just like Mega Man music, but I really enjoyed this tune. The guitar playing is neat, something I always like in a tune is a good sounding electric guitar. The synth stuff is okay, nothing new or exciting, a little too quiet maybe even. I like the guitar and drums, but sometimes it's all I can hear. See 3:06 for my example. I always liked Flash Man's theme, and you can hear it here, but it's not distinct enough for my taste. Overall though, a really cool song.
  6. Mega Man X3 'House Hornet' Imagine this: you and your friends are playing a friendly game of D&D, when the party comes across a nest of giant bees. You, as the DM, set the tone of the encounter by looping the song throughout the entire, veeeerrryyy long encounter. Well, at least that's what I did, and you know what? None of the players ever got tired of the song! That alone should be a testament to it's greatness. And if all of that went over your head, this shouldn't: Very highly recommended. (and folks, in the 130+ reviews I've typed up, that's the first time that "very" has snuck in there.)
  7. Mega Man 2 'Wily's Mosh Pit' Heh... thanks for nat banging the hell out of the percussion like I was expecting from the beginning... I can't stand that kind of music! As it is, though, this is well-arranged and well-played, and probably one of my top Mega Man mixes right now. Nice work.
  8. Chrono Cross 'Radical Punks' Punk music is great. Ailsean is great. Chrono Cross is great. Wonderful quality on the guitar. Crisp and clear and full of ass-kicking goodness.
  9. Chrono Cross 'Nikki Learns a Song' First off, I love a nice long remix. I love songs I can get into for several minutes. Not that I don't love short little gems like Music of my Groin, but when a song gives you time to get to know it and hear development, I just love it. This track is no exception. It's got several different personalities that come and go, thrashy, smooth and wild.. a great track by Ailsean.
  10. Metroid 'Metaltroid' It's Ailsean. I shouldn't have to review this for you to already want to download it. While not as refined as some of his other mixes, this hard-edged Metroid track has some great trash moments in it.
  11. Castlevania 'Wickedest Child' Straight up rock remixes are always welcome. The guitar intro of this one reminds me of X Japan. It's wide open and epic sounding. The lead line kicks in and just grinds until the file runs out of bits to kick your ass with. Awesome work.
  12. Punch-Out!! 'Little Mac's Confession' I'll just start by saying this: I'm generally opposed to adding lyrics to instrumental video game music, since I think the music should be able to speak for its self. Nevertheless, this song is VERY well done, and the lyrics add a lot to it (except for the "Punch out!", which I found more than a little cheesy). This is definitely something I would listen to again, so give it a try regardless of your stance on lyrics. And if you like your VG music with lyrics, then there shouldn't be any doubt, should there?
  13. Super Mario Bros. 2 'The DarK Underground' This really ain't my cup of tea. The background chord is really annoying, and it takes far too long to develop (almost three minutes!) And I'm sorry, you can't make a repetitive theme stretch 6 minutes just by adding and subtracting elements! So unfortunately, this mix really doesn't do it for me, and I can't recommend it.
  14. Chrono Trigger 'Time Punk' Very nice remix from jaxx. The only thing holding this back is its length - at 1 minute exactly, I would have liked to hear a lot more. But overall, a welcome addition to the plethora of Zeal mixes.
  15. Castlevania II 'Mini Mayhem' Although I'm not particularly fond of this style of music, I must say this is incredibly well done. It’s really interesting to hear a piece of music produced electronically and then here the same thing reproduced completely with live instruments. One also must applaud the talent that must have gone into producing a mix like this. I can’t say that this would ever be at the top of my favourites list, but there is no doubt in my mind that it’s at the top of somebody’s.
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