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  1. Hey guy's so I've been doing a couple of jazz studies in the last few days and wanted to at least try my hand at something. I thought why not mix together the video game genre of my work so I came up with this: Mario's Jazventure I'd love to get some feedback on how I'm going about the style of jazz as a whole, are the instruments used in the right way? How do the chords sound? etc.. I've seen quite a few really nice jazz tracks on here and hopefully I can get some great pointers. Cheers!
  2. Current WiP: https://soundcloud.com/mc-final-sigma/take-you-to-the-moon-draft Rukunetsu - instrumental (which you can find here) MC Final Sigma - rapping vocals Hey everybody, MC Final Sigma here experimenting with a new style of rap for me on one of Rukunetsu's excellent beats. The instrumental is a remix of Brenda Lee's 1963 cover of Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon." Since the beat is already totally legit, what I'd really like feedback on is the vocals. In particular: 1) I know next to nothing about vocal mastering, so pointers would be appreciated (I'm using Audacity for this), and 2) Since this is a weird, sort of inhuman delivery, some friends have suggested that it might sound good with a robot voice filter of some sort. Again, I'm not sure how to do that or even what type of robot voice might sound good. Any ideas? Otherwise, general feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!
  3. Dont really know what this qualifies as. but it has some big beat elements and its full of lfo goodness i might split this into two songs. im not really sure how to work with the ending to this. either way, im super proud of the first half. hit me with some critiques anywho. here you go https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/siren
  4. Underground Water Channel Original here Took a while to make this but it isn't close to perfect though, one of my favorite songs from Dark Cloud 2, actually, I don't have one cause it'd be way too hard to choose. https://soundcloud.com/lightslash/dark-chronicle-underground Might be making a dark cloud 2 Album sooner or later when I get better
  5. Story behind the song: A group of friends set out to make an airship (fantasy setting where there are no airships yet). It takes a long time and they make lots of memories along the way and face hardships such as friends leaving and it seeming like an impossible task. This song plays when they fly for the first time in their airship and experience a mix of joy and nostalgia. http://tindeck.com/listen/uhjm
  6. So I've picked Djamm's song called Tausti. Here's my progress so far, do you think I should change anything? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5145312/WIP/weird-o-lympics/Elrinth%20-%200131.%20Farfletched%20Tausti.mp3 The genre I'm trying for is more of an 80s kinda style. I'm taking heavy inspiration from a musician called Farfletched. Here is Djamm's original song: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5145312/WIP/weird-o-lympics/Djamm%20-%20tausti.mp3
  7. My Round 2 entry for the 2013 WCRG. Detrusian Bliss (Needle Man vs Enker) Sources: Heart of Enker
  8. Lately I've really been intrigued by SNES sounds. Super Metroid being one of my favorite styles of this category, I find myself using its Soundfont for compositions. This one, though, is the first that makes exclusive use of Super Metroid instruments, and nothing else. Any thoughts? Still shaping up, but I'd say it's turning out fairly well so far. Still needs a bassline. I do feel that I have yet to grasp that "true SNES" feel - e.g., William Kage - but I'm not entirely sure what I need to do still to capture it.
  9. Hey guys! I made this song intending it to be a battle theme, and it's the first time I've tried to develop a song past a simple melody section haha. I'm fairly new to making music, had to teach myself a lot of the basics and I've done a lot of playing around. I have a fair amount of simple stuff but this is the first song I'd like some actual feedback on since I've worked on it so much. https://soundcloud.com/maxwmusic/at-the-hands-of-the-enemy
  10. One day, while playing one of the best games in the world: EarthBound I discovered a soundtrack that made my heart cry with happiness; my ears never were carressed with such sheer elegancy. I was starving for a remix, but unbeknownst to myself, I was only left with remixes that were only made to make fun of the song. I was baffled by how immature people could be to let such grand potential lay waste to their poor expectations! I cried myself to sleep for a night because of how disgusted I was... Then the next morning, I sat at my computer desk, I then opened up my music program. I began my journey to justify this song after days upon days of diligent composition to reveal to these monsters that desecrated all over this angel's voice what happens when you prove people wrong after working endlessly on your I-told-you-so-project. Then the judgement day finally came! After spending 2/8 of my time going back to "Zombie Paper": to make sure I didn't end up screwing up the original, while making sure I placed every note respectively to reflect off the profound quality and atmosphere "Zombie Paper" offers, I could finally pat my inner genius' on the back for allowing me to compose something worth it enough to pay my existential debt to a track so irrefutably divine!Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you! http://soundcloud.com/insanctuary/running-to-the-store-for-more Zombie Paper - The True Remix: "Running To The Store For More Zombie Paper".
