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  1. An older mix of mine from 2010. It was a really fun song to arrange, and I really want to update but it's finished because I don't have any of the source files anymore, sadly. https://soundcloud.com/vanityangelfixx/speed-highway-at-dawn-paradise-mix
  2. I'm not really sure what genre this would be... I got inspired by Latin jazz, samba and old school 80s electro. I pretty much sang the entire song in falsetto. I sound like a woman anyway, more so here, lol. https://soundcloud.com/vanityangelfixx/love-in-this-life
  3. Steamrolling groove and guitar solos, in the 90's heavy metal spirit: If you like it, throw us a comment & subscribe on Youtube - new stuff is coming out soon!! -- Hornanvasara / Devil Creations
  4. I thought about posting in the Help/Newbies thread, but this isn't exactly a how-to or anything. It IS made almost entirely with the FL 11 default synth GMS (except for the strings, drums, and choir pad). Seriously, this synth is so versatile and awesome for a default, I've been playing with it ever since I discovered it by poking around the demo project by The Flashbulb. I'd always thought I'd need to buy some high end shit to make something really cool as far as EDM goes, so I thought I'd share this in case anyone else held the same misconception If you have FL 11, it's free! If you're an FL user and don't have 11, the upgrade is free, and then you'll have it! If you're not an FL user, I can't help you </3 GMS!! I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, let me know!
  5. This video/song was made entirely using a Dave Smith Instruments Tempest, which is a six voice analog drum machine. I recorded 6 different tracks worth of Tempest, creating a chill, layered song. I gave myself one big limitation, I used no drum sounds. I wanted to show off the synth side of this incredible machine. I hope you enjoy! http://youtu.be/eKBClYtwbvo
  6. Hi there, my name is Dustin and I am from a small town next to Cologne, Germany. As I read on your info site about contribution I learned that you are constantly interested in new material. Fortunately, I am really into that fantasy stuff myself. I really enjoy composing in different genres, but most of all I like to depict fantasy themes. I am not a professional, I study biochemistry instead. Making music is just a way for me to relax creatively. However, I invest a large part of my scarce leisure time to compose, using mostly a DAW for sequencing plus some software synthesizers and a notation program. For piano solos I take an analogue approach. I am very curious to know what you think of my little tunes. If you just want to have a quick listen, go to my page on Soundcloud: https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=674265 I hope you like some of the pieces, feel free to download them (no need t sign up). Would be great to hear your opinion. Best regards! Dustin
  7. https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/with-all-my-heart My attempt to capture a whimsical, high-adventure feeling with some ups and downs and a bit of heart.
  8. I'm putting up my version of the battle theme for Dragon Warrior 3 on NES. Enjoy.
  9. Here's a version of mute city I made a long time ago. Just putting it up for fun. Enjoy.
  10. Here's a mix of Heart of fire / Stage 5 for the original Castlevania. Enjoy.
  11. Here's a version of stage 2 for the original Castlevania. Enjoy.
  12. This is my first time doing something like this, so any and all feedback is appreciated. This cover sticks pretty much entirely to the original, but I have plans to do other songs with stylistic changes as well. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing your responses.
  13. edit: submitted on 2014-09-19 Here's a rearrangement from the second round of Final Fantasy Crystal Clash competition. It mixes together with .DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/za4vu51xxg99r7y/eino_keskitalo_-_katumus-20140915-fc2.mp3?dl=0 (2014-09-15) Should be finished. -- old -- Stream (older wip): https://soundcloud.com/eino-keskitalo/eino-keskitalo-katumus I think it's nearing completion. Let me know if anything sticks out! Thanks already to all who gave great comments on the compo thread, especially Chimpazilla and Riversound. --Eino
  14. Here's another track for you Sparkster / Rocket Knight fans. Enjoy!
  15. Here's my version of one of my favorite Genesis themes. Hope you like it.
  16. Hey folks, just uploaded this collection of jam sessions on my acoustic guitar. https://soundcloud.com/theartinme/sets/acoustic-sessions
  17. https://soundcloud.com/bitlegs/ecco-the-dolphin-tides-of-time-title-theme-bitlegs-exploring-oceanic-trenches-1 I KNOW WHERE IS THE CAVE
  18. Here's my version of one of my favorite tracks for Mega Man X.
  19. Hey everyone, I just finished a new multitrack recording of a track from SimCity 2000 - in the Playstation port, this track was called 'Serious Sims', but none of the music in the original Mac or PC version had titles. Please have a listen and tell me what you think! If anyone is curious, here's the original track: Cheers!
  20. Original- Remix- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/hail-from-the-present-45-tbp-2 So, This one's going in the queue in the next 5 days, So I need your help. If there is anything that is acting as a lead weight hold this down lemme know. If the mix was DOA lemme know. If you just don't like me and want to hurt my feelings lemme know. Seriously it's very difficult to take art, put it up, hear other artist written critiques about your art, including any technical aspects of the presentation of said art, take said input and revise your art and start the processes over again until it gains.......universal approval, general approval, Vanguard approval? So i guess what Im trying to say is, any input is vital AND Greatly Appreciated, but the hardest part for me is the taking the technical critiques and trying to engineer them to sit comfortably with the artistic inspiration...just a nagging thought that sticks in my head. As always, Thank YOU for your time to read and listen and have a great day!! ONE MORE THING!!!!! There's a mini-story behind this mix here ya go!!!! Oxford University, Suite 1987 Oxford, England Dec 5th, 1936 "Esteemed colleges, I present to you the most peculiar occurrence I can recall in all my years. Approximately 10:31 P.M. I attempted to reach Cairo Relay Station. I felt it best to contact, Dr. Carter and report on our current situation, when as quickly as I have ever seen, an errant sandstorm blew in from the East. Our radio produced nothing but static on frequencies I know to be valid, until I heard the most haunting sounds that, I should think, have ever existed. My immediate reaction was to engage my personal wire recorder and capture these bizarre sounds. The wave like squelching seems to be a warped radio signal, yet I clearly hear a violin and drums that beat with a rhythm I found to be irresistible and drives with a spirt I have not yet encountered in my travels. There seem to be an interaction between a one Jonathan and Claire and a yet unknown female ( who’s voice is like that of a siren to my ears) The strange effects, which I can only deduce are of an electronic origin (which are of no discernible origin, at least no current origin) clip and stutter, twisting the waveform of these fantastical sounds, as if one were fumbling with a tuning knob, which is very apropos, due to the nature of my interaction with this erie encounter, the likes of which may very well change not only how we Egyptologist understand this mysterious place, but our very understand of the past, present and future” Prof. Harker PhD. Esq. MD. Rev. LMNOP
  21. https://soundcloud.com/katherine-allen-12/cover-cascada-glorious I did a pretty short acoustic cover of Glorious, by Cascada.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20cGz_8BVA0 Just finished this today. Made using EWQL Symphonic Orchestra Gold (and like 3 individual notes from EZDrummer Latin Percussion). Enjoy!
  23. Hello! The Hook score has always been near and dear to my heart ever since first seeing the film in theaters back in Christmas 1991. You Are The Pan has always been my favorite track because of it's spine-tingling emotional power (particularly that heart-wrenching solo flute passage). I thought it would be good practice to see if I could capture some of that emotion with the samples I have, as well as for ear training (no sheet music). The programming is far from great, particularly the violin legatos, but I had to stop the tinkering eventually, as I have projects to get on with. Let me know what you think! https://soundcloud.com/kekopro/hook-you-are-the-pan
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