  11. So, I'm a newbie and I happen to find the site via YouTube in searching for Sonic sound effects, and I figured "Eh, why not, I'll post it here and get some feedback." So here I am. With that said, I'm essentially arranging different tracks from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and making it a big mix thing. Right now, it starts off with the Special Stage music and then we hit Angel Island Zone Act 1, and proceeding that is Ice Cap Zone Act 1, which I'm currently working on. But enough chat, let's hit the music. https://soundcloud.com/stickygum32/sonic-test5 Only specific thing I'm looking for comments on is the sound effects from the game sprinkled in there. Keep 'em or ditch 'em? - StickyGum32
  12. I haven't come up with my own name for this remix yet, but anyway... Here ya go! Let me know what you think https://soundcloud.com/that-andy-guy/garage-talk-garage-remix-lol Garage Talk, now with elements of... Garage music. :I
  13. Well, It's bin a while. I'v bin practicing and messing around for a while now, and I'v learned a bit here and there. Figured I may as well start refining a track again. Well, Also I kinda noticed it's bin quite a while. So I figured, I should see how much better I'v gotten over all this time. The track I decided would probably go best was The Amazing Water, From NiGHTS Into Dreams. It's a more relaxing track to make, and the test I had of it didn't seem that bad. So I cleaned it up and all that and released the first version. Err... About four months ago. I decided, I was a bit overdue to actually make a final version. So here I am, and I have the second version. Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/theamazingwaterversion-2 You can check out version one, If you'd like an idea of how it's changed: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/the-amazing-water-wip I didn't add to much in the way of notes and arrangement, It was mainly fine tuning everything to a point I was happy with it. Well, That's all for now. Hope you enjoy it, and of course, Any feedback or critique is welcome. Thanks for reading and listening. -Update- Version 3 is done, so here's the link: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/the-amazing-water-version-3
  14. http://www.sendspace.com/file/91p9w0 <- linksies This is my first attempt at an OCRemix in over a year, and I really have absolutely nothing to say elsewise. It's a mix of On to Grasstown from Cave Story, and it's a bit rough now, but I want feedback anyway. Fire away.
  15. Decided to try something approximating arranging despite my gross inexperience. Any criticism would be greatly appreciated. Arrangement (Soundcloud)
  16. The idea of this song I think is complete but I want to record some sounds again with real instruments (like the guitar), because I composed it on Reason 5 and the sounds are too fake. The title of the song is "Como un día de Lluvia"(Like a rainy day) and it could be used on a water stage, rain stage or some place that is cold i think, that is what the song make me feel. I hope you like it. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/comoundiadelluvia
  17. Not much to say about this so far. Just posting a very early WIP. ^^ It's been fun so far.
  18. Hello again. Today i want to share with you this song that I composed and i want to if this song is a good option for an opening. This isn't finished, maybe the idea, but I need to record everything with real instruments, 'cause I used Reason 5 for this. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/uno
  19. This is a song I'm working on, but I was stuck and do not know how to finish it, if add some more, repeat something, rearrange them or some other modification. I'm Using Reason 5 with a refill of Commodore 64 sounds. https://soundcloud.com/marco_mella/happy-ending-demo-incompleto
  20. https://soundcloud.com/basedesire/evaporate-edit-1/s-B0VkV Hey guys, would love some feedback on the track I am working on. I plan to do more vocal takes, I just took 1 or 2 so I could keep working on the track with the concept down. What do you guys think of this? Constructive feedback appreciated.
  21. Hey Everyone! I decided to share my new Remix of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Main theme. It's Techno/electronic So bear with me. https://soundcloud.com/kairi-sawler/skyrim-blodeuyn-chernobyl I'm interested to hear what people think, I tried to stick near the main theme as much as possible, while adding a catchy piece to it. This isn't off a MIDI, It's all from scratch. SOURCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-_g8NZr1tA Thanks! Can't wait to hear what people think!
  22. Hello everyone, A very, very early and short clip of a new song I am working on - in the style of dubstep, which if you haven't heard before (really?) sounds like a bunch of computers being sick. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/gato-dubstep
  23. Heyo, first time posting in this board. Anyways, was working on this song a week ago or so and got kinda stuck. I didn't really to just forget about it so I was thinking I could post it here and just get some general advice and maybe some ideas. http://snd.sc/16ktYQT
  24. Been writing some hectic stuff with a sort of 'collective' called Mr. Abyss. This is probs my fave song I have written (although I did not play the guitars on this latest mix). Feedback welcome! Or just enjoy (or not, lots of you are into electronic music and this is not that). https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/mr-abyss-the-androecium
  25. Got the Fluid R3 soundfont after seeing Zircon use it to good effect in his stream. I can't mix/EQ/stereo nearly that well, but it's definitely fun to compose with. I wrote this with primarily Fluid R3. I'm at that point in the process where I've been working on it for so long that I can no longer effectively discern what parts of the production need work. Doubtless I'll take another look after I've had a break but I also wanted to post it here. Thoughts welcome.
